Agenda item



The report before Members set out responses to a consultation for the implantation of traffic calming features with the construction of three speed tables and a new zebra crossing on Western Road, forming part of a wider public realm and pedestrian improvement scheme for Western Road.


The report informed the Committee that following the approval for the construction of the Romford Leisure Centre Development (RLD), it was identified that there would be a significant increase in demand for pedestrians wishing to cross Western Road between the RLD and The Liberty car park.


In order to improve pedestrian safety and cope with expected new pedestrian movements, it was proposed to provide level crossing points and traffic calming in the form of 3 speed tables located at the entrance and exit to the Liberty Shopping Centre car park and the junction of Western Road with Grimshaw Way.


The proposal also included improvement to the footways of Western Road between Mercury Gardens and the pedestrian entrance to The Liberty Shopping Centre. These public realm improvements would complement the RLD and recognise the likely increase in footfall.


The proposal would also provide for fully accessible bus stops on Western Road; a section of high kerb and associated footway adjustments so that passengers could board and alight buses in as near as a step-free and safe way as possible.


Following a consultation, three responses had been received.  One respondent was in favour but felt that more should be done for cyclists as part of the scheme and that pedestrians be given more priority at the Liberty car park entrance. Another resident expressed issues with the bus stop layout which was outside the control of the Council.


The third respondent was received from Sovereign House in favour of the proposal to widen the footway by utilising the unused space fronting its premises. Officers were currently liaising with the landlord and were confident of the acquisition of the area which was approximately 150sq.m. via the use of section 228 of the Highway Act 1990.


The Committee noted officers’ comment on cycling in the area which suggested that unless there was a radical redesign of the Mercury Gardens/ Western Road junction and Mercury Gardens itself, any protected cycling facilities on Western Road would exist as an isolated feature. The scheme sought to provide more priority for pedestrians but Western Road would still be a busy access to the Liberty car park and for bus services in and out of the town centre.


Staff expressed the need to work closely with the contractors on the RLD and as such it was likely that the controlled pedestrian crossing facility element of the scheme would not be installed and fully operational until completion of the RLD.


During the debate a Member suggested that officers consider cutting back the island just before vehicles make a right turn to proceed into the Liberty Car Park. In response officers confirmed to the Committee that they could look at the possibility of tapering the island.


A Member made an observation that the bus stop outside the Leisure Centre site should be reduced for easy manoeuvre of stationary buses. It was clarified to the Committee that there was enough space for vehicles to overtake stationary buses and the intention was to provide a wide footway outside the centre.


Following a brief discussion, it was RESOLVED


1.            To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment that the proposed changes to Western Road be implemented including the tapering of the traffic island;


2.         That it be noted that the estimated cost of £650,000 for implementation would be met by Transport for London through the 2015/16 (£300,000) and 2016/17 (£350,000) Local Implementation Plan allocation for Romford Public Realm Improvements.



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