Agenda item



The report before the Committee detailed responses to a consultation for the provision of fully accessible bus stops on North Road.


The following accessibility improvements have been proposed for various bus stops along North Road as set out in the table:


Drawing Reference


Description of proposals




Havering Green

Outside St Francis Hospice.

27 metre 24 hour bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area





Havering Green

The Green opposite St Francis Hospice.

Bus stop flag to be relocated 41.60 metres north


27 metre 24 hour bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area





Samantha Mews

Opposite 1 Rosherville Villas.

27 metre 24 hour bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area





Dame Tipping School

Party wall of 3/4 Festival Cottages.

19 metre 24 hour bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area





Liberty Cottages

Opposite 5 Liberty Cottages.

Bus stop flag to be relocated 29.90 metres northeast


New uncontrolled crossing point


29 metre 24 hour bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area





Liberty Cottages



Outside 12 Liberty Cottages

Bus stop flag to be relocated 50 metres northeast


29 metre 24 hour bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area




The report informed the Committee that at the close of consultation, five responses had been received as detailed in the report. London TravelWatch and London Buses had indicated support for the proposals. Two residents had objected to the proposals to relocate the northbound stop near the Green about 41.6 metres north stating that there was a limited number of bus movements and lack of northbound passengers waiting at the bus stops in the Village. It had been suggested that if the stop was to be relocated, it should be moved towards the south; towards The Green.


A resident had objected to the proposals outside Beverley Bungalow stating that the bus stop was in a blind spot for cars exiting the premises.


The Committee noted officers’ comments that the current northbound stop near the Village Green was not accessible in its current location; between vehicle accesses.


The second site would require the removal of some of the parking laybys outside Fairlight Villas; equivalent to a parking space and would provide space to retain the bus shelter.


In response to the impact on the conservation area, officers’ had stated that the current stop was also within the conservation area. In terms of visual intrusion, the clearway would be more intrusive than not having a clearway, but without the restriction, the stop would not be fully accessible and would be at risk of becoming blocked by parked vehicles.


The Committee noted officers’ comment that the southbound stop outside Beverley Bungalow had been in place for many years and the proposals sought to make it accessible.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by two members of the public who both spoke against different elements of the scheme.


A resident spoke against the bus stop proposed to be relocated outside Fairlight Villas. The speaker accepted that the bus stop was currently not accessible but questioned the suitability of the proposals. The speaker informed the Committee that residents had suggested a viable alternative for the relocation of the bus stop which should be considered.


A second resident spoke against the proposals for the existing stop outside Beverley Bungalow. The resident was of the view that the stop should be moved north to where there was no properties and that the current stop was close to the one to the south outside St Francis Hospice.


A Member noted that roads in a conservation area should have better road markings. The Member indicated support for the stop to be moved where the residents were suggesting but for the shelter to remain in its current location. The Member raised concerns over the impact on parking near Beverley Bungalow because of difficulties with parking in the village.


Officers confirmed that TFL favoured having the shelter and flag in a single location.


A Member questioned whether a shelter without side screens could be installed to reduce the need for pavement space. Officers confirmed that the narrow footway would bring the shelter roof too close to the road edge.


A Member noted that cars were being parked along the footway which had no road markings and questioned whether the relocation of the bus stop would result in a loss of parking. Officers confirmed that vehicles shouldn’t be parked in this location in any event.


A Member asked if the bus stop proposed for Fairlight Villas could be relocated on land further in from the road forming a village green. Officers advised the Committee that this land was not highway land.


A Member proposed a re-consultation on alternative locations for the bus stop proposed at Fairlight Villas which had general approval.


The Committee agreed that the proposals shown on QO001-OF-A197A should be re-consulted on which would include the residents’ alternative suggestion.


Following the debate it was RESOLVED:


1.            To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment that the bus stop accessibility improvements on North Road set out in the report and shown on the following drawings be implemented;


·            QO001-OF-A196-A

·            QO001-OF-A198-A

·            QO001-OF-A199-A

·            QO001-OF-A200&201-A


2.            To note that the estimated cost of £28,000 for implementation (all sites) would be met by Transport for London through the 2015/16 Local Implementation Plan allocation for Bus Stop Accessibility.


Councillor Best was absent during part of the presentation of the item and did not take part in the vote.



Supporting documents: