Agenda item



The report before the Committee detailed responses to a consultation for the provision of a fully accessible bus stop on Broadway and improvements to an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing point at the western end of Upminster Road South.


The Committee noted that five responses were received with comments outlined in the report.


London Travelwatch and London Buses had expressed support for the proposal while the Metropolitan Police had no comments.


A Member of the Committee made suggestions during the consultation that the footway works at the western end of Upminster Road South would need care because of the impact on the church wall and that the clearway be reduced to benefit Broadway Cars.


Broadway Cars in its response raised the following issues:


      that the restriction on loading/ unloading would have an adverse impact on the safety of loading and unloading outside the office and requested that a facility to enable this be provided,


      that the proposals at the junction of Broadway and Upminster Road South will restrict the turning of large vehicles which will cause congestion and with bus changeovers will cause a restriction on the operation of their business.


London Buses had indicated that it did not wish to remove the current northbound stop as it would create a gap in services. Officers’ had therefore looked to improve the stop in its current location.


The Committee noted that the proposal included the retention of the current restrictions of 39 metre clearway. The general restriction in Broadway was a waiting restriction in operation Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 6.30pm (single yellow line). The existing clearway prohibits stopping by vehicles other than buses and taxis (Hackney carriages). This was not a facility open to the private hire vehicles operated by Broadway Cars.


Officers’ expressed the view that the footway widening at the junction of Upminster Road South and Broadway was considered necessary as pedestrians crossing from south to north would not see drivers approaching from their right and nor would drivers see them as the approach the junction from the east. The dropped kerbs were required as the current layout was not accessible to all.


Officers’ were aware of the condition of the wall to the St Helen & St Giles Churchyard and control measures would be put in place for construction works.


A Member stated that the widening of the footway was a good idea, but stated that there was a need for the realignment to be a curve rather than a build-out as the latter could pose a safety risk. The member stated that the clearway was very long and caused issues for a local mini-cab operator. The Member expressed his support for the footway widening at Upminster Road South, but wanted to ensure protection of a historic church wall.


Officers informed to the committee that the historic church wall would be protected with a method statement for the works agreed in advance with the contractor. Officers confirmed that the footway widening would be a gentle curve and not a build out. Officers advised that the entire length of clearway was needed to accommodate two busses and any reduction in the length of the clearway would reduce accessibility to the stop. .

A Member requested a bus shelter for the stop on the opposite side of the road, in response officers confirmed that a formal request would need to be sent to TfL for a shelter at the stop. Officers agreed to make the request.


A Member was of the view that the road was being narrowed and questioned what would happen if buses stopped opposite each other on alternate sides of the road. In response Officers confirmed that vehicles passing on one side of the road would need to yield. Officers confirmed that the road was around 10 metres wide but a wider footway was required to raise the kerb at the bus stop, whilst maintaining accessible gradients.


Following further questions by members officers confirmed that the proposed clear way was approximately 2 meters longer than the recommended 37 meters minimum recommended standard.


A Member proposed a reduction in the length of the clearway to 37 meters. 


Following the debate it was RESOLVED;


1.    To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment that the bus stop and pedestrian accessibility improvements in Broadway set out in the report and on drawing QO001-OF-A261&261.1-A be implemented with a reduction in the bus clearway to 37 meters; agreement on a method statement to ensure the protection of the historic church wall;

2.    That it be noted that the estimated cost of £8,000 for implementation (all sites) would be met by Transport for London through the 2015/16 Local          Implementation Plan allocation for Bus Stop Accessibility.



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