Agenda item



The report before Members set out responses to a consultation on the proposals to improve the levels of comfort, accessibility and safety for people walking and cycling through the junction of Main Road and Upper Brentwood Road, plus some parking management changes.


The report detailed that as part of the on-going highway investment programme funded through the Transport for London Local Implementation Plan (LIP), the Council periodically undertook corridor studies to examine where changes might be made to traffic management arrangements for all classes of traffic (including people walking, people cycling, bus services and for motor traffic, including freight).


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by two members of the public, one of whom spoke against the parking management changes proposed, the other who spoke in favour of the scheme.


The resident, speaking against the pay-and-display proposals for Farnes Drive and Upper Brentwood Road, informed the Committee that the pay and display provision: was not required as there were no parking issues; would have a detrimental affect on local shops; was not required as the need for parking in the area would reduce with the closure of a local ATM. The speaker stated that there was no evidence the provision was needed and there was no public support for this element of the scheme. The speaker also stated that a similar proposal for the implementation of pay-and-display in the area had been rejected by the Committee last year and nothing had changed to warrant a reversal of this decision.


A resident speaking on behalf of the Havering Cyclists, a group affiliated to the London Cycling Campaign and Sustrans, spoke in favour of the scheme and the safety improvements that it would bring for cyclists.


During the debate Officers confirmed that the provision of the pay and display parking was not a dependency for the wider scheme. Officers confirmed that the extent of the “at any time” parking restrictions could be reduced in line with a request made by Councillor Thompson during the course of the public consultation.


In response to a question by members officers provided further detail and clarification on the proposed road layout including the number of traffic lanes that would remain.


A Member expressed disagreement with the pay-and-display parking proposals but agreed with the remainder of the scheme noting that the road was suitable for a designated cycle lane.


Another Member questioned the need for pay-and-display parking and more parking restrictions on Upper Brentwood Road. Members recognised that the parking requirement would be reduced with the closure of the local bank.


Members discussed the yellow box at the junction asking whether it was needed or could be removed. Officers recognised that there was a driver behaviour issue at the junction. Officers advised that the yellow box was required and its removal would undermine traffic flow through the junction creating greater potential for the junction to be blocked.


A Member sought clarification as to whether or not the pay-and-display was required. In response the Committee was informed that the proposal was incidental to the scheme and staff would be guided by the decision of the Committee.


The Committee considered the extent of the double yellow lines for Upper Brentwood Road and concluded that the lines should extend from house number 614 to 622 and on the south western side of the junction, that the line be for the length of the existing single yellow line only which ended outside 587.


Following the debate it was RESOLVED;


1.            To recommends to the Cabinet Member for Environment that the changes to the junction of Main Road with Upper Brentwood Road be made as set out in the report and shown on the following drawings be implemented;


·       QO016-CON-01A

·       QO016-CON-02A

·       QO016-CON-03A

·       QO016-CON-04A

·       QO016-CON-05A

·       QO016-CON-06A


2.            That with regard to the proposals relating to pay and display parking in Farnes Drive and Upper Brentwood Road; and the “at any time” waiting restrictions in Upper Brentwood Road, to recommend to the Cabinet Member that:


·         the pay and display parking be rejected; and

·         the “at any time” waiting restrictions in Upper Brentwood Road should be extended from house number 614 to 622 and on the south western side of the junction, that the line be for the length of the existing single yellow line only which ended outside 587.


3.         That it be noted that the estimated cost of £180,000 for implementation would be met by TFL through the 2015/16 (£80,000) and 2016/17 (£100,000) Local Implementation Plan allocation for the Main Road/ Upper Brentwood Road Junction.


Councillors Whitney and Best were absent during part of the presentation of the item and did not take part in the vote.


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