Agenda item



The report before Members set out the responses to the proposals to introduce Waiting Restrictions in Hill Grove.


The report informed the Committee that, following a number of complaints from residents regarding access issues within Hill Grove, the proposal was to install a single yellow line operational between 8:30am and 6:30pm Monday to Saturday inclusive, along the even side of Hill Grove, to deter commuter and obstructive parking.


At the close of a public consultation on 27 November, a total of 31 responses had been received; 29 respondents were in favour while 2 residents were against the proposals. A table that summarised these responses was appended to the report.


In officers’ view, installing a waiting restriction along the even side of Hill Grove would ensure the road is accessible at all times most especially for council and emergency services vehicles.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by two members of the public, one of whom spoke against the proposal and the other who spoke in favour of the scheme. A resident speaking against the scheme stated that he had lived in the area for over six years and accepted there was an issue with commuter parking and obstruction of residents’ driveways. The resident also agreed that the proposal would assist emergency and council refuse vehicles to drive through the road. The resident was of the opinion that the proposal would lead to the loss of about half the parking spaces in the road. The resident also stated that a better solution was the provision of parking bays at the top of the road and the introduction of permits to residents. 


A resident who had lived in the area for over two years spoke in favour of the proposals stating that parking in the area had got worse following the introduction of parking restrictions on Mashiters Walk and that majority of the residents of Hill Grove supported the scheme. It was suggested that most of the commuters who parked in the road were bus drivers, Police Officers and people who worked in the Town Centre. It was mentioned that the obstructive parking had affected the collection of refuse in the area for eight consecutive weeks. The Committee was informed that the indiscriminate parking by commuters had also caused damage to cars and the inability of residents to access their driveways.


During the debate a Member was of the opinion that the implementation of the proposal would have a knock on effect in the area displacing commuter parking to other streets. The Member questioned the need for an all-day parking restriction.


Another Member argued that the introduction of parking permits was not the solution to the issues in the area. The Member suggested that if commuter parking was the issue, a one hour parking restriction would resolve the matter.  


A Member sought clarification on the space along the flank wall of house number 121 with a view to the provision of parking bays. In response officers explained that the road was very narrow and could not parking bays; officers also clarified that the primary purpose of the proposal was to deter commuter parking. 


Another Member stated that parking permits would not resolve the access issues in the road and gave their support to the scheme.


Another Member questioned whether the proposal would protect residents as commuters would still be able to park on the unrestricted side of the road.


In response officers confirmed that a wider review of parking in the area was being considered and that the proposed scheme would be monitored.


By a vote of 10 in favour to 0 against with 1 abstention the Committee RESOLVED:


To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment:


a)    the introduction of a waiting restriction on the even side of Hill Grove, operational between the hours of 8:30am and 6:30pm Monday to Saturday; and

b)    that the effect of the scheme be monitored.


To note that the estimated cost of the scheme was £500 and would be funded from the 2015/16 Minor Parking Schemes budget.


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