Agenda item


Report to follow if available


The report before the Committee outlined the responses received to the advertised waiting restrictions for the Appleton Way/ Dorrington Gardens area, and recommends a further course of action.


The schedules for the proposed restrictions were appended to the report as Appendix A.


The summaries of responses received to the advertised proposals, along with staff comments were appended to the report as Appendix B.


The report informed the Committee that from the five responses received, there were no specific objections to the outlined proposals, although there were concerns over the long term parking situation in the area outside what was proposed. As there have been no specific objections to the proposals, it is therefore considered they are generally well received and are needed. The effects of any new restrictions are normally monitored to ensure that further problems are not created.


Following a brief debate the Committee RESOLVED to recommend the following restrictions: 



AbbsCross Gardens, the north, north-west, west sides, implemented to a point opposite the southern building line of no.27.


Appleton Way

(a)       the south-west side, between a point 20 metres west of the western kerb-line of Station Lane and the common rear boundary of Nos. 2 and 4 Woodfield Way;

(b)       the south side, between a point 15 metres east of the eastern kerb-line of Victor Gardens and a point 10 metres west of the western kerb-line of Victor Gardens.


Bruce Avenue

(a)       both sides, between the eastern kerb-line of Sandown Avenue and a point 10 metres east of that kerb-line;

(b)       both sides, between the western kerb-line of Sandown Avenue and a point 10 metres west of that kerb-line.


Dorrington Gardens

(a)       both sides, between the eastern kerb-line of Sandown Avenue and a point 10 metres east of that kerb-line;

(b)       the north side, between the south-western kerb-line of Appleton Way and a point 10 metres west of the western kerb-line of Woodfield Way;

(c)       the south side, between the south-western kerb-line of Appleton Way and the eastern boundary of No. 30 Dorrinton Gardens.


Sandown Avenue

(a)       both sides

(i)        between the northern kerb-line of The Avenue and a point 10 metres north of that kerb-line;

(ii)       between the southern kerb-line of Victor Gardens and a point 10 metres south of that kerb-line;

(b)       the east side

(i)        between a point 10 metres south of the southern kerb-line of Bruce Avenue and a point 10 metres north of the northern kerb-line of Bruce Avenue;

(ii)       between a point 10 metres south of the southern kerb-line of Dorrington Gardens and a point 10 metres north of the northern kerb-line of Dorrington Gardens;

(c)       the west side, between a point 10 metres south of the southern kerb-line of Bruce Avenue and a point 10 metres north of the northern kerb-line of Bruce Avenue.


The Avenue, the north side, between a point 10 metres east of the eastern kerb-line of Sandown Avenue and a point 10 metres west of the western kerb-line of Sandown Avenue.


Victor Approach, both sides, between the south-western kerb-line of Abbs Cross Gardens and a point 15 south-west of that kerb-line.


Victor Gardens

(a)       the west side, between the southern kerb-line of Appleton Way and a point 15 metres south of that kerb-line;

(b)       the east and north sides, between the southern kerb-line of Appleton Way and the common boundary of Nos. 30 and 32 Victor Gardens;

(c)       the south side

(i)        between the western kerb-line of Woodfield Way and a point 10 metres west of that kerb-line;

(ii)       between a point 10 metres east of the eastern kerb-line of Sandown Avenue and a point 10 metres west of the western kerb-line of Sandown Avenue.


Woodfield Way

(a)       both sides, between the northern kerb-line of Dorrington Gardens and a point 10 metres north of that kerb-line;

(b)       the west side, between the southern kerb-line of Victor Gardens and a point 10 metres south of that kerb-line.


Supporting documents: