Agenda item


Report Attached


The Committee considered a report for South End Road and Rainham Road Area. The South Havering Accident Reduction Programme was one of the schemes approved by Transport for London for funding. A feasibility study has recently been carried out to identify safety improvements in the area and zebra crossing, pedestrian refuges, illuminated beacon posts, minor carriageway widening, street lighting improvements, road signs, centre line hatch and slow markings are proposed.


A public consultation had been carried out and this report detailed the finding of the feasibility study, public consultation and recommends safety improvements be considered.


The following safety improvements were proposed and shown on Plan Nos QJ005/1 to QJ005/3.


            South End Road

·           South End Road by Coronation Drive and Maybank Avenue

        (Plan No:QK001/S/1)

-       Pedestrian refuge

-       Minor carriageway widening

-       Slow road markings

-       Removal of existing un-control crossing point

·           South End Road/Wood Lane mini roundabout (Plan No:QKJ001/S/2)

-       Tarmac dome construction (50mm high) as shown

-       Illuminated zebra crossing beacon posts

·           South End Road by Condor Walk  (Plan No:QK001/S/3)

-   ‘Zebra crossing with illuminated beacon posts as shown.

·           South End Road by Ford Lane and Grove Park Road

        (Plan  No:QK001/S/4)

-              Remove existing beacon posts and install yellow globes at the existing lighting posts

·           South End Road between Blacksmith’s Lane and Guysfield Drive.

               (Plan No:QK001/S/5)

-       Centre line hatch and slow road markings as shown.


            Rainham Road

·           Rainham Road by Coniston Way and Wood Lane (Plan No:QK001/R/1)

-       Sharp deviation chevron sign as shown

-       Slow and lane arrow road markings as shown

-       Street lighting improvements

·           Rainham Road between Sowrey Avenue and Bretons Cottages

               (Plan No:QKJ001/R/2)

-       Illuminated zebra crossing beacon posts as shown

-       Upgrading existing street lightings in the area

·           Rainham Road by Stanley Road North  (Plan No:QK001/R/3)

-       ‘Slow road markings as shown

-       Upgrading existing street lighting in the area

·           Rainham Road outside property No. 237 (Plan No:QK001/R/4)

-       Pedestrian refuge

-       Minor carriageway widening

-       Slow road markings

-       Upgrading existing street lighting in the area

·           Rainham Road by Blacksmith’s Lane (Plan No:QK001/R/5)

-       Extend zigzag road markings to assist school crossing patrol.

·           Rainham Road by Cherry Tree Close and Stanhope Road

        (Plan   No:QK001/R/6)

-       Centre line hatch road markings.

·           Rainham Road by Victory Road (Plan No:QK001/R/7)

-       Centre line white studs

-       Re-mark centre line markings

-       Existing traffic island to be removed

·           Rainham Road near Dovers corner (Plan No:QK001/R/8)

                     -   Slow road markings


These proposals would reduce vehicle speeds and minimise accidents in the area. 


Outcome of public consultation


The outcome of the public consultation was summarised in the Appendix of the report.


The report also informed the Committee that the relocation of pedestrian refuge along Rainham Road would be included in the final detail design stage. The mini roundabout, traffic signal and additional traffic calming measures along South End Road were not necessary at present. These proposals could be considered at a later date, if necessary. The accident analysis indicated that thirty one and thirty eight personal injury accidents (PIAs) were recorded along South End Road and Rainham Road respectively. Speed survey showed that vehicle speeds are travelling above the speed limit. The proposed safety improvements would reduce vehicle speeds and subsequently minimise accidents along South End Road and Rainham Road. It is therefore recommended that the proposed safety improvements in the recommendation should be recommended for implementation.


A Member of the Committee enquired if the proposals included measures as a result of fatality at South End Road/ Coronation Drive.

The Principal Engineer informed the Committee that the fatality was under investigation by the Police and had not been through an inquest to reach a coroner’s verdict and as such the matter had not been included.


The Committee RESOLVED:


To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the following safety improvements be implemented as shown on the relevant drawings.


South End Road

(a) Pedestrian refuges, minor carriageway widening, removal of existing un-controlled crossing point and slow road markings along South End Road by Coronation Drive (Drawing No.QK001/S/1)

(b)Tarmac dome  construction, illuminated zebra crossing beacon posts at the South End Road / Wood Lane mini roundabout (Drawing No.QK001/S/2)

(c) Zebra crossing with illuminated beacon posts along South End Road by Condor walk (Drawing No.QK001/S/3)

(d) Remove existing beacon posts and install yellow globes at the existing lighting column along South End Road by Ford Lane (Drawing No.QK001/S/4)

(e) Centre line hatch road markings along South End Road between Blacksmith’s Lane and Guysfield Drive (Drawing No.QK001/S/5)


Rainham Road

(f) Sharp deviation chevron sign, street lighting improvements, slow and lane arrow road markings along Rainham Road by Wood Lane (Drawing No.QK001/R/1)

(g) Illuminated zebra crossing beacon posts and street lighting improvements along Rainham Road between Sowrey Avenue and Bretons Cottages (Drawing No.QK001/R/2)

(h) Street lighting and slow road markings along Rainham Road by Stanley Road North (Drawing No.QK001/R/3)

(i) Following the public consultation results, the proposed pedestrian refuge will be relocated to improve residents’ access along Rainham Road outside property No. 237 (Drawing No.QK001/R/4)

 (j) Extend zigzag road markings to assist school crossing patrol along Rainham Road by Blacksmith’s Lane   (Drawing No.QK001/R/5)

(k) Centre hatch road markings along Rainham Road by Cherry Tree Close and Stanhope Road (Drawing No.QK001/R/6)

(l) Centre line white studs, re-marking centre line and removing traffic island along Rainham Road by Victory Road (Drawing No.QK001/R/7)

(m) Slow road markings along Rainham Road by Dovers Corner

(Drawing No.QK001/R/5)



That, it be noted that the estimated cost of £120,000 would be met from the Transport for London’s (TfL) 2011/12 financial year allocation to Havering for Accident Reduction Programme.


Supporting documents: