Agenda item


Report Attached


The report before the Committee detailed the finding of the feasibility study, public consultation and set out recommendations for the safety improvements outlined in the report to be approved.

Chase Cross Road, Mawney Road and White Hart lane Area – Collier Row Accident Reduction Programme was one of the schemes approved by Transport for London for funding. A feasibility study had recently been carried out to identify safety improvements in the area and zebra crossing upgrade with pedestrian refuges, illuminated beacon posts, wider speed cushions, school keep clear markings changes, carriageways repair, street lighting improvements, and slow markings are proposed.

The following safety improvements were proposed:


            Chase Cross Road

·           Chase Cross Road between Felstead Road and Lawns Way

        (Plan No:QK003/C/1)

-       Upgrading existing zebra crossing

-       Pedestrian refuge as shown

-       Tactile pavings alteration

-       Illuminated Belisha beacon posts

-       Reduced crossing width to accommodate pedestrian refuge

·           Chase Cross Road outside properties 247 and 249

         (Plan No:QK003/C/2)

-       Upgrading existing zebra crossing

-       Pedestrian refuge as shown

-       Tactile pavings

-       Illuminated Belisha beacon posts


            Mawney Road and White Hart Lane

·        Wider speed cushions were proposed along White Hart Lane and Mawney Road as shown on Plan Nos. QK003/W/1 to QK003/W/8.


The following safety measures were proposed in the vicinity of Crownfield Infant and Junior Schools as shown on Plan No. QK003/W/3.

·        Changes to the existing School Keep Clear markings operation time from Monday to Friday, 815am – 0915 am & 3.00pm – 4.15pm to Monday to Friday, 0800-1700.

·        Changes to the existing large radius kerbs to 6metre radius as shown.

·        Repairing existing damaged carriageway and kerbs as shown.  


            Following the Committee approval for a public consultation in April 2011, letters, describing the proposals were delivered to local residents /occupiers, Emergency Services, Bus companies and cycling representatives on the proposals.


            London Buses raised concerns about the bus stop along Chase Cross Road opposite to Lawns Way. Following discussion, London Buses decided to move the bus stop approximately 10metres to the northwest of the road. A resident raised concerns about the pedestrian refuge near Lawns Way which would restrict the carriageway width. Since two pedestrian PIAs occurred at this location, staff considered that the proposed pedestrian refuge would minimise these accidents. It would not cause significant problems at this location. Another resident concerned about the parking conditions in the vicinity of shops and zebra crossing outside No. 247 Chase Cross Road. Parking team would review the parking restrictions at this location.  


            From the public consultation results, the majority of residents along Mawney Road and White Hart Lane were not in favour of wider speed cushions. Although the wider speed cushions would help to reduce vehicle speeds, staff decided to omit the original proposals of wider speed cushions instead the carriageway and footways in the vicinity of speed cushions would be repaired. It was also possible to improve street lighting along these two roads. The proposals of school keep clear time changes, narrow radius kerbs and carriageway/footways repair were necessary to improve safety and parking conditions outside the Crownfield infant and junior schools.


In reply to an enquiry it was clarified to the Committee that there were no proposals to change the existing speed cushions.


The Committee considered the report and without debate, RESOLVED to


1.      Recommends to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the following safety improvements be implemented as shown on the relevant drawings.


Chase Cross Road

(a)   Chase Cross Road between Felstead Road and Lawns Way

        (Plan No:QK003/C/1)

-             Upgrading existing zebra crossing

-             Pedestrian refuge as shown

-             Tactile pavings alteration

-             Illuminated Belisha beacon posts

-             Reduced crossing width to accommodate pedestrian refuge


(b)   Chase Cross Road outside properties 247 and 249

        (Plan No:QK003/C/2)

-             Upgrading existing zebra crossing

-             Pedestrian refuge as shown

-             Tactile pavings

-             Illuminated Belisha beacon posts


Mawney Road and White Hart Lane


(c)   The following safety measures are proposed in the vicinity of Crownfield Infant and Junior Schools as shown on Plan No. QK003/W/3.

-      Changes to the existing School Keep Clear markings operation time from Monday to Friday, 0815 am – 0915 am & 3.00pm – 4.15pm to Monday to Friday, 0800-1700.

-      Changes to the existing large radius kerbs to 6metre radius as shown.

-      Repairing existing damaged carriageway and kerbs as shown.  


(d)   From the public consultation results, the wider speed cushions would be omitted from the original proposals instead the carriageway and footway damages in the vicinity of speed cushions would be repaired along White Hart Lane and Mawney Road. The original wider speed cushion proposals are shown on Plan Nos. QK003/W/1 to QK003/W/8.


2.               That, it be noted that the estimated cost of £100,000 would be met from the Transport for London’s (TfL) 2011/12 financial year allocation to Havering for Accident Reduction Programme.


Supporting documents: