Agenda item



The report before Members set out the responses to the public consultation on the proposals to introduce a residents parking scheme in Mill Park Avenue and Pay & Display parking bays in Mavis Grove and associated waiting restrictions in both roads.


The report informed the Committee that the provision of Pay & Display parking bays in the area was more user friendly and accessible to the public and the introduction of residents parking would deter long term parking and provide more parking for residents living in the area.


The Committee noted that approximately 174 letters were delivered in the area with twenty-five responses received, a 14.4% return. All of the responses were summarised with staff comments in the appendix to the report.


Officers indicated that, from the responses received, it seemed clear that there were parking problems in both these roads, which needed to be addressed. The proposed Pay and Display parking provisions in Mavis Grove would provide parking spaces for the restaurants and businesses in Station Lane and help to reduce shorter term parking in Mill Park Avenue. The proposed residents parking provision would limit the longer term parking in Mill Park Avenue and give residents and their visitors somewhere to park within the restricted period.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a member of the public who was in support of the proposals. The speaker informed the Committee that the introduction of parking charges in the area had led to an associated rise in commuter parking. The speaker described instances of obstructive parking including the regular blocking of driveways. The speaker stated that residents only parking permits were required and that four of the eleven objections to the scheme were all from one local business. 

During a brief debate, a Member sought clarification as to whether business users in the area would benefit from the proposed permits. Members of the Committee were of the view that only residents should be entitled to the permits. Officers confirmed that businesses would not be allowed to apply for the permits.


A Member argued that the introduction of parking permits was not the solution to the issues in the area. The Member suggested that if commuter parking was the issue, a one hour parking restriction would resolve the matter.  


The Committee RESOLVED:


1.            To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment;


(a)          that the proposals shown on the drawing (Ref: TPC481, Mill Park Avenue & Mavis Grove) of the report be implemented;


(b)          the extension of the residents parking scheme to include those residents of No’s 5 to 19, 6 & 8 Mavis Grove; all residents of Mill Park Avenue and No. 25 Ravenscourt Grove;


(c)          the extension of the residents parking scheme in Mill Park Avenue along the side wall of No. 25 Ravenscourt Grove;


(d)          that the effects of any implemented proposals be monitored.


2.            To note that the estimated cost of the scheme was £7000, which would be funded from the capital allocation and the remaining £2000 met from the 2015/16 Minor Parking Schemes Budget.


Councillor Mugglestone was absent during part of the presentation of the Item and did not take part in the vote.


Supporting documents: