Agenda item



The report before Members set out the responses to a consultation for the provision of fully accessible bus stops on Avelon Road, Highfield Road and Gobions Avenue and sought a recommendation that the proposals be implemented.


The report stated that officers had developed these proposals for accessibility improvements for various bus stops as set out in the report.


The Committee noted that 39 letters had been delivered to those potentially affected and in addition key stakeholders were consulted such as London Buses, the emergency services and Ward Councillors. Comments from eight respondents, seven objecting and one in support of various parts of the schemes, were summarised in the appendix of the report.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a member of the public who spoke against the proposals for Avelon Road as shown on drawing QO001-OF-A252-A. Speaking in favour of the bus stop being moved completely from its current location the speaker raised safety concerns over access and egress from his drive way and over the noise, rubbish and anti social behaviour that the bus stop attracted.


A Member commented that he was familiar with the location and had witnessed the issues raised by the speaker. The Member was of the view that the stop should be relocated southward to a location just outside the care home. In response, officers stated the suggestion could be consulted on but it could elicit objections from other residents.


Following the debate, a motion was put forward and seconded to recommend approval of the proposals as set out in the report save for those as outlined on drawing QO001-OF-A252-A which should be rejected to enable further consultation on the location of the bus stop




1.            To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment that the bus stop accessibility improvements on Avelon Road, Highfield Road and Gobions Avenue set out in the report and shown on the following drawings be implemented;


·       QO001-OF-A251-A

·       QO001-OF-A253-A

·       QO001-OF-A254-/2-A (Option 2)

·       QO001-OF-A255-A


2.         To note that the estimated cost of £20,000 for implementation of the proposals (all sites) would be met by Transport for London through the 2015/16 Local         Implementation Plan allocation for Bus Stop Accessibility.



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