Agenda item



The report before Members set out the responses to an informal consultation and the subsequent advertised proposals to extend parking controls into currently unrestricted areas of the Brooklands Ward.


The report stated that officers had developed these parking proposals in conjunction with Ward Councillors with the view that the schemes would better serve the residents and businesses of the area.


The Committee noted that the aim of these proposals were to help improve traffic flow, limit commuter parking and make further parking provisions for parents who drop-off or pick-up their children at Crowlands Primary School.


The Committee noted that approximately 316 letters and plans were delivered to local residents in addition to key stakeholders consulted such as London Buses, Emergency Services and Ward Councillors. Notices were also placed on site detailing the proposals and advertised in the press. At the close of consultation 30 written responses had been received; 10 responses were in favour and 20 against the proposals. 


Members also noted that a petition was received from the Chairman of Romford Mosque which included approximately 306 signatures objecting to the proposals and highlighting the negative impact it would have on worshippers at the Mosque.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a member of the public who was in support of the scheme but sought clarification on the proposed bay parking opposite the restricted parking area. The resident was of the opinion that the bays would lead to insufficient space to manoeuvre for lorries and bigger vehicles.


The Committee was informed that officers had taken into consideration the issues raised by the resident during the consultation and had removed the long term non-resident parking bays from the scheme.


With its agreement Councillor Viddy Persaud addressed the Committee.


Councillor Persaud spoke in support of the proposals stating that Ward Councillors and residents had worked on the schemes and were in favour of the proposals and that the effects of implementation would need to be monitored.


During general debate, a Member sought clarification that there was enough space for a Fire Engine and refuse truck to manoeuvre beside the proposed parking bay in Lessington Avenue.


A Member noted that the proposals had been designed in conjunction with the Ward Councillors and that the scheme did not impact on the footway.


A Member was of the opinion that the solution to parking issues in the area should be in accordance with  the responses received as the Member was of the view that there was no overwhelming support for the proposals.


By a vote of 10 in favour to 1 against the Committee RESOLVED:


  1. To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment that the proposals as shown on the drawings appended to the report be implemented as follows:


(a)  That the proposals in Lonsdale Avenue, be implemented as advertised and the effects of implementation be monitored for a period of 6 months, reporting back to the Committee with any further recommendations;


(b)  That the proposals that the zone should be extended along Lessington Avenue to the end of the existing restrictions at its junction with Derby Avenue be implemented;


(c)  That the proposals in Jubilee Avenue be implemented as advertised and the effects of implementation be monitored for a period of 6 months, officers reporting back to the Committee with any further recommendations


(d)  That the proposals in Derby Avenue be implemented as advertised and the effects of implementation be monitored for a period of 6 months, officers reporting back to this committee with any further recommendations.


(e)  That the proposals in Burlington Avenue be implemented as advertised and the effects of implementation be monitored for a period of 6 months, officers reporting back to the Committee with any further recommendations.


(f)   That the proposals in Astor Avenue be implemented as advertised and the effects of implementation be monitored for a period of 6 months, officers reporting back to the Committee with any further recommendations.


  1. That the effects of these implementation be monitored


  1. It be noted that the estimate cost of £6,000 for implementation would be met from the 2015/16 Minor Parking Schemes budget.



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