Agenda item
To receive oral and written reports from the Primary and Secondary phase representatives and to comment on them or propose action as necessary.
Primary Update
Ms Sutton, provided members with a review of the information contained within three tables concerning the provisional GCSE Results and GCSE entries in 2015, a summary of non-contributing accredited Level 2 RE courses and Level 3 examinations (appended to these minutes).
She followed this by providing a summary of Continuous Personal Development (CPD) activity saying that in late June a practitioner network had looked at the role of RE in developing tolerance which had attracted 26 participants and was considered a success..
Ms Sutton mentioned that the joint agreed syllabus launch with Redbridge in September had been a tremendous success with 92 participants all told. The syllabus was now available to all schools via the Havering Education Service portal and schools had been informed of this. Very positive feedback had been received regarding the launch which, considering the input had been most gratifying.
She stated that at the beginning of October, Hsis had held a follow–up network meeting for primary schools to continue planning and to look in greater depth at specific units. This had been attended by 23 people. The next network meeting – which would be led by RE Today - was scheduled for April 2016 and Hsis (the Havering school improvement service) was yet to confirm the focus for this. In addition, Hsis had also booked a session to look at teaching about Islam with Imran Kotwal in May, as a twilight session.
Ms Sutton then said that she had to report something of a failure with another venture which had been planned. Hsis had purchased a place on the ‘Energising RE’ weekend conference 3-4 October which had been dedicated to looking at exciting and innovative RE teaching. This was to have been attended by a lead practitioner from Engayne Teaching School with a view to the information gained being disseminated along with the ideas and materials to Havering schools in a shorter event.
Unfortunately the person had to drop out and, despite strenuous efforts to find a replacement including promoting it through the bulletin, the Hsis newsletter, teaching school publicity and to those who had previously attended networks as a personal email – even offering a day’s pay and all expenses paid - the Local Authority (LA) was completely unable to interest any other teacher in attending. This was not only very disappointing, but in these days of straitened finances, an expensive loss. A member observed that it was sad, but indicative of the serious increase in work pressures that teachers were expected to cope with.
Ms Sutton concluded her report by informing members that the LA was promoting Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC)/British Values detailed tracking and audits in schools. This included the role of RE within its remit. She added that if any member wanted further information, she was happy to provide it.
Secondary Update
The clerk explained that as Ms Fanning was not present, the Secondary update – and the report concerning national developments – would have to wait until the next meeting. Ms Sutton did remark that in general terms there was not a great-deal happening on the national scene – other than a suggestion that national SACREs could be considered as replacements for the current local SACREs. This was likely to be something for future consideration.
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