Agenda item



The report before the Committee detailed responses to a consultation for the provision of fully accessible bus stops along Stanley Road South, Frederick Road and Lower Mardyke Avenue and sought a recommendation that the proposals be implemented.


The report informed the Committee that improvements to the bus stop environment such as raised kerbs, relayed footway surfaces and providing short footway links to stops would help with making bus stops fully accessible to all people. The introduction of bus stop clearways improved the accessibility of bus stops by providing sufficient space for buses to pull in close to the kerb.


The proposals for accessibility improvements had been developed for various bus stops along stops along Stanley Road South, Frederick Road and Lower Mardyke Avenue as set out in the following table:




Drawing Reference


Description of proposals




Hubert Road


Flank wall of 95 Cherry Tree Lane

Bus stop flag to be relocated 4.10 metres north-west


27metres 24 hour bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area


‘At Any Time’ waiting restrictions at junction with Cherry Tree Lane.





Philip Road


Outside 23

Bus stop flag to be relocated 2.00 metres south-east


31metres 24 hour bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area



            FREDERICK ROAD


Drawing Reference


Description of proposals




Frederick Road

Outside 13-15

Bus stop to be relocated approximately 87.10 metres east by the flank wall of No 2 Karen Close


35 metres 24 hour bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area






Outside No 75

Creation of lay-by approximately 49.20 metres in length


24 hour bus stop clearway


Creation of footway parking outside property numbers 120-128


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area





Drawing Reference


Description of proposals




Lower Mardyke Avenue

Opposite No 53

Bus stop flag to be relocated 2 metres south-west


33 metres 24 hour bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area




The report detailed that at the close of public consultation on 10 Augustthree respondents had commented on the proposals.


London Buses had commented on the proposed relocation of bus stop flags (Drawings QO001-OF-A15-A and QO001-OF-A182-A) and supported the new stop outside 75 Frederick Road (Drawing QO001-OF-A18-B), citing requests from local people for the additional stop.


A resident commented on the proposals outside 23 Stanley Road South (Drawing QO001-OF-A16A), requesting that waiting restrictions be provided at the junction of Stanley Road South and Philip Road to aid bus movements.


A resident objected to the new stop proposed outside 75 Frederick Road (Drawing QO001-OF-A18-B), suggesting that a new stop was not needed and raised issues about the loss of on-street parking, street litter/rubbish and noise.


The report informed the Committee that the issues raised by London Buses would be resolved with an on-site agreement, should the proposals be recommended for implementation.


The Committee noted that the current spacing between stops was about 870 metres which was substantial in bus stop spacing terms. The addition of the new stop would enable more people to be within a reasonable walk of a bus stop.


During general debate, a Member sought clarification about the impact of the proposed stop outside 75 Frederick Road on parking.  Officers clarified where potential parking spaces would be lost and presented the committee with alternative, less favourable, locations for the bus stop. 


A Member suggested that as buses would only stop for a short time at the proposed stop outside 75 Frederick Road, the scheme should be considered without a layby and a shorter clearway. Officers clarified that this was acceptable.


Following proposed motion to accept the scheme with the amendment to remove the proposed layby and install as short a clearway as possible outside 75 Frederick Road.


The Committee RESOLVED:


1.            To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment that the bus stop accessibility improvements on Stanley Road South, Frederick Road and Lower Mardyke Avenue set out in the report and shown on the following drawings be implemented;


·         QO001-OF-A15A

·         QO001-OF-A16A

·         QO001-OF-A17A – (without a layby and a shorter clearway proposed stop outside 75 Frederick Road)

·         QO001-OF-A18B

·         QO001-OF-A182A


2.         Noted that the estimated cost of £26,000 for implementation would be met by Transport for London through the 2015/16 Local Implementation Plan allocation for Bus Stop Accessibility.



Supporting documents: