Agenda and decisions
- Agenda frontsheet
PDF 470 KB
- Agenda reports pack
- SUPPLEMENTARY 1 AGENDA - Comments of Overview and Scrutiny Board attached for response by Cabinet at the meeting
PDF 197 KB
- SUPPLEMENTARY 2 AGENDA ; Library Consultation Cabinet Report – Recommendations to Cabinet
PDF 408 KB
- Printed decisions
PDF 277 KB
Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall
Contact: Bernadette Lynch tel: 01708 434849 e-mail:
No. | Item |
Announcements On behalf of the Chair, there will be an announcement about the arrangements in case of fire or other events that might require the meeting room or building’s evacuation. |
Apologies for absence If any receive;- Decision: No apologies received, full cabinet in attendance.
Disclosures of Interest Members are invited to disclose any interests in any of the items on the agenda at this point of the meeting. Members may still disclose an interest in an item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter. |
To approve as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd January 2025 and to authorise the Chair to sign them. Decision: The minutes of the meetings held on 22nd January 2025, were agreed as a correct record and the Chair signed them. |
HRA Business Plan update, Budget 2025/26 & Capital Programme 2025/26-2029/30. Additional documents: Decision: Cabinet:
1. Approve the Housing Revenue Account Budget as detailed in paragraph 3.5.
2. Agree that the rents chargeable for tenants in general needs Council properties owned by the London Borough of Havering be increased by 2.7% from the week commencing 7th April 2025.
3. Agree that the rents chargeable for tenants in supported housing Council properties, such as sheltered housing and hostels, owned by the London Borough of Havering, are increased by 2.7% from the week commencing 7th April 2025.
4. Noted the full annual rental charge will be billed over 48 weeks of the financial year and to agree the four weeks when rents will not be collected during 2025/26 are: the week commencing of 25th August 2025; 15th December 2025; 22nd December 2025 and the 30th March 2026.
5. Agreed that service charges and heating and hot water charges for 2025/26 are as detailed in section 2.11 to 2.23 of this report.
6. Agreed that charges for garages should be increased by 2.7% in 2025/26 as detailed in section 2.9 of this report.
7. Agreed that the service charge for the provision of intensive housing management support in sheltered housing for 2025/26 shall be as detailed in section 2.24 of this report.
8. Agreed the Supported Housing Charge for HRA Hostels as detailed in section 2.30 of this report.
9. Agreed that the rent charge to shared ownership leaseholders is increased in line with current lease conditions as detailed in paragraph 2.8 of this report.
10.Agreed that the Care-line and Telecare support charge should be increased by 2.7% for 2025/26 as detailed in section 2.28 of this report.
11.Approved the HRA Major Works Capital Programme, detailed in Appendix 1a of this report and refer it to full Council for final ratification.
12.Approved the HRA Capital expenditure and financing for the 12 Estates Joint Venture and other acquisition and regeneration opportunities detailed in section 4.4 – 4.14 and Appendix 1b of this report and refer it to Full Council for final ratification.
2025/26 Budget and 2025-2029 Medium Term Financial Strategy Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet
1. Noted the requirements of Section 106 of the LGA 1992 Act as set out in Section 1 of this report
2. Noted the Medium Term Financial Position and the Budget setting process of the Council as set out in Section 3 of this report
3. Noted the key assumptions and risks to the 2025/26 budget as set out in Appendix A of this report
4. Noted the provisional local government finance settlement outcome as set out in Appendix B of this report;
5. Agreed the savings proposals as set out in Sections 3.15 and Appendix C of this report and of this report.
6. Agreed the proposed Fees and Charges schedule as set out in paragraph 3.16 and Appendix D and for officers to proceed with implementation of the proposed fees and charges, subject to consultation where required.
7. Agreed the proposed 2.99% increase in core Council Tax for 2025/26 as set out in paragraph 3.18;
8. Agreed the proposed additional 2% Council tax increase for the Adult Social Care Precept as set out in paragraph 3.18;
9. Agreed the proposed Council Band D basic amount of Council Tax for 2025/26 of £1823.17 being the amount calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its council tax excluding the GLA precept for the year (as set out in section 3.17 of this report
10. Agreed the proposed Council Tax requirement for 2025/26 to be set at £164.361m as set out Appendix E of the report
11. Agreed the budgets proposed in this report and as set out in Appendix F
12. Noted the outcomes from the Public Consultation response as set out in Appendix G (to follow)
13. Noted the Schools budget and DSG as set out in Section 6 of this report which is presented as a separate paper to this cabinet but is an integral part of the budget process
14. Noted the S25 Statement of Robustness as set out in Appendix H of this report.
15. Agreed the Council Tax Support Scheme for 2025/26 as set out in Appendix I to this report (unchanged from 2024/25).
16. Agreed Council Tax discounts for early payment to be given at a rate of 1.5% as set out in Appendix J of this report.
17. Agreed to direct officers to disregard War Pension income in the assessment of Housing Benefit as detailed in see Section 11 and Appendix J and authorises the Chief Executive to approve any policy required to effect the same.
18. Noted the Equalities Impact Assessment in respect of the Council Tax Support Scheme as set out in Appendix K to this report and the overall Equalities impact assessment for the Council report set out in Appendix L
19. Noted that in the event the Capitalisation Direction is not awarded to the value requested before the emergency Full Council meeting on the 5th March, the Strategic Director of Resources (S151 Officer) will ... view the full decision text for item 6. |
5 Year Capital Programme and Strategy - 2025/26 to 2029/30 Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet
1. Will recommend to Council for consideration and approval the 2025/26 Capital programme of £324m and £1,138m over the full five-year period from 2025/26 to 2029/30.
2. Will recommend to Council for consideration and approval the new capital projects being added to the capital programme for 2025/26 as set out in section 2.3 of this report.
3. Noted any additional capital needs over and above what is specified in the capital programme for the relevant year will require separate business cases and be agreed by the Strategic Director of Resources (S151 Officer), Capital Strategy manager and Council Members as required and appropriate before being agreed by full Council.
4. Noted that the Chief Financial Officer be authorised to allocate funding from the Capital Contingency included within the draft Capital Programme.
5. Noted that externally funded schemes can be added to the capital programme up to £500k as and when funding is confirmed.
6. Approved the capital strategy contained within this report noting its impact on both the capital programme and the financial implications for setting the revenue budget for 2025/26 to 2029/30.
7. Noted the capital prudential indicators included within the capital strategy when approving the capital programme to ensure affordability.
8. Approved the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement (section 9 of this report) which determines the amount of money set aside each year for the repayment of debt
9. Agreed that the Strategic Director of Resources be authorised to re-profile capital budgets mid-year based on the updated forecasts provided by services and reported to the Executive Leadership Team as part of the capital monitoring process. This will assist in producing more accurate information for treasury management purposes |
Treasury Management Strategy Statement (TMSS) and Annual investment Strategy 2025/26 Decision: Cabinet
1. Will recommend to Council for consideration and approval the 2025/26 Treasury Management Strategy Statement & Annual Investment Strategy
2. Will recommend to Council for consideration and approval the revised prudential and treasury indicators set out in Appendix 2 and 3
3. Will recommend to Council for consideration and approval the operational and authorised borrowing limits set out in tables 5 & 6 of appendix 2
4. Noted the impact the capitalisation direction has on the prudential and treasury indicators, increasing the Capital Financing Requirement (CFR) by £396m by 31st March 2028 set out in table 4 of Appendix 2
Bridge Close Regeneration LLP Business Plan Update 2025-26 Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet:
1. Approved the draft Bridge Close Regeneration LLP Business Plan 2025-2026 (the Business Plan) as attached at Appendix B. 2. Agreed the provision of a budget to enable the funding and delivery of the regeneration of Bridge Close as required and detailed within the exempt Financial Implications and Risks section; this budget to be included within the proposed HRA Capital Programme that will be considered by Cabinet in the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan update. 3. Agreed that the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, after consultation with the Strategic Director of Place, the Strategic Director of Resources the and the Deputy Director of Legal and Governance, approve detailed business cases, funding arrangements and legal agreements, respectively, as may be required to deliver the regeneration of Bridge Close as per the Business Plan 2025-2026. 4. Noted that the Strategic Director of Place will continue discussions with the Havering Islamic Community Centre (HICC) with a view to relocating the HICC to a suitable alternative site elsewhere. 5. Noted that the Strategic Director of Place will continue discussions with the London Ambulance Service (LAS) with a view to relocating the LAS to a suitable alternative site elsewhere. 6. Noted that the Strategic Director of Place, in consultation with the Strategic Director of Resources the and the Deputy Director of Legal and Governance, will bring forward a report providing status of the proposed making of the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) for the Bridge Close Regeneration scheme at the appropriate time in the financial year 2025-2026. 7. Authorised the Strategic Director of Place, acting in consultation with the Strategic Director of Resources and the Deputy Director of Legal and Governance, to negotiate, finalise and enter into all necessary legal agreements as may be required, and to do anything incidental to bring into effect the proposed arrangements set out in Recommendations 1-6 inclusive.
Havering Wates Regeneration LLP - In-Year Review of 2023/24 Business Plan Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet
1. Noted The Strategic Director of Place will bring forward a report proposing the use of Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) powers for the Chippenham Road development. This report will detail the necessity of invoking CPO powers to acquire outstanding land interests.
2. Delegated authority for the Strategic Director of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Development and Regeneration, to agree on and thereafter submit, accept and utilise grant funding bids to support the 12 Sites regeneration programme.
3. Approved the revised approach to proceed with a Council-led scheme prioritising the development of Blocks 9, and 10, along with a temporary energy centre, as part of Phase 1 of the Waterloo and Queen Street programme.
4. Delegated authority to the Strategic Director of Place to make variations to any of the joint venture agreements, as necessary, to implement the recommendations contained in this report.
5. Noted that the HWR JV Business Plan document will be presented to Cabinet in Q1 2025/26.
Mercury Land Holdings Business Plan Update 2025/26 Decision: Cabinet
1. Approved the Mercury Land Holdings Limited Business Plan Update (see Exempt Appendix 3).
2. Agreed to delegate authority to the Cabinet Member for Regeneration & Development, in consultation with the S151 Officer, the Strategic Director of Place and the Monitoring Officer, to approve the detailed business cases, related viability assessments and funding requirements for the individual schemes noted within the Business Plan as they may be presented during the business plan period, including the authority to enter into all relevant agreements to give effect to the schemes.
3. Agreed that the previously allocated funding in the July 2023-2026 Business Plan to MLH, up to a maximum of £270.1 million, is reallocated to projects as updated in the Exempt Agenda, through a combination of equity investment and Subsidy Control compliant loans.
4. Noted that the individual schemes are subject to detailed business cases to be approved under delegated authority, as set out in Recommendation 2.
5. Agreed to delegate to the Strategic Director of Resources, in consultation with the Assistant Director of Regeneration and Place Shaping, and the Deputy Director of Legal and Governance, the authority to determine the principles and processes by which any assets shall be disposed of and the terms of disposal to MLH.
Libraries Consultation Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet
1. Considered and noted the results of the Library Strategy consultation;
2. Approved and has adopted the Library Strategy 2024-29 (as attached to this report);
3. Agreed the closure of three branch libraries from 1 April 2025 as set out in this report;
4. Agreed that the three branch libraries are mothballed from 1 April 2025 and delegates to the Strategic Director of Place the authority to use the branch library buildings for any appropriate meanwhile use, provided that any proposals for the disposal or long term use of the branch libraries be brought to a future Cabinet meeting;
5. Agreed that the mitigating actions in section 5 are progressed;
6. Agreed that the budget for book stock is continued as set out in this report.
Decision: Cabinet
1) Noted the update on the Dedicated Schools Grant Funding for 2025-26 in section 1 2) Approved the topslicing of £0.430m from the Schools Block for Growth and Falling Rolls as set out in paragraph 2.4 3) Approved the transfer of £1.290m from the Schools Block to the High Needs Block as set out in paragraph 2.5 4) Approved the use of the national funding factors, a Minimum Funding Guarantee of 0% and capping of 0.85% in the Havering Local Schools Funding Formula 5) Noted the increase in the Early Years Block as a result of the expansion of funded childcare for younger children as set out in section 3 6) Delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Education to approve the rate(s) per hour of childcare in line with approach outlined in section 3 after consultation with providers and schools forum 7) Noted that there are a number of Havering Maintained Schools that are in overall deficit position and that these schools are required to draw up and implement plans to recover this position as set out in section 5 8) Noted the update on the projected deficit on the High Needs Block and the Delivering Better Value Programme as set out in sections 6 and 7 9) Approved an increase in the funding of Special Units in mainstream schools to £30,000 per place from September 2024 as set out in section 8 10)Approved an increase in the base hourly rate of top up payments for additional support in mainstream schools to £19 an hour from September 2024 as set out in section 9