Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall
Contact: Anthony Clements tel: 01708 433065 Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence (if any).
Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Jason Frost, Robby Misir, Viddy Persaud, Tim Ryan and Michael White. |
To sign as a true record the minutes of the Meetings of the Council held on 7 September and 22 September 2022 (attached).
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 7 September and 22 September 2022 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor. |
DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS Members are invited to disclose any interest in any of the items on the agenda at this point of the meeting.
Members may still disclose any interest in an item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter.
Minutes: There were no disclosures of interests. |
ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE MAYOR, BY THE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL OR BY THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE To receive announcements (if any). Minutes: The Mayor gave details of his forthcoming charity events including a quiz night on 24 November, Christmas Carol concert on 19 December, a Turkish meal in February and a Black Tie event in March.
The Leader of the Council recorded his thanks to a number of organisations who had assisted with support to residents affected by the Wennington fires. These included the Police, Fire Brigade, the management team of Tesco Rainham, Harris Academy and the Police cadets. Thanks were also recorded to the Salvation Army, Asda Dagenham and members of the public who set up fundraising pages. The Mayor also recorded his thanks to all colleagues who had assisted with the response to the fires.
PETITIONS Notice of intention to present a petition has been received from Councillors David Taylor, Susan Ospreay, Judith Holt (three petitions) Dilip Patel and Jane Keane.
Minutes: The following petitions were received:
From Councillor Taylor regarding proposed fortnightly bin collections. From Councillor Ospreay requesting speed restrictions in Wennington Village. From Councillor Holt requesting the locking of parks at night. From Councillor Holt requesting resident-only parking in Rossall Close. From Councillor Holt requesting resident-only parking in King Edward Road, Hearn Road and Alexandra Road. From Councillor Dilip Patel regarding speed limits in Lynley Crescent. From Councillor Keane regarding speeding on the Romford Ring Road. |
VICE-CHAIR OF LICENSING COMMITTEE To consider motions regarding the appointment of the Vice-Chair of Licensing Committee.
Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group
That Councillor Philippa Crowder be elected Vice-Chair of the Licensing Committee. Minutes: Councillor Philippa Crowder was elected as Vice-Chair of the Licensing Committee, without division.
That Councillor Philippa Crowder be elected Vice-Chair of the Licensing Committee. |
TARGET OPERATING MODEL Additional documents: Minutes: A report of Cabinet put forward proposals for a realignment and consolidation of the Council’s organisational structure to reduce the number of separate and distinct Departments, to coordinate complementary services with clear synergies, to enable effective delivery of the Council’s key priorities as well as build on the changes and learning from responding to the Covid-19 pandemic and create a modern, dynamic and flexible organisation to meet the challenges of the future.
The report was AGREED by 32 votes to 17 with 1 abstention (see division 1) and it was RESOLVED:
That the report be adopted and its recommendations carried into effect.
2022/23 TREASURY MANAGEMENT MID-YEAR REPORT NOTE: The deadline for amendments is to reports published with the final agenda is midnight, Monday 21 November 2022.
Report of Audit Committee attached. Additional documents: Minutes: A report of Audit Committee gave details of Treasury Management investments and borrowings and the associated monitoring and control of risk. The report was presented to Council as required under the Treasury Management Code of the Chartered Institute for Public Finance and Accountancy.
The report was AGREED without division and it was RESOLVED:
That the Treasury Management Activities to August 2022, as detailed in the report, be noted. |
ALLOCATION OF SEATS ON THE COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL Report of Chief Executive attached. Minutes: A report of the Chief Executive proposed a revised allocation of seats on the Committees of the Council. This was to reflect the recent changing of Groups by three Members. The report was AGREED without division and it was RESOLVED:
That the seat allocation for political balance as shown in appendix A of the report be adopted.
EXEMPTIONS FROM CALL-IN DECISIONS Report of Chief Executive attached. Minutes: A report of the Chief Executive listed the recent Key Decisions to which an exemption from the call-in process had been granted. This was as required by the Constitution under paragraph 18e of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules.
The report was AGREED without division and it was RESOLVED:
That the report be noted.
APPOINTMENTS TO OUTSIDE BODIES Report of Governance Committee attached. Minutes: A report of the Governance Committee proposed nominations of Members to several Outside Bodies for which vacancies needed to be filled urgently.
The report was AGREED without division and it was RESOLVED:
That Councillors Jacqueline McArdle and Laurance Garrard be appointed to the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) for the forthcoming Municipal Year.
That Councillor Jacqueline McArdle be appointed to the Wennington Community Liaison Committee until May 2026.
That Councillor Keith Prince be appointed to the Durham Estate Tenants’ Association. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Fifteen questions were asked and responded to at the meeting. A summary, including of the supplementary questions and answers given is attached as appendix 1 to these minutes. |
WEEKLY BIN COLLECTIONS Attached. Minutes: BIN COLLECTION SERVICE Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group This Council supports weekly bin collection and agrees that Cabinet should commit to retaining a weekly bin collection service, with plans for containerisation to be put to the public in a fully costed consultation. Amendment on behalf of the Havering Residents Association Group Council agrees that this Administration will carefully consider responses from residents in the current budget consultation and changes to the Council’s financial position, together with any changes from the Environment Bill, before taking any final decision on the Integrated Waste Contract first proposed under the previous Administration.
Following debate, the amendment by the Havering Residents Association Group was AGREED by 30 votes to 16 with 2 abstentions (see division 2) and AGREED as the substantive motion by 31 votes to 16 with 1 abstention (see division 3).
Council agrees that this Administration will carefully consider responses from residents in the current budget consultation and changes to the Council’s financial position, together with any changes from the Environment Bill, before taking any final decision on the Integrated Waste Contract first proposed under the previous Administration.
Minutes: The record of voting decisions is attached as appendix 2 to these minutes. |