Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Main Road, Romford RM1 3BD

Contact: Taiwo Adeoye - 01708 433079  Email:


No. Item



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Members may still disclose any interest in an item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter.


There were no disclosures of interest.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 278 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 12 August 2021 and to authorise the Chairman to sign them.



The minutes of the meeting held on 12 August 2021 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman



Report attached


The Committee received a developer presentation for the redevelopment of Abercrombie House from Nick Gaskell - Hawkins Brown; Paula Friar – Hawkins Brown; Veronika Lebedeva – LB Havering Regeneration; Katri Wilson – LB Havering Assistant Director, Supported Housing; Jacqui Fogarty – Partner, Calfordseaden and Laurence Brooker – Turley.


Members raised the following issues:


·       There was concern that the playspace is not sufficient and further details should be provided

·       Concern over the security of children in the accommodation – this should be addressed in the application

·       Concern that temporary should not mean inferior in terms of the standard of accommodation

·       Assurance is needed as the adequacy of the unit and room sizes

·       There is a need to ensure that there are adequate facilities for laundry including equipment and space for ironing of clothes

·       Need to ensure adequate facilities and space for cooking and dining

·       Request confirmation on average length of stay for residents

·       Ensure that all the QRP comments are picked up and addressed

·       The relationship between the medical centre and the courtyard needs more consideration. Need further information as to whether the medical facilities and the hostel use, particularly the courtyard can work next to one another.

·       More information is required as to the nature of the medical centre, what functions it would have and who it would serve

·       Should try not to rely on off-site provision for play space

·       Would wish to ensure adequate provision of CCTV monitoring of the premises including the play areas

·       Would wish to see improvements to the access and carriageway surrounding the site



P0284.21 - BEAM PARK PHASE 2A UPLIFT pdf icon PDF 756 KB

Report attached.


The report before the Committee detailed an application to ‘Drop in’ full planning application for the redevelopment of Block Y (formerly Plot 16) and Block I within Phase 2A of the wider Beam Park Masterplan Permission Ref: P1125.19 to provide for 190 residential units (minimum 59% affordable) within a residential block (Block Y) comprising of part 4, part 5, part 8 and part 10-storeys, and a residential block (Block I) comprising of part 4, part 5 and part 8-storeys, along with associated open space; landscaping; flood compensation area; car and cycle parking and highway works.


The Committee considered the report and it was RESOLVED that planning permission be DEFERRED to allow the applicant/GLA to put forward the “no Beam Park station” scenario including outline of alternative mitigation measures in regard to parking provision and increase in unit numbers.



P0290.20 - DOVER'S CORNER NEW ROAD pdf icon PDF 397 KB

Report attached.


The report before the Committee detailed an application that related to the development site to the south west of the Dovers Corner roundabout on the A1306 (New Road). The Section 73 application sought to vary the wording of Condition 44 of Planning Permission Reference P0922.15 that was granted consent on 16 October 2017 for the demolition of existing structures and the phased redevelopment to provide 394 residential dwellings.


With its agreement Councillor David Durant addressed the Committee.


The Committee considered the report and RESOLVED to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to Deed of Variation to S106.


The vote for the resolution to grant planning permission was carried by 6 votes to 2 abstention.


Councillors Hawthorn and Whitney abstained from voting.




Report attached.


The report before the Committee detailed an application for the erection of 2/3 storey 87 bedroom and suites care home for the frail elderly (Class C2 use) with ancillary and communal accommodation together with ancillary and communal accommodation, together with associated landscaping, access arrangements, car and cycle parking, servicing, refuse and recycling.

The application was brought forward in order to facilitate the New City College’s future Masterplan proposals.


With its agreement Councillor Roger Ramsey and Bob Perry addressed the Committee.


The Committee considered the report and RESOLVED to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION with additional condition/legal agreement clause to ensure that the replacement parking facilities for the college are provided prior to the development taking place and subject to Deed of Variation to S106.


The vote for the resolution to grant planning permission was carried by 5 votes to 1 against with 2 abstention.


Councillor Hawthorn voted against the motion.


Councillors Whitney and Williamson abstained from voting.