Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Virtual Meeting

Contact: Bernadette Lynch on 01708 434849  Email:


No. Item



Apologies received from Councillor Paul Middleton


Apologies received from Councillor Paul Middleton.


Disclosure of Interests

If any, receive.


There were no disclosure of interests.


Minutes from Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 191 KB

To agree as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 28th April 2023 (attached) and to authorise the Chair to sign them.


The minutes of the meeting held on 28th April 2023, were agreed as a correct record and the Chair agreed to sign them.



Programme Update pdf icon PDF 563 KB


Future of oneSource – Programme Update


The report was introduced by Conrad Hall – Corporate Director Resources (LBN), Dave McNamara, Director of Finance (Interim) & S151 Officer


At the last Joint Committee on 28th April, it was asked to note the decisions taken by the London Boroughs of Newham and Havering cabinets of 4th & 12th April respectively to return a number of services to each borough, and retain a small number of services within one source.


The Joint Committee was also provided with the next steps in the delivery of the programme. This report provides an update on the progress with the delivery of the programme, and the next steps.


Reconciliations return to boroughs; the section 151 officer gave a commitment that reconciliations would be returned by end of December 2023.


A meeting will be arranged for the Mayor, Leader and both Chief Executives to discuss and present an action plan to the November meeting.


The Joint Committee noted the:

a. progress with the delivery of the programme;

b. next steps in the delivery of the programme.




Finance Update pdf icon PDF 276 KB


oneSource Finance Update


Report was presented by Dave McNamara, Director of Finance (Interim), S151 Officer


The 2022/23-year end outturn position across the shared and non-shared areas was £3.5m (an improvement of £0.9m on the period 11 forecast of £4.4m overspend).


As part of 23/24 budget setting £0.388m of savings were removed from the oneSource budgets and £5.217m of growth was allocated. The 2023/24 period 2 forecasted overspend is £5.2m


Agreed to add an action plan/update at each meeting regarding savings and overspend


Agreed have a Star chamber meeting for oneSource to aid the production of a budget for coming year


The joint committee noted:


1.     the 2022/23 outturn position and its improvement from period 11

2.     the updated 2023/24 budget

3.     2023/24 period 2 forecast



Governance Update pdf icon PDF 236 KB


oneSource – amendment to the joint committee agreement and scheme of delegations


The report was presented by Conrad Hall, Corporate Director Resources (LBN)


1.     As the various services within oneSource are to be returned to the sovereign control of the London Boroughs of Havering (“LBH”) and Newham (“LBN”), it is important that the joint committee (“JC”) is sighted on the necessary changes to the governance of, and management reporting lines within, oneSource.

2.     This report provides information to the JC on those matters and details the changes envisaged to the underlying legal documentation.

3.     This report also details a proposal to dissolve the limited company incorporated around the time of the creation of the JC, but which has never been used.

4.     The proposed changes are to be noted by the JC.

5.     The authority to agree and enact the required changes have already been taken by LBH and LBN by way of Executive decisions dated 12 April 2023 and 4th April 2023 respectively.


Members asked that an item on the future of Legal Services is brought to next Joint Committee in November


The joint committee noted:


1.     the proposed changes to the joint committee agreement and the ancillary scheme of delegations of functions;

2.     the revised organisational structure chart as appended to this report; and

3.     the proposed dissolution of OneSource Partnerships Ltd (company number 08986114).


Update on the transition of oneSource IT services (Presentation) pdf icon PDF 308 KB


oneSource IT Update 


The update was presented by Dave McNamara, Director of Finance (Interim), S151 Officer


This report covers the progress of IT transition up to 21st July 2023. A jointly agreed ICT separation model is now being followed by a detailed road map for the return of IT to each borough. The IT programme includes the internal restructure of IT (as part of IT stabilisation), prior to the return of IT to each borough.


A copy of the ‘road map’ will be circulated to the committee members.


A workshop to be held with key stakeholders from both boroughs to review and confirm direction of travel for IT.


The joint committee noted:


1.     the progress made on the transition and stabilisation programmes for ICT;

2.     the appointment of Third Value Impact (TVI) to support the transition programme;

3.     Procurement Strategy to be presented to members in October for their consideration;

