Agenda and minutes
Contact: Nick Carter - 01708 433884 Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS OR OBSERVERS Minutes: Apologies were received for the absence of Emma Allen (Terry Hudson substituting), Denise Broom, Georgina Delmonte (David Denchfield substituting), Vicki Fackler, Neil Frost, Gary Haines, Kate Ridely-Moy, Emma Reynolds (Joanne Ademoye substituting), and Keith Williams. |
ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR To elect a Chair and Vice Chair until the first meeting of the autumn term 2021. Minutes: The Forum voted unanimously for Keith Williams to take the Chair until the first meeting of the autumn term 2022.
The Forum voted unanimously for Kirsten Cooper to take the Vice-Chair until the first meeting of the autumn term 2022. |
TO AGREE THE NOTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 17 JUNE 2021 PDF 210 KB To agree the notes of the meeting held on 17June 2021 as a correct and accurate record. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Forum requested that, in Item 5, the figure of £701m be corrected to £701k. |
MATTERS ARISING Minutes: There were no matters arising. |
HIGH NEEDS FUNDING FORECAST AND FUNDING REVIEW PDF 157 KB Report attached. Minutes: The Forum was presented with a forecast of expenditure against the High Needs budget.
Members noted a projected in year deficit of £3million for 2021-22 and a projected cumulative deficit of £5.7million at the end of the financial year. It was explained to the Forum that representations had been made to the DfE about the level of funding received by the Local Authority for High Needs but that the level of funding remained insufficient.
The Forum noted the report.
Members agreed to the establishment of a Task and Finish Group to examine four areas of High Needs funding. Representatives would be drawn from the membership of the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Executive Board and Schools Funding Forum. |
SCHOOLS FUNDING 2022-23 PDF 413 KB Report attached. Minutes: The Forum was presented with Havering’s indicative Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Schools Block allocation for the 2022-23 financial year.
Members noted a 4.16% cash rise in the total allocation. This equated to 2.78% rise per pupil.
Members noted the National Funding Formula (NFF) factor values for 2022-23 and that most factors had risen by around 3%.The Local Authority could set a Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) of between 0.5% and 2.0%.
The Forum were advised that options for allocation of the Schools Block and the level of MFG would be brought to the next meeting.
The Forum noted the report and agreed that the NFF rates should again be applied when calculating schools’ funding for 2022-23. |
HIGH NEEDS FUNDING 2022-23 PDF 232 KB Report attached. Minutes: The Forum was presented with Havering’s indicative DSG High Needs Block allocation for the 2022-23 financial year.
Members welcomed the funding increase of 10% (£3.27m) but were advised that this was unlikely to be sufficient to meet costs. Members noted that 2019 Key Stage 2 SATs results had been used in the calculation of LA funding, in the absence of more recent data.
The Forum noted the report. |
CENTRAL SCHOOLS SERVICES BLOCK (CSSB) 2022-23 PDF 225 KB Report attached Minutes: The Forum was presented with Havering’s indicative DSG Central Schools Services Block (CSSB) allocation for the 2022-23 financial year.
The Forum noted that there had been an increase of £1.95 per pupil for on-going responsibilities but that the historical commitments funding was reducing by 20% year on year. Members noted that the charge for copyright licences may change and that the Local Authority (LA) had not been notified of a change until late on in the previous financial year.
Members agreed to the proposed use of the funding put forward by the LA. |
DE-DELEGATION OF FUNDING FOR CENTRAL SERVICES 2022-23 PDF 594 KB Report attached. Minutes: The Forum was presented with a report in which the LA sought agreement from LA maintained schools for the de-delegation of funding for certain services. Agreement was also sought for a contribution towards the cost of statutory services and specific tasks carried out for LA maintained schools but not for academies.
The LA maintained primary school members on the Forum voted unanimously to agree de-delegation for:
(i) Contingency to support schools in financial difficulty (ii) Free school meals eligibility (iii) Insurance (iv) Maternity insurance (v) Trade Union Facility Time
The LA maintained school members on the Forum voted unanimously to agree a contribution towards the cost of statutory services and specific tasks.
The LA maintained primary school members on the Forum agreed that they wanted to consult with their clusters before making a decision on de-delegation for:
(i) Attendance & Behaviour (ii) EAL
EARLY YEARS FUNDING 2021-22 AND 2022-23 PDF 116 KB Report attached. Minutes: The Forum was presented with a proposed process for reviewing Early Years (EY) funding rates for 2021-22 and for setting 2022-23 rates.
Members noted the current funding rates agreed by the Forum in February 2021.
Members noted the report. |
SCHOOLS BUSINESS RATES 2022-23 PDF 207 KB Report attached. Minutes: The Forum was presented with details of changes to the payment procedure for business rates for state-funding schools from 2022-23 onward.
Members welcomed the simplification of the process.
Members noted the report. |
THE NATIONAL FUNDING FORMULA CONSULTATION PDF 551 KB Report attached. Minutes: The Forum was presented with details of the Government’s consultation document ‘Fair school funding for all: completing our reforms to the National Funding Formula’.
Nick Carter took members through each of the proposals and the implications for schools and academies in Havering. A move to a national formula for the allocation of funding for growth and falling rolls was likely to have the greatest impact.
The forum agreed to the consultation responses proposed by the LA with no changes. |
NEXT MEETINGS Future meetings have been arranged as follows:
21 October 2021 2 December 2021 13 January 2021 10 February 2021 16 June 2021
Meetings to start at 8.00 a.m. at CEME rooms 233-235 Minutes: The Forum noted that the next meeting would be held on 21st October 2021 at 8.00am. The meeting will take place at CEME. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: There was no other business raised. |