Agenda and minutes

Schools Funding Forum - Thursday, 25th April, 2013 8.30 am

Venue: CEME, Rainham

Contact: Lorraine Hunter-Brown  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence and announcement of substitute members or observers


To agree the notes of the meeting held on 21 March 2013 pdf icon PDF 83 KB

The notes are attached at Appendix A.


It was noted that the date of the notes of the previous meeting on page one (item 40) of the minutes should read 24 January 2013 rather than as stated. The Forum otherwise approved the notes of the meeting held on 21 March 2013.



Matters Arising


It was clarified that the agreement of secondary head teachers from academies on trade union facility time was for the financial year. Benchmarking data with other Councils on this area would be brought to a future meeting. 




2013-14 Funding Formula Comparative Data pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To note the values applied by Havering to the formula factors in comparison to other LAs.  Appendix B refers.

Additional documents:


The Forum considered comparative data for each of the funding factors, as compared to other Local Authorities. Large gains in the funding of some schools’ funding arising from the application of the new formula had been capped at 2% plus 12.5% of the remaining gain but no school could lose by more than 1.5% per pupil. The position in the current year would inform the formula for 2014/15.  


It was noted that the amount capped reduced under the model over time until a school was on formula. Further modelling would however be undertaken on this area and brought to a future meeting of the Forum. The Forum also noted that a new national funding formula was expected for 2015-16. By 2014-15, both the level of capping and the Minimum Funding Guarantee would reduce as more schools were on formula but there would still be an overall cost of £836,000.


Havering’s unit funding per pupil was approximately £4,000 for primary and £5,500 for secondary against the DFE unit funding to Havering of £4,727.  An increase in the primary roll may therefore increase the funding available. Further work was needed on this. There were currently 15 schools on protection, 41 schools capped and 21 schools unaffected by caps or protection. More schools would be unaffected in the future as they became on formula but this would cost more overall.


As regards comparative data, Havering was midway of 19 other London Local Authorities for number of primary pupils and amount spent. At KS3 however, Havering was ranked 4th on value, 6th for number of pupils, 4th on expenditure and 2nd for proportion of funding. It was suggested the Forum could therefore consider moving some of this funding to other factors. Havering was also second highest for its proportion of funding at KS4.


As regards deprivation factors, Havering was ranked midway for free school meals. and for the total spend on deprivation as a proportion of funding.


Looked After Children was not currently used as a factor by Havering although it was in other boroughs and some modelling would be done on this. Havering was below average at primary level for SEN factors based on attainment but ranked midway of the 19 Local Authorities at secondary level. Bexley used a very high allocation per pupil for this factor and officers could try and obtain information from Bexley on the outcomes of this expenditure. 


Havering was ranked low for use of English as an additional language and midway on the mobility factor. The retained growth figure for primary expansion was relatively low but this was likely to rise in 2014/15 and modelling would be undertaken on this. Further models and options for making the formula more realistic would be brought to a future meeting of the Forum.


The Forum thanked David Allen for his work on this area and noted the presentation.




Section 251 Budget Statement 2013-14 pdf icon PDF 38 KB

To receive the Section 251 Budget Statement for 2013-14.  Appendix C refers.


The Forum was advised that the Local Authority was required to produce a statement detailing its planned expenditure on children's services. This was a public document and would be available on the Council’s website. The Forum would be advised when the document was published. The draft statement detailed the individual schools budget for early years, primary, secondary and special schools. Academies were funded on the same formula.


The statement also detailed items such as contingencies for schools in financial difficulties, behaviour support and insurance. These budgets were held centrally but it was noted that the Forum would need to decide these levels again for 2014/15. Also listed was an exception that had been agreed by the Secretary of State – funding for copyright licensing agreements.


Other (non DSG) areas listed were funded by the revenue support grant or via Council Tax. Some of these areas reduced with each conversion of a school to an Academy since Academies took on these budgets directly. Some areas had also reduced their budgets due to the closure of some Children’s Centres. The statement gave the total budget for the service as approximately £228 million.


The Committee noted the draft statement and that the final version would be published on the Council’s website shortly.



High Needs Pupils pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To discuss proposals for the process through which schools, academies and colleges charge other LAs for high needs pupils.  Appendix D refers.


It was explained that a process was developing on how Local Authorities charged each other for high needs pupils placed by other Councils. A pro forma for this purpose was presented to the Forum that would allow payments from other Local Authorities by BACS on the 15th day of each month. David Allen and Trevor Sim were meeting to develop the process for schools and final versions would be circulated in due course.


Funding consisted of a top up allocation based on an hourly rate of £12.66 per hour. For schools with special units, funding was the cost of the unit less £10,000 per place via the agreed formula. Special schools in fact had relatively few children from outside Havering.


It was also noted that a new Gateway Manager had been appointed by East London Solutions to work across the five East London boroughs to ensure commissioning and pricing structures were equitable across all the boroughs.


The Forum noted the position.



Next Meetings

The next meetings have been arranged as follows:



May     Thursday 23rd

July     Thursday 11th


All meetings to be held at CEME at 8.30 a.m.


The next meetings had been arranged as follows:




May Thursday 23rd

July Thursday 11th



Any Other Business


There was no other business raised.