Agenda and minutes
Venue: Catholic Church of Christ the Eternal High Priest
Contact: Michelle Morgan 01708 433879 Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - if any, to receive Minutes: The Chair welcomed all to the meeting. Apologies for absence had been received from Dawn Ladbrook, George Prinn, Kathryn Everitt, Bal Degun, Barry Smith, Councillor Garrard and Councillor McArdle. The absence of the following Members was noted; Rabbi Lee Sunderland, Sansar Narwal, Pastor Aloysius Peter, Nasir Mubasher, Om Dhir, Jenny Fox, Stephanie Ellner, Marlene Wylie and Terry Riches.
It was noted that the following Members had not been in attendance for at least 3 meetings, and it was agreed that these individuals would be contacted to see if they wished to remain on SACRE. Responses would be considered by Members at the next meeting:
SansarNarwal (Sikh), Pastor Aloysius Peter (Pentecostal Churches), Nasir Mubasher (Ahmadiyya Muslim), Om Dhir (Hindu) and Terry Riches.
NEW or SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS To note any substitute members present at the meeting and welcome any new members. Minutes: New Member, Karen Van Coevorden (Hylands Primary RE Subject Leader), was welcomed to the meeting. Introductions were made. It was noted that Karen Van Coevorden also had a background in Holocaust education. It was noted that a further new Member (representing Group C), Bal Degun had sent their apologies, however would be in attendance at future meetings. JDC advised that Johnathan Fowles (Squirrels Health Junior) might be attending the next meeting as an observer.
ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR To elect a Chair and Vice Chair for a term of office of 2 years. Minutes: The Chair advised that for personal reason she had decided to step down from the role as Chair, however would be happy to support the new Chair. Cllr Katherine Tumilty was proposed and seconded as Chair for a term of office of 2 years. Dr J Lester was proposed and seconded as Vice Chair for a term of office of 2 years. Cllr Tumilty wished to thank W Brice-Thomson for her work and contribution as Chair of SACRE. This was echoed by all present.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING To agree as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 29 September 2022 and 22 November 2022 (attached). Additional documents: Minutes: 1.1. The minutes of the meeting held on 29 September 2022 were received and agreed. 1.2. Minutes of meeting from 22 November 2022 were received and agreed as a true record. 1.3. Matters arising from the minutes, not included elsewhere on the agenda, were as follows: 1.3.1. Union representatives (Minute 2, refers): HGS agreed to contact the unions see if any wished to join SACRE as part of Group C. 1.3.2. Website monitoring (Minute 4.2.1, refers): A copy of the audit was shared with SACRE Members. 1.3.3. Report card (Minute 6, refers): JDC had contacted Deborah Weston about a template letter regarding the report card and had received a letter that could be adapted to reflect the views of Havering SACRE to send onto MPs. 1.3.4. Online training (Minute 6, refers): The clerk advised that no response had been received from SACRE Members regarding the ‘What’s happening to Collective Worship beyond determination’ training (14 March 2023). 1.3.5. Annual Report 2022 (Minute 7, refers): The clerk confirmed that the Annual Report had been sent to NASACRE. 1.3.6. Subject Leader network meetings (Minute 9, refers): JDW was pleased to report that Sidra Naeem would be joining the RE Subject Leaders meeting on 20 March 2023. JDW extended the invitation to all SACRE Members to attend any such sessions to introduce themselves and share information about their particular faith/belief as this would be a great support for Havering teachers. SACRE Members to contact JDC if they were able to offer any support. ACTION: SACRE Members 1.3.7. Determination process (Minute 9, refers): JDC had contacted Ruth Everett regarding documentation about determination processes. 1.3.8. Self-evaluation (Minute 9, refers): It was noted that a scanned copy of the completed SEF had been sent to SACRE Members. 1.3.9. NASACRE video (Minute 10, refers): Information regarding access to NASACRE training videos had been sent to SACRE Members.
UPDATE ON SCHOOL ACTIVITY To receive oral and written reports from the Primary and Secondary phase representatives and to comment on them or propose action as necessary. Minutes: SACRE Members received the report on Local Activity. There were no questions.
NATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION To receive oral and written reports and to comment on or propose action as appropriate. Minutes: SACRE Members received the report. There were no questions.
COLLECTIVE WORSHIP To discuss. Minutes: Referring back to the discussion held at the previous meeting, it was noted that school governors would be asked to monitor collective worship in their schools and that a session on collective worship would be provided as part of the training programme. ACTION: HGS JDW advised that it would be beneficial for Havering SACRE to put a process in place should a school request a determination. It was agreed that JDC and RE wold speak with their other advisor colleagues regarding what guidance was available for SACRE Members to consider at the next meeting. It was however noted that the guidance had not been updated for some years and that new guidance was expected. However it would be prudent to have something in place in the interim. ACTION: JDW / RE S Naeem advised that although collective worship was not specifically included within any Ofsted grading; if a strong collective worship ethos was seen around the school then this demonstrated a strong spiritual element to the school.
SACRE SELF EVALUATION To identify any key areas of action following the completion of the SEF. Minutes: At the previous meeting, SACRE Members had split into different groups to complete the SEF document. It was agreed that the focus of this session would be to look at what actions were needed over the next 2 years to improve the effectiveness of Havering SACRE. SACRE Members worked in small groups to draft what they thought should be included within this 5 point action plan. This feedback would be collated and drawn up into an action plan to discuss at the next meeting. ACTION: JDC / Chair
To review the exam data from 2022 and compare with the school workforce data. Additional documents: Minutes: SACRE Members received the A Level and GCSE outcomes from the previous year which was compared with workforce data. The clerk agreed to seek clarification from Paul Fitzgerald regarding the data where there was no exam results provided; had the schools refused to disclose this information? ACTION: HGS Small groups discussed the exam data and agreed to provide their feedback to the Chair / JDW via email. ACTION: SACRE Members Feedback received post meeting is summarised below: Concerning A Level outcomes from St Edward’s and Drapers.’ The most impressive results had been achieved at Coopers Company & Coborn School. Concerning GCSE results were attained at Drapers and Bower Park Academies, alongside Harris Academy. The highest results were achieved at Frances Bardsley, Coopers Company & Coborn, Marshalls Park, Campion and Abbs Cross. The following schools did not have any outcomes listed: § Redden Court § The Brittons Academy § Emerson Park § Hornchurch High § Sanders Draper § The Royal Liberty § Lime Academy
SCHOOL WEBSITE MONITORING To receive an update regarding the school website monitoring. Additional documents:
Minutes: There remained some school websites that had not yet been audited. The following schools remained outstanding: § Crownfield Junior – this had been completed; the Chair agreed to resend to the clerk. ACTION: Chair § Coopers Company & Coborn – RE had completed the audit however had yet to submit the form. § Emerson Park Academy – RE had completed the audit however had yet to submit the form. ACTION: Ruth Everett § Ardleigh Green Infant School § Bower Park Academy § Brady Primary School § Corbets Tey § Crownfield Infant School § Dame Tipping § Drapers’ Brookside § Drapers’ Maylands The following SACRE Members agreed to complete some further audits and would be allocated schools to complete: Ruth Everett / Luthaneal Adams / Wendy Brice-Thompson / Tariq Mahmood / Karen Van Coevorden ACTION: Chair / JDC
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Any member may raise issues previously notified to either the Chairman or the Clerk (unless the issue relates to a matter arising from the meeting itself or is of an urgent nature, when the Chairman will determine whether to allow it or not). Minutes: The remaining other business was discussed as follows; 1.1. S Naeem reminded SACRE Members that Wednesday 8 March was International Women’s Day and invited all to attend the Interfaith Forum where there would be 4 female faith leader speakers (representing Judaism, Islam, Christianity and the Baha’i faith). S Naeem also asked SACRE Members to contact her should they wish to be included in her distribution list.
1.2. JDW reflected on the valued contribution made by Sidra Naeem to the group, as an observer and suggested that SACRE Members could seek approval from the Local Authority to appoint Sidra Naeem as a Co-opted Member. This was agreed. The clerk would seek approval from Trevor Cook, Assistant Director for Education. ACTION: HGS 1.3. The Chair reported that the Youth Parliament had made the request that all secondary schools should provide some form of multi faith space that pupils could use to pray/reflect. It was agreed to discuss at the next meeting what these rooms would be used for and when. Cllr Taylor agreed to contact his employee regarding what guidance they used.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING To note that the date of the summer term meeting is Wednesday 21 June 2023 at 6pm. Venue to be confirmed. Minutes: The date of the next meeting was noted as Wednesday 21 June 2023 at 6pm. Potential venues were discussed; the Town Hall or the Baptist Church (pending the parking issue resolution. It was agreed that both the Chair and Peter Feinson wold check availability for a room on that evening with both options having the technology to enable a hybrid meeting. ACTION: John Smailes / Chair
The meeting closed at 8pm.