Agenda and minutes
Contact: Michelle Morgan 01708 433879 Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - if any, to receive Minutes: The Chair welcomed all to the meeting. Apologies were made for not having the meeting in the summer term, however at the time there had been no Councillors allocated to SACRE and therefore the meeting would have been inquorate. Apologies for absence had been received from Rabbi Lee Sunderland and Cllr David Taylor The absence of the following Members was noted; Sansar Narwal, Pastor Aloysius Peter, Kamal Siddiqui, Nasir Mubashar, Om Dir, Jenny Fox, Myleene Wylie, Clare Beech and Terry Riches.
NEW or SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS To note any substitute members present at the meeting and welcome any new members. Minutes: There were no new or substitute Members present.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING To agree as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 21 March 2022 (attached) and to discuss any maters arising therefrom. Minutes: 3. The notes of the meeting held on 8 November 2021 were received and agreed. 3.1 Matters arising from the minutes, not included elsewhere on the agenda, were as follows: 3.1.1 Secondary colleagues (minute 4, refers):It was noted that the action was linked to Cllr V Persaud who was no longer a member of SACRE. 3.1.2 Meeting venue (Minute 6): K Everitt advised that the computer suite at Ardleigh Green would be available for SACRE members once approval had been sought from the Headteacher. 3.1.3 Training (Minute 8): S Naeem had shared the information re regarding the training with the Vice Chair to distribute.
AGREED SYLLABUS To note the date change on the new syllabus from 2021-2026 to 2022 – 2027. Minutes: The date change on the new syllabus from 2021 – 2026 to 2022 – 2027 was noted. The new syllabus would be launched at CEME on 7 October 2022.
UPDATE ON SCHOOL ACTIVITY To receive oral and written reports from the Primary and Secondary phase representatives and to comment on them or propose action as necessary. Minutes: The report on recent school activity was received. Much of the content was related to preparations for the launch of the new syllabus the following week.
NATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION To receive oral and written reports and to comment on or propose action as appropriate. Minutes: The report was received and noted. A SACRE Member responded that it had been a fascinating read about how religion and belief is taught in schools.
NASACRE CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP To receive feedback from G Prinn regarding the NASACRE Conference and workshop. Additional documents:
Minutes: Thanks were passed on to G Prinn for agreeing to attend the NASACRE Conference and for sharing the presentations following the event. JDC invited G Prinn to give some feedback. § One presentation had focused on the move towards Religion and World Views (already passed through parliament in Wales). A handbook had been drafted to provide more detail around this shift in view. The handbook suggested that the currently structured philosophy around religion was based on a particular world view (protestant) and therefore argued there was a contradiction in the current definition of world view. KDC provided some further context with regards to the draft handbook; a key focus of the document was linked to the state of entitlement. JDC advised that we were in Year 2of a 3 year project regarding the handbook. The new Syllabus had reference to religion and world views included in order to ensure that Havering schools were in line with the anticipated change, although this had yet to be confirmed by the DfE. § A further presentation from a HMI Inspector discussed the idea of creating an ‘aroma of scholarship’ in the way that religion was taught in schools and that some of the language used by academics and complexity of thought should be brought more into the classroom. It was also discussed that the teaching of religion should be more rounded and that schools should avoid the perception that religious and non-religious movements all have positive and negative aspects. § The final presentation was with regards to the revised Annual SACRE Report template. JCD reported that Havering’s report this year would follow the standardised format. If all SACRE’s followed the same template then there would be a greater capacity to compare effectiveness and consistency of SACREs. G Prinn provided SACRE Members with the results of a number of polls with regards to the level of support provided by their Local Authority and also the public perception of RE. Discussions had also been held regarding the future of SACRE following the government’s direction of travel towards Multi Academy Trusts. It was agreed that an agenda item for the next meeting could be to discuss the implications of the White Paper and the need to ensure that SACRE engages with MATs. SACRE Members thanked G Prinn for his thoughtful input.
SCHOOL WEBSITE MONITORING To confirm arrangements for school website monitoring 2022-23. Minutes: JDC advised that in the past, SACRE had undertaken school website monitoring on an annual basis as part of a 3 year cycle. A key aspect of the role of SACRE was to monitor the teaching of RE within Havering and therefore school website monitoring was a tool to ensure that schools were complaint with the syllabus. Exam results and workforce data would also be scrutinised (at the next meeting). It was noted that template letters had been drafted to share with schools depending on whether SACRE wished to thank them for their ongoing teaching of RE or where further development was required to meet their legal obligations. SACRE Members agreed that website monitoring could be undertaken at home and therefore members would be allocated 2-3 schools each to complete prior to the next meeting. The audit tool would be provided by JDC. Sidra Naeem although not a Member of SACRE stated that she would also be happy to support this process. ACTION: JDC / HGS/ SACRE Members
SACRE SELF EVALUATION To discuss arrangements for the SACRE self evaluation. Minutes: JDC took SACRE Members through the SEF form which had been referred to at the previous meeting. The importance of completing this self-evaluation was reiterated and it was therefore agreed to start working on the first 2 areas of the SEF at the next meeting. It would be especially beneficial therefore for Members to have undertaken as much of the school website monitoring in advance of this meeting so that meaningful discussions could be held.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Any member may raise issues previously notified to either the Chairman or the Clerk (unless the issue relates to a matter arising from the meeting itself or is of an urgent nature, when the Chairman will determine whether to allow it or not). Minutes: 10.1 Dr J Lester advised that interfaith meetings were now videoed and therefore could be shared with SACRE Members. G Prinn would contact Dr J Lester with regards to a humanist representative. ACTION: G Prinn / Dr J Lester
10.2 S Naeem requested to be sent details of the next meeting. ACTION: HGS
DATE OF NEXT MEETING To note the future meeting dates for 2022-2023 (venues/zoom to be confirmed):
Autumn term – to be confirmed Wednesday 8 March 2023 Wednesday 21 June 2023 Minutes: Tuesday 22 November 6.15pm – K Everitt would check if Ardleigh Green School was available as a venue. Wednesday 8 March 2023 6pm Wednesday 21 June 2023 6pm
The meeting closed at 7.10pm.