Agenda and minutes
Contact: Maureen Smith 01708 433665 Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - if any, to receive Minutes: Prior to the start of the meeting, with the agreement of the Chair, the Clerk advised that communication with Members of SACRE would, in future, be exclusively via email and all members of SACRE were asked to ensure that the Clerk or Chair had their up to date email addresses. There were no apologies for absence received.
NEW or SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS To note any substitute members present at the meeting and welcome any new members. Minutes: There were no substitute members in attendance.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING To agree as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2020 (attached) and to address any matters arising therefrom. Minutes: 3.1. The notes of the meeting held on 1 December 2020, were agreed, subject to the correct spelling of Deborah Weston’s surname throughout, as a true record. It was agreed that they should be watermarked to indicate that they were approved. ACTION: HGS
3.2. Matters arising from the minutes, not included elsewhere in the agenda, were noted as follows:
3.2.1. MEMBERSHIP OF SACRE (MINUTE 1 REFERS) The Chair confirmed that she had written to Councillor Ford and Councillor Nunn to thank them for their contribution to the work of the Havering SACRE.
3.2.2. AGREED SYLLABUS (MINUTE 5 REFERS) JDC confirmed that she had communicated the recommendation of the Havering SACRE to the London Borough of Havering and a further update would be shared in item 4 below.
3.2.3. NATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (MINUTE 8 REFERS) The Chair reported that she had contacted the Arts Council regarding a competition for schools but had not had a response. A further attempt would be made to contact the Arts Council. ACTION: Chair
It was noted that a response had been received from Guy Selfe.
Councillor Frost advised that he had raised the matter at the Arts Council.
3.2.4. ANNUAL REPORT (MINUTE 9 REFERS) SACRE members were advised that letters had been sent to schools which had spent an appropriate amount of time on RE.
It was confirmed that the Annual Report had been sent to NASACRE and the DfE. |
AGREED SYLLABUS To receive an update on the Local Authority’s response to the proposals regarding the Agreed Syllabus. Minutes: JDC advised that the protocol of the SACRE recommendation to Havering was being explored. The recommendation needs to go to Council. In some areas the Local Authority takes the recommendation to full Council, in other cases it is considered by a Committee and Havering works in a slightly different way. Guidance is being sought from the DfE to see if it is acceptable for an individual Councillor to agree any recommendation. DW stressed the importance of thinking about the requirements of the legislation and rather than wait for a decision from the DfE could Havering SACRE request that the recommendation is considered by full Council. It was suggested that it might be possible for a report to be tabled at full Council for approval. Another suggestion was to request that the Lead Member be asked to give approval. It was noted that contact with Andrew Beesley in Democratic Services might be helpful for some local guidance on this matter and it was agreed that DW would make contact.
UPDATE ON SCHOOL ACTIVITY To receive oral and written reports from the Primary and Secondary phase representatives and to comment on them or propose action as necessary. Minutes: The Havering SACRE, Local RE update: Spring 2021 report was received and noted. In response to a question about student engagement with RE during the period of home learning, it was explained that schools had continued to deliver the syllabus and pupils had engaged very well. The uptake in RE had been high. Some live RE lessons had been delivered well during the lockdown.
NATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION To receive oral and written reports and to comment on or propose action as appropriate. Minutes: JDC reported on the availability of 2 films prepared by the Romford Baptist Church. It was noted that these files were available on the HES website. One of the films was shown and it was agreed that it was a well presented and powerful film. An article had appeared in the HES Havering School Improvement Service newsletter about the Virtual Visitors and Visits Project. Kamal Siddiqui arrived at this point It was noted that films were currently in production at St Andrews, Hornchurch and Romford Synagogue. Tariq Mahmood suggested that a film could be made to show the work of the foodbanks at the Mosque in Romford as well as to view the Mosque.
VIRTUAL VISITORS AND VISITS PROJECT To receive an update on the Virtual Visitors and Visits project. Minutes: JDC reported on the availability of 2 films prepared by the Romford Baptist Church. It was noted that these files were available on the HES website. One of the films was shown and it was agreed that it was a well presented and powerful film. An article had appeared in the HES Havering School Improvement Service newsletter about the Virtual Visitors and Visits Project. Kamal Siddiqui arrived at this point It was noted that films were currently in production at St Andrews, Hornchurch and Romford Synagogue. Tariq Mahmood suggested that a film could be made to show the work of the foodbanks at the Mosque in Romford as well as to view the Mosque.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Any member may raise issues previously notified to either the Chair or the Clerk (unless the issue relates to a matter arising from the meeting itself or is of an urgent nature, when the Chair will determine whether to allow it or not). Minutes: There was no other business discussed
DATE OF NEXT MEETING To note that the date of the next SACRE has been scheduled for Tuesday 29 June at 6pm. Minutes: The following date was noted for the next meeting: June 29 at 6.00 pm. It was agreed that the format of the meeting would be considered nearer the time but it was suggested that a blended approach to attendance may be more appropriate.
The meeting closed at 18.45.