Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 3A - Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Maureen Smith 01708 433665 Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - if any, to receive |
NEW or SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS To note any substitute members present at the meeting and welcome any new members. Minutes: Members noted that Mr Atta Ullah-Issah would be joining the meeting representing the Ahmadiyya Muslim faith in the absence of Nasir Mubashar.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING To agree as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2019 (attached) and to authorise the Chairman to sign them and to address any matters arising therefrom. Minutes: 1.1. The notes of the meeting held on 3 December 2019, were agreed as a true record. 1.2. Matters arising from the minutes (not included elsewhere on the agenda) were noted as follows: 1.2.1. Havering School Improvement Services (HSIS) termly update (minute 4.2.3, refers): The clerk confirmed that both the autumn and spring term HSIS newsletters had been distributed to SACRE members. 1.2.2. Resource catalogue (minute 4.2.4, refers): An update would be brought to the summer term SACRE with regards to the Resources catalogue. ACTION: Deborah Weston 1.2.3. NASACRE Conference (minute 4.2.5, refers): It was confirmed that the link to the resources shared at the NASACRE Conference had been shared by Julia Diamond-Conway. Jenny Fox and John Lester arrived at 6.05pm 1.2.4. Membership (minute 4.2.6, refers): Julia Diamond-Conway reported that she had contacted the Board of Deputies with regards to identifying another representative to replace Rabbi Lee Sunderland. The Board of Deputies agreed to look to identify a new member to ensure the Jewish Community were represented within the Havering SACRE. An update would be brought to the next meeting. ACTION: Julia Diamond-Conway 1.2.5. Syllabus errors (minute 10, refers): Kamal Siddiqui was not present to confirm if he had submitted the errors within the syllabus with regards to the Sunni Muslim faith. ACTION: Kamal Siddiqui
NEW OFSTED FRAMEWORK To receive an update on the changes within the New Ofsted Framework in relation to RE. Minutes: Members noted that at the previous meeting discussions had been held with regards to the impact of the new Ofsted framework on Religious Education (RE). As yet, there had not been any ‘deep dives’ into RE as part of an Ofsted within Havering however there had been nationally. Members were advised that in December NASACRE had reviewed the first 100 Ofsted reports following the introduction of the new framework and RE had been cited on a number of occasions even when RE had not been a specific focus of the inspection. A key change was evident in that Inspectors were ensuring that schools had not ‘narrowed’ their curriculum; schools which had proactively looked to visit and discuss different places of worship in order to make learning ‘real’ had received positive feedback. SACRE Members requested whether examples could be provided of when RE had been mentioned in the Ofsted outcome report within Havering moving forward. The clerk agreed to investigate further. ACTION: HGS Cllr Judith Holt and Mr Atta Ullah Issah arrived at 6.10pm
AGREED SYLLABUS To discuss any proposed changes to the syllabus. Minutes: It was noted that members had looked at feedback from teaching staff at the previous meeting in relation to whether they would welcome a new syllabus. Feedback, on the whole, had been that although difficult at first to implement teachers would prefer to retain the current syllabus. Some areas however had been identified as potential areas of development such as guidance on assessment and resource lists. SACRE members were advised that Redbridge SACRE were also holding the same discussions regarding the agreed syllabus. Julia Diamond-Conway proposed that if their discussions were similar and were based on retaining the syllabus with some targeted improvements consideration should be given to look into joint commissioning. To make a formal decision regarding this a formal vote would be required at the next meeting. The Chair invited members to share their thoughts around the proposal. A member questioned that if both SACREs agreed to move forward with joint commissioning who would be approached to undertake the review and improvement of the syllabus. Julia Diamond-Conway responded that there were RE Advisors/Consultants available however it would be beneficial to collaborate with RE Subject Leaders in local schools when reviewing any changes or enhancements to the syllabus. The Chair agreed that it was important for teachers to be involved so that they were more engaged with the process and the agreed syllabus. A member shared some concern that they did not wish to agree to a joint commissioning arrangement with Redbridge without fully understanding what this model would look like. Julia Diamond-Conway reassured members that no decisions had been made and that if it was agreed to move forward a formal vote would need to take place by convening an ‘Agreed Syllabus Conference’ in the summer term. This conference could be incorporated into the SACRE meeting if required. Members agreed to consider joint commissioning with Redbridge should this also be their wish.
UPDATE ON LOCAL SCHOOL ACTIVITY To receive oral and written reports from the Primary and Secondary phase representatives and to comment on them or propose action as necessary. Minutes: Members had received the local school activity report; there were no questions. Members were invited to contact Julia Diamond-Conway should they wish to represent Havering SACRE at the NASACRE Conference in London on 18 May.
NATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION To receive oral and written reports and to comment on or propose action as appropriate. Minutes: Members noted the report on national developments in RE; there were no questions.
SCHOOL WEBSITE REVIEWS Members to agree which school websites they will review independently in readiness for discussion at the summer term SACRE meeting. Minutes: Members noted that in previous years SACRE had audited school websites to review the provision of RE and collective worship within Havering Schools. The Chair requested members to agree to undertake some school website audits at home in readiness for the next meeting; a list had been provided which reflected schools which had not been audited in 2017-2018 which members could put their name to. Julia Diamond-Conway agreed to send the clerk a copy of the website audit; the clerk would distribute to SACRE members. ACTION: HGS/Julia Diamond-Conway.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Any member may raise issues previously notified to either the Chairman or the Clerk (unless the issue relates to a matter arising from the meeting itself or is of an urgent nature, when the Chairman will determine whether to allow it or not). Minutes: A member questioned if those children who had won the art competition would be awarded with a certificate (or similar) on behalf of SACRE. The Chair was surprised to hear that the winners had not received an award as this had been her expectation. Members acknowledged however that the winners had been notified in December and that potentially too much time had now elapsed to present a meaningful certificate to the children. It was noted that the winners had been identified as part of Julia-Diamond-Conway’s RE article in the HES spring term newsletter. Members agreed that certificates would be awarded in a timely manner following any further competitions in the future. Members agreed that it would be nice to run an annually event, potentially at Easter time. It was agreed for members to bring ideas to the next SACRE for further discussion. ACTION: HGS
DATE OF NEXT MEETING To note the date and venue for the summer term SACRE meeting as follows:
Tuesday 30 June 2020 at 6pm – Romford Baptist Church, Main Road Minutes: Members noted the date and venue of the summer term SACRE meeting: Tuesday 30 June 2020 (6pm) – Romford Baptist Church, Main Road The meeting closed at 6.30pm.