Agenda, decisions and minutes

ALDERMAN PH, Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday, 15th July, 2015 10.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Wendy Gough - 01708 432441  Email:

No. Item



Application for a premises license at The Alderman, Chippenham Road, Romford, RM3 8HX


Licensing Act 2003

Notice of Decision




The Alderman Public House

Chippenham Road





Cubitt Taverns Ltd

The Alderman Public House

Chippenham Road




1.    Details of Application


The Alderman public house is a detached property set on its own plot, a short distance from the Farnham Road shopping area.  The vicinity in which it is located is predominately residential.


The application for a premises licence was submitted by Cubitt Taverns Ltd under section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003.  The application was received by Havering’s Licensing Authority on 21st May 2015.


At the hearing the sub-committee was informed that the details of Premises Licence was:


Films, indoor sporting events, recorded music and supply of alcohol


Monday – Sunday 10:00 – 23:30


Hour’s premises open to the public


Monday –Sunday 10:00 – 00:00


Non-standard timings – Christmas Eve, patron saints days and Burns Night


If Monday to Saturday   10:00 – 02:00

If Sunday                         11:00 – 02:00


2.    Grounds of Objection


There was one representation made by an Interested Party.  The interested person’s representation against the application highlighted concerns with all four licensable activities.



3.    Details of Representations


Licensing Officer Paul Jones presented his report - He stated that the applicant acted in accordance with regulations 25 and 26 of The Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club promises certificates) Regulation 2005 relation to the advertising of the application


Mr Jones added that there was currently a premises licence in force at the site.  This licence was subject to an expedited review application in April 2014.  The outcome of the review application was a series of modifications to the licence conditions.  This application may therefore have been seen as a variation to the extant licence.


4.    Applicant’s response.


Mr S Thomas, the representative of the applicant addressed the sub-committee.  He stated that the Alderman was a two bar community public house.  There had been an incident in April 2014, however Mr Cubitt, the DPS, had worked closely with the Police to bring about improvements.


These improvements included the internal training of staff which could be modified at any point in time, the removal of Condition 31 (No live music shall be played at the premises) following deregulation and ensuring that Mr Cubitt was at the premises for a period of time as the DPS.  Mr Thomas confirmed that Mr Cubitt resides at the premise.


As part of his representations, Mr Thomas read out Mr Peter Moore’s letter of support dated 11 June 2015 to the Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee was informed that Mr Moore was present at the hearing.  The reason for the new licence was purely due to a change in law and to ensure that the conditions were consistent. The law had changed regarding regulated entertainment. They had Challenge 25. Mr Thomas informed the Sub-Committee that as a result of the mediation with the police, previous conditions that had been imposed regarding door staff had been changed to  reflect the financial costs of  ...  view the full decision text for item 1.




The Alderman Public House

Chippenham Road





Cubitt Taverns Ltd

The Alderman Public House

Chippenham Road




1.    Details of Application


The Alderman public house is a detached property set on its own plot, a short distance from the Farnham Road shopping area.  The vicinity in which it is located is predominately residential.


The application for a premises licence was submitted by Cubitt Taverns Ltd under section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003.  The application was received by Havering’s Licensing Authority on 21st May 2015.


At the hearing the sub-committee was informed that the details of Premises Licence was:


Films, indoor sporting events, recorded music and supply of alcohol


Monday – Sunday 10:00 – 23:30


Hour’s premises open to the public


Monday –Sunday 10:00 – 00:00


Non-standard timings – Christmas Eve, patron saints days and Burns Night


If Monday to Saturday   10:00 – 02:00

If Sunday                         11:00 – 02:00


2.    Grounds of Objection


There was one representation made by an Interested Party.  The interested person’s representation against the application highlighted concerns with all four licensable activities.



3.    Details of Representations


Licensing Officer Paul Jones presented his report - He stated that the applicant acted in accordance with regulations 25 and 26 of The Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club promises certificates) Regulation 2005 relation to the advertising of the application


Mr Jones added that there was currently a premises licence in force at the site.  This licence was subject to an expedited review application in April 2014.  The outcome of the review application was a series of modifications to the licence conditions.  This application may therefore have been seen as a variation to the extant licence.


4.    Applicant’s response.


Mr S Thomas, the representative of the applicant addressed the sub-committee.  He stated that the Alderman was a two bar community public house.  There had been an incident in April 2014, however Mr Cubitt, the DPS, had worked closely with the Police to bring about improvements.


These improvements included the internal training of staff which could be modified at any point in time, the removal of Condition 31 (No live music shall be played at the premises) following deregulation and ensuring that Mr Cubitt was at the premises for a period of time as the DPS.  Mr Thomas confirmed that Mr Cubitt resides at the premise.


As part of his representations, Mr Thomas read out Mr Peter Moore’s letter of support dated 11 June 2015 to the Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee was informed that Mr Moore was present at the hearing.  The reason for the new licence was purely due to a change in law and to ensure that the conditions were consistent. The law had changed regarding regulated entertainment. They had Challenge 25. Mr Thomas informed the Sub-Committee that as a result of the mediation with the police, previous conditions that had been imposed regarding door staff had been changed to  reflect the financial costs of hiring door staff to a small  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.