Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

RELISH, 168 HIGH STREET, HORNCHURCH, Licensing Sub-Committee - Thursday, 28th August, 2014 10.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall. View directions

No. Item



Application for a premises licence at Relish, Unit 4, 168 High Street, Hornchurch RM12 6QU – Report attached




Licensing Act 2003

Notice of Decision



Relish Restaurant

Unit 4, 168 High Street


RM12 6QU




This application for a new premises licence was made under section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 (“the Act”).



Tasty Plc.

32 Charlotte Street




  1. Details of requested licensable activities



The applicant intended to act as a “Restaurant and Takeaway” premises and sought to supply alcohol to those customers taking a meal in the premises.


Supply of Alcohol, Opening Hours




Monday - Sunday





Seasonal variations / Non-standard timings



2.         Non Standard Timings


No seasonal variations or non-standard timings were requested.



3.         Promotion of the Licensing Objectives


The applicant acted in accordance with premises licence regulations 25 and 26 relating to the advertising of the application.  The required newspaper advertisement

of the application was advertised in the Romford recorder on 25 July 2014. 


The Licensing Officer also raised the following observations in his report and verbally at the hearing:


That premises was on the ground floor and not first floor.


That the required newspaper advertisement of the application was advertised in the Romford recorder on 25 July 2014 vaguely detailed the advert.  

It stated that: “To permit the sale of alcohol until 23:00 Monday to Sunday” was included in the advert. It had no starting time.


With regards to the applicants responsibilities under the premises licence regulations 25 and 26 relating to the advertising of the application. On initial examination of the notice on the premises on the 22 July 2014 the following defects were found:-.


SI 2005/42

·         Regulation 25(a)(i)(bb)

The notice was on white paper rather than the required pale blue


·         Regulation 26(4)(c)

The website address of this licensing authority was not provided on the notice


·         Regulation 26(4)(d)

The wrong consultation period terminal date, i.e. 11 August 2014, as provided on the notice.  This date suggests that representations may be made to the licensing authority until 11th August whereas any representations received after 7th August will be too late for consideration.  The date provided is therefore misleading.


The applicant’s solicitor was contacted by E-Mail to highlight these errors/omissions on the 22 July.


A further inspection was carried out of the notice on the premises on the 24 July and it was found that the notice had been placed on the required blue paper but that the content remained the same.


It is also noted that the summary of the application contained in the notice stated, “To permit the sale of alcohol until 23:00 Monday to Sunday”.  This is a vague statement and does not assist the public with the actual licensed hours being applied for as there was no start time.


Attempts were made with the applicant by both the Police and Licensing Authority to mediate with regards to the operating schedule of the application. As a result of the communication by the Police, the applicant agreed to the following additional conditions on the premises licence.



1)  ...  view the full decision text for item 2.





Relish Restaurant

Unit 4, 168 High Street


RM12 6QU




This application for a new premises licence was made under section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 (“the Act”).



Tasty Plc.

32 Charlotte Street




  1. Details of requested licensable activities



The applicant intended to act as a “Restaurant and Takeaway” premises and sought to supply alcohol to those customers taking a meal in the premises.


Supply of Alcohol, Opening Hours




Monday - Sunday





Seasonal variations / Non-standard timings



2.         Non Standard Timings


No seasonal variations or non-standard timings were requested.



3.         Promotion of the Licensing Objectives


The applicant acted in accordance with premises licence regulations 25 and 26 relating to the advertising of the application.  The required newspaper advertisement of the application was advertised in the Romford recorder on 25 July 2014. 


The Licensing Officer raised the following observations in his report and verbally at the hearing:


That premises was on the ground floor and not first floor.


That the required newspaper advertisement of the application was advertised in the Romford recorder on 25 July 2014 vaguely detailed the advert.  

It stated that: “To permit the sale of alcohol until 23:00 Monday to Sunday” was included in the advert. It had no starting time.


With regards to the applicants responsibilities under the premises licence regulations 25 and 26 relating to the advertising of the application. On initial examination of the notice on the premises on the 22 July 2014 the following defects were found:-.


SI 2005/42

·         Regulation 25(a)(i)(bb)

The notice was on white paper rather than the required pale blue


·         Regulation 26(4)(c)

The website address of this licensing authority was not provided on the notice


·         Regulation 26(4)(d)

The wrong consultation period terminal date, i.e. 11 August 2014, as provided on the notice.  This date suggests that representations may be made to the licensing authority until 11th August whereas any representations received after 7th August will be too late for consideration.  The date provided is therefore misleading.


The applicant’s solicitor was contacted by E-Mail to highlight these errors/omissions on the 22 July.


A further inspection was carried out of the notice on the premises on the 24 July and it was found that the notice had been placed on the required blue paper but that the content remained the same.


It was also noted that the summary of the application contained in the notice stated, “To permit the sale of alcohol until 23:00 Monday to Sunday”.  This is a vague statement and does not assist the public with the actual licensed hours being applied for as there was no start time.


Attempts were made with the applicant by both the Police and Licensing Authority to mediate with regards to the operating schedule of the application. As a result of the communication by the Police, the applicant agreed to the following additional conditions on the premises licence.



1) The premises shall be operated strictly as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.