Agenda, decisions and minutes

KC'S BAR (TENs), Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday, 3rd December, 2013 10.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Richard Cursons 01708 432430  Email:

No. Item






Licensing Act 2003

Notice of Decision



KC’s Bar

155 Billet Lane



RM11 1UR



Mr Thomas Rowlatt

14 Wallis Close



RM11 1FY


Details of Application


KC’s Bar is located in Billet Lane on the outskirts of Hornchurch town centre. The vicinity surrounding the premises is a mixture of residential and commercial properties. 


Mr Rowlatt is the premises user with regard to this TEN. He seeks to provide regulated entertainment, late night refreshment and supply alcohol on Sunday 29th December 2013 between 01:00 and 02:00.  The effect of this will be to extend the normal Saturday night hours by one hour. 


TEN requirements:


Supply of alcohol; provision of regulated entertainment; late night refreshment




Sunday 29 December 2013







Grounds of Objection


There was one objection notice made against the TENs application from a responsible authority, namely Havering’s Noise Specialist, Mr Marc Gasson on 11 November 2013.


Mr Gasson submitted an objection notice on behalf of Havering’s Environmental Health Service based upon his concerns in relation to the prevention of public nuisance licensing objective.


Mr Gasson’s objection notice outlined his concerns in relation to the potential for noise disturbance to nearby residents.  Mr Gasson’s objection notice also drew attention to Havering’s Licensing Policy 12 with regard to the hours during which regulated activities would normally be permitted at licensed premises in the borough.


Details of Representations


Public Health: - Mr Gasson, the Havering Noise Specialist officer appeared and reiterated his written objection against the applications. He stated that:


·         The close proximity of residential properties to the premises in question would mean that should the TENs be granted, it would increase the potential of noise disturbance being experienced by nearby residents later at night and into the early hours of the morning both from noise emanating from regulated entertainment within the premises and also as patrons enter/leave the premises.

  • Any extension beyond the current hours for regulated entertainment would conflict with the council’s licensing policy 12 for mixed commercial/residential use areas.
  • The sub-committee was also informed that the service had been made aware of complaints of noise disturbance raised in the period since 2011. Abatement Notices had been issued against the premises in August 2011.
  • The subcommittee was informed that there was documentary recording of these complaints.
  • The cases continue to be monitored by the Council’s Out-Of-Hours Noise Service.

 Applicant’s response.


The applicant (Mr Rowlatt) responded to the points made by Mr Gasson.


He stated that his premises had continued to work with the service to reduce any issues of public nuisance, and that there were in fact no on-going noise issues.


Mr Rowlatt confirmed that tickets for the TEN event were sold on a pre-allocated basis.


Mr Rowlatt also confirmed that he was happy to work within the conditions already applied to his premises licence should the sub-committee be minded to grant the TEN with the conditions in place.


Mr Rowlatt also advised the sub-committee that the premises continued  ...  view the full decision text for item 1.






KC’s Bar

155 Billet Lane



RM11 1UR



Mr Thomas Rowlatt

14 Wallis Close



RM11 1FY


Details of Application


KC’s Bar is located in Billet Lane on the outskirts of Hornchurch town centre. The vicinity surrounding the premises is a mixture of residential and commercial properties. 


Mr Rowlatt is the premises user with regard to this TEN. He seeks to provide regulated entertainment, late night refreshment and supply alcohol on Sunday 29th December 2013 between 01:00 and 02:00.  The effect of this will be to extend the normal Saturday night hours by one hour. 


TEN requirements:


Supply of alcohol; provision of regulated entertainment; late night refreshment




Sunday 29 December 2013







Grounds of Objection


There was one objection notice made against the TENs application from a responsible authority, namely Havering’s Noise Specialist, Mr Marc Gasson on 11 November 2013.


Mr Gasson submitted an objection notice on behalf of Havering’s Environmental Health Service based upon his concerns in relation to the prevention of public nuisance licensing objective.


Mr Gasson’s objection notice outlined his concerns in relation to the potential for noise disturbance to nearby residents.  Mr Gasson’s objection notice also drew attention to Havering’s Licensing Policy 12 with regard to the hours during which regulated activities would normally be permitted at licensed premises in the borough.


Details of Representations


Public Health: - Mr Gasson, the Havering Noise Specialist officer appeared and reiterated his written objection against the applications. He stated that:


·         The close proximity of residential properties to the premises in question would mean that should the TENs be granted, it would increase the potential of noise disturbance being experienced by nearby residents later at night and into the early hours of the morning both from noise emanating from regulated entertainment within the premises and also as patrons enter/leave the premises.

  • Any extension beyond the current hours for regulated entertainment would conflict with the council’s licensing policy 12 for mixed commercial/residential use areas.
  • The sub-committee was also informed that the service had been made aware of complaints of noise disturbance raised in the period since 2011. Abatement Notices had been issued against the premises in August 2011.
  • The subcommittee was informed that there was documentary recording of these complaints.
  • The cases continue to be monitored by the Council’s Out-Of-Hours Noise Service.

 Applicant’s response.


The applicant (Mr Rowlatt) responded to the points made by Mr Gasson.


He stated that his premises had continued to work with the service to reduce any issues of public nuisance, and that there were in fact no on-going noise issues.


Mr Rowlatt confirmed that tickets for the TEN event were sold on a pre-allocated basis.


Mr Rowlatt also confirmed that he was happy to work within the conditions already applied to his premises licence should the sub-committee be minded to grant the TEN with the conditions in place.


Mr Rowlatt also advised the sub-committee that the premises continued to refuse to allow patrons outside  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.