Agenda, decisions and minutes

BUDDHA LOUNGE (REVIEW), Licensing Sub-Committee - Thursday, 24th October, 2013 10.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Richard Cursons - 01708 432430  Email:

No. Item






Licensing Act 2003

Notice of Decision



Buddha Lounge

36-38 North Street







Application for a review of the premises licence by the Metropolitan Police Service  under section 51 of the Licensing Act 2003 (“the Act”).



Police Inspector Maxine Blackledge

For and on behalf of the Metropolitan Police Service,

Romford Police Station,

19 Main Road,






1.         Grounds for Review


The Metropolitan Police (MPS) submits this application to review The Buddha Lounge premises licence, numbered 2141, in accordance with the provisions of s.51 of the Act.


In line with s.51(3)(a) of the act the licence holder and other Responsible Authorities were informed of the application on the 5 September 2013.


2.         Requirements upon the Licensing Authority


The provisions of s.51(3)(b) of the Act dictate that the Licensing Authority undertakes certain functions with regard to an application made under this section. The Licensing Authority installed an appropriately worded public notice advertising this application at the premises, at Havering Town Hall and on Havering’s website inviting interested persons and responsible authorities to make representations against, or in support of, the application in accordance with appropriate premises licence regulations 38 and 39.


When determining an application for a premises licence review made under s.51 of the Act requires that the relevant Licensing Authority holds a hearing to consider the application and any relevant representations made. During the hearing the Licensing Authority must take any of the following steps it considers necessary to promote the licensing objectives.  These steps are:


(a)   to modify the conditions of the premises licence

(b)   to exclude a licensable activity from the scope of the licence

(c)   to remove the designated premises supervisor from the licence

(d)   to suspend the licence for a period not exceeding three months

(e)   to revoke the licence


3.         Promotion of the Licensing Objectives


The review had been requested in order to promote the licensing objectives as shown below


  • The prevention of crime and disorder
  • The prevention of public nuisance
  • Public safety


4.         Details of Review Application


The Chief Officer of the Metropolitan Police


Police had initially sought the reduction of the closing time on Monday-Thursday from 0200 to 0100, Friday from 0400 to 0200, Saturday from 0500 - 0300 and Sunday from 0230 to 0130. Christmas day, Boxing day and New Years Eve from 0500 to 0300.  Police also sought the removal of 04.00 finish time on the day following on Sundays preceding each May, Whitsun and August Bank Holiday




The Police had received numerous complaints of violence and anti-social behaviour recorded directly against the premises.  A number of crimes had also been recorded showing the premise as the venue.


Police informed the premise of concerns regarding levels of violence on 29th January 2013 and 2nd April 2013.


5th JANUARY 2013 at 02:06 ABH VIOLENCE Cris - 5400218/13 - Male called police stating to have been assaulted by a black doorman working at BUDDHA LOUNGE. On arrival police spoke to  ...  view the full decision text for item 3.




Buddha Lounge

36-38 North Street







Application for a review of the premises licence by the Metropolitan Police Service  under section 51 of the Licensing Act 2003 (“the Act”).



Police Inspector Maxine Blackledge

For and on behalf of the Metropolitan Police Service,

Romford Police Station,

19 Main Road,






1.         Grounds for Review


The Metropolitan Police (MPS) submits this application to review The Buddha Lounge premises licence, numbered 2141, in accordance with the provisions of s.51 of the Act.


In line with s.51(3)(a) of the act the licence holder and other Responsible Authorities were informed of the application on the 5 September 2013.


2.         Requirements upon the Licensing Authority


The provisions of s.51(3)(b) of the Act dictate that the Licensing Authority undertakes certain functions with regard to an application made under this section. The Licensing Authority installed an appropriately worded public notice advertising this application at the premises, at Havering Town Hall and on Havering’s website inviting interested persons and responsible authorities to make representations against, or in support of, the application in accordance with appropriate premises licence regulations 38 and 39.


When determining an application for a premises licence review made under s.51 of the Act requires that the relevant Licensing Authority holds a hearing to consider the application and any relevant representations made. During the hearing the Licensing Authority must take any of the following steps it considers necessary to promote the licensing objectives.  These steps are:


(a)   to modify the conditions of the premises licence

(b)   to exclude a licensable activity from the scope of the licence

(c)   to remove the designated premises supervisor from the licence

(d)   to suspend the licence for a period not exceeding three months

(e)   to revoke the licence


3.         Promotion of the Licensing Objectives


The review had been requested in order to promote the licensing objectives as shown below


  • The prevention of crime and disorder
  • The prevention of public nuisance
  • Public safety


4.         Details of Review Application


The Chief Officer of the Metropolitan Police


Police had initially sought the reduction of the closing time on Monday-Thursday from 0200 to 0100, Friday from 0400 to 0200, Saturday from 0500 - 0300 and Sunday from 0230 to 0130. Christmas day, Boxing day and New Years Eve from 0500 to 0300.  Police also sought the removal of 04.00 finish time on the day following on Sundays preceding each May, Whitsun and August Bank Holiday




The Police had received numerous complaints of violence and anti-social behaviour recorded directly against the premises.  A number of crimes had also been recorded showing the premise as the venue.


Police informed the premise of concerns regarding levels of violence on 29th January 2013 and 2nd April 2013.


5th JANUARY 2013 at 02:06 ABH VIOLENCE Cris - 5400218/13 - Male called police stating to have been assaulted by a black doorman working at BUDDHA LOUNGE. On arrival police spoke to victim who stated he had been  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.