Agenda and minutes

(ALBE), Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday, 28th March, 2012 10.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Sean Cable  Email:

No. Item






Present at the hearing were Mr David Sawtell (applicant’s Solicitor), Mr Ali Bektasoglu (applicant) and Mr Daniel Aramide (Member of public).


Also present were Paul Campbell (Havering Licensing Officer), the Legal Advisor to the Sub-Committee and the clerk to the Licensing sub-committee.


The Chairman advised Members and the public of action to be taken in the event of emergency evacuation of the Town Hall becoming necessary.


No interest was declared at this meeting.




Albe Limited

111 Upminster Road South


RM13 9AA




Application for a premises licence under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 (“the Act”).



Albe Limited

111 Upminster Road South


RM13 9AA



1.         Details of requested licensable activities



Supply of Alcohol (Off Supplies Only)




Monday to Sunday





Seasonal variations & non-standard timings:


There were no seasonal variations or non-standard timings requested.






2.         Promotion of the Licensing Objectives


The applicant completed the operating schedule, which formed part of the application to promote the four licensing objectives.


The applicant complied with regulations 25 and 26 of The Licensing Act 2003 (Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates) Regulations 2005 relating to the advertising of the application. The required public notice was installed in the 3 February 2012 edition of the Romford Recorder.



3.         Details of Representations


There were two valid representations from Mr Rust and Mr Norman and a petition against the application from interested parties. The two representations fall under the heading of public nuisance.


The written representations against this application outlined the following reasons:


1)     That there were already too many premises selling alcohol

2)     That due to these premises there was trouble on the street with teenagers congregating outside, fighting, drinking and causing general public nuisance.

1)     That as his car and property had been damaged, CCTV was installed.

2)     In general Mr Rust raised concern about public safety and the level of nuisance already experienced in the area.

3)     Mr Norman raised concern about youths converging outside Flames Kebab and causing a public nuisance late in to the evening.

4)     That his rear yard had become a local corner dust bin due to the youths throwing wraps of food, beer bottles and other cans over his fence.

5)     That fights often break out between rival groups under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

6)     That there was a Junior and Infants school in the vicinity of the proposed premise.


The petition referred to public nuisance and under age drinking in the area.


The two interested parties did not attend the hearing.


There were no representations against this application from responsible authorities. 




Responsible Authorities


Chief Officer of Metropolitan Police (“the Police”): None.


Trading Standards Service: None.


London Fire & Emergency Planning Authority (“LFEPA”): None.


Health & Safety Enforcing Authority: None.


Planning Control & Enforcement: None.


Public Health: None


Children & Families Service: None


The Magistrates Court: None


The representative for the applicants made the following submissions with regards the application:


1)     That the supermarket already existed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.