Agenda, decisions and minutes

HAROLD PARK SERVICE STATION, Licensing Sub-Committee - Monday, 11th April, 2016 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Taiwo ADEOYE - 01708 433079  Email:

No. Item




Licensing Act 2003

Notice of Decision




MRH Harold Park

Harold Park Service Station

Colchester Road






Malthurst Petroleum Limited

Vincent House

4 Grove Lane


CM16 4LH



1.    Details of Application


Variation applied for:


Supply of Alcohol




Monday - Sunday





The premises were already open for 24 hours a day and the application was seeking to bring the alcohol sales in line with their current operation times. Additionally the application was seeking a minor alteration to the internal layout, although a notation on the plan indicated that the entire premises might be used for the sale of alcohol and the provision of late night refreshment.


The applicant had acted in accordance with regulations 25 and 26 of The Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) Regulations 2005 relating to the advertising of the application. The required public notice had been installed in the Romford Recorder on the 4 March 2016.


The premises were situated within an area which had been designated a Cumulative Impact Zone in Havering’s Statement of Licensing Policy 3 which had come into force on the 7 January 2016.


Licensing Policy 3


The Licensing Authority has adopted a special policy relating to cumulative impact in relation to Harold Hill.


This policy creates a rebuttable presumption that applications for new premises licences, club premises certificates, or variation applications specifically for off sales only that are likely to add to the existing cumulative impact will be refused, unless the applicant can demonstrate why the operation of the premises involved will not add to the cumulative impact and not impact adversely on the promotion of the licensing objectives.’


During the consultation period the applicant had submitted the following conditions as an addition to the operating schedule:


1.            All staff engaged or to be engaged in the sale of alcohol on the premises shall receive the following training in age restricted sales:

·         Induction training which must be completed and documented prior to the sale of alcohol by the staff member.

·         Refresher/reinforcement training at intervals of no more than 6 months.

        Training records will be available for inspection by a police officer or other authorised officer on request.


2.     All cashiers shall be trained to record refusals of sales of alcohol in a refusals book/register. The book/register will contain:

·         details of the time and date the refusal was made;

·         the identity of the staff member refusing the sale;

·         details of the alcohol the person attempted to purchase.

        This book/register will be available for inspection by a police officer or other authorised officer on request.


3.      An incident book/register shall be maintained to record:

·         All incidents of crime and disorder occurring at the premises

·         Details of occasions when the police are called to the premises

       This book/register will be available for inspection by a police officer or other authorised officer on request.


4.      There shall be no self-service of spirits except for spirit mixtures.  


5.     There shall be no sale of  ...  view the full decision text for item 1.






MRH Harold Park

Harold Park Service Station

Colchester Road






Malthurst Petroleum Limited

Vincent House

4 Grove Lane


CM16 4LH



1.    Details of Application


Variation applied for:


Supply of Alcohol




Monday - Sunday





The premises were already open for 24 hours a day and the application was seeking to bring the alcohol sales in line with their current operation times. Additionally the application was seeking a minor alteration to the internal layout, although a notation on the plan indicated that the entire premises might be used for the sale of alcohol and the provision of late night refreshment.


The applicant had acted in accordance with regulations 25 and 26 of The Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) Regulations 2005 relating to the advertising of the application. The required public notice had been installed in the Romford Recorder on the 4 March 2016.


The premises were situated within an area which had been designated a Cumulative Impact Zone in Havering’s Statement of Licensing Policy 3 which had come into force on the 7 January 2016.


Licensing Policy 3


The Licensing Authority has adopted a special policy relating to cumulative impact in relation to Harold Hill.


This policy creates a rebuttable presumption that applications for new premises licences, club premises certificates, or variation applications specifically for off sales only that are likely to add to the existing cumulative impact will be refused, unless the applicant can demonstrate why the operation of the premises involved will not add to the cumulative impact and not impact adversely on the promotion of the licensing objectives.’


During the consultation period the applicant had submitted the following conditions as an addition to the operating schedule:


1.            All staff engaged or to be engaged in the sale of alcohol on the premises shall receive the following training in age restricted sales:

·         Induction training which must be completed and documented prior to the sale of alcohol by the staff member.

·         Refresher/reinforcement training at intervals of no more than 6 months.

        Training records will be available for inspection by a police officer or other authorised officer on request.


2.     All cashiers shall be trained to record refusals of sales of alcohol in a refusals book/register. The book/register will contain:

·         details of the time and date the refusal was made;

·         the identity of the staff member refusing the sale;

·         details of the alcohol the person attempted to purchase.

        This book/register will be available for inspection by a police officer or other authorised officer on request.


3.      An incident book/register shall be maintained to record:

·         All incidents of crime and disorder occurring at the premises

·         Details of occasions when the police are called to the premises

       This book/register will be available for inspection by a police officer or other authorised officer on request.


4.      There shall be no self-service of spirits except for spirit mixtures.  


5.     There shall be no sale of single cans of beer, lager or  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.