Agenda and minutes

MIRROR RESTAURANT, Licensing Sub-Committee - Thursday, 25th June, 2015 10.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Wendy Gough - 01708 432441  Email:

No. Item





Mirror Restaurant

3-7 Billet Lane


RM11 1TS



Mr Mehmet Ergun Keles

Mirror Restaurant

3-7 Billet Lane


RM11 1TS


1.    Details of Application


Mirror Restaurant is located in a parade of commercial outlets at the junction of Billet Lane and High Street in Hornchurch which comprises a part of the St Andrews ward.  St Andrews ward is subject to a special licensing policy although the policy does not apply to restaurants.  The site occupies three commercial units knocked into one large venue.  A large decked area has been constructed at the front of the premises while the premises’ frontage comprises gate fold doors.  The commercial properties in this parade of shops have residential properties located above them.


The application for a premises license was submitted by Mr Mehmet Ergun Keles under section 117 of the Licensing Act 2003.  The application was received by Havering’s Licensing Authority on 7th May 2015.


At the hearing the sub-committee was informed that the details of Premises License was:


Supply of alcohol, live music, recorded music


Monday – Saturday 09:00 – 23:30

Sunday                   09:00 – 23:00


Late night refreshments


Monday – Saturday 23:00 – 23:30



Hours premises open to the public


Monday –Saturday 09:00 – 23:30

Sunday                  09:00 – 23:00


2.    Grounds of Objection


There were two objection notices made against the premises licence, one from a responsible authority, namely Havering’s Noise Specialist, Mr Marc Gasson, submitted on 7 May 2015.  The other representation was made by an Interested Party


Both objections raise concerns under the Prevention of Public Nuisance


3.    Details of Representations

Licensing Officer Paul Jones presented his report and updated the sub-committee on observations he made on 13 June 2015 when the restaurant was in operation under a Temporary Event Notice.    He advised that on driving past the premises at approximately 22:50 two tables of patrons were seen to occupy the external decked are in apparent contravention of the premises user’s voluntary undertaking to restrict this area’s usage to 22:00.  Having parked in a nearby car park the licensing officer approached the venue on foot.  The external patrons’ raised voices and laughter were clearly audible some 95 metres from the decked area.  It emerged that there were two tables of patrons, six at each table, located at either end of the decked area.  The patrons were seen to be consuming drinks, and no evidence of smoking was witnessed at this time.


Upon returning again at 23:30, one table was still occupied some 90 minutes after the voluntary undertaking to cease external activity. He expressed concern about the management of the premises. He also advised the sub-committee that an advert had been placed in local newspapers that belly dancers will be provided as entertainment. He enquired whether the Applicant would be modifying the application.


Public Health: - Mr Gasson, the Havering Noise Specialist officer appeared and reiterated his written objection against the applications. He reminded the sub-committee that his representations had changed slightly in light of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.