Agenda, decisions and minutes

KC'S BAR, Licensing Sub-Committee - Monday, 25th February, 2013 2.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Richard Cursons - (01708 432430)  Email:

No. Item





KC’s Bar,

155 Billet Lane,


RM11 1UR



Mr Thomas Callum Rowlatt,

14 Wallis Close,


RM11 1FY                                                                                                     


1.    Details of Application


KC’s Bar is located in Billet Lane on the outskirts of Hornchurch Town Centre. The vicinity surrounding the premises is a mixture of residential and commercial properties. Emerson Park railway station is in the immediate area.  KC’s bar operates under the authority of a premises licence.


The applicant submitted applications for two Temporary Event Notices (TENs) on 7th February 2013 in accordance with the provisions of section 100 of the Licensing Act 2003 (“the Act”).


The first application is for the provision of regulated entertainment, late night refreshment and the supply of alcohol on Saturday 2nd March 2013 between 01:00 and 02:00.


The second application is for the provision of regulated entertainment, late night refreshment and the supply of alcohol on Sunday 5th May 2013 into Monday, 6th May, from 23:00 and 01:00.


Both TENs are listed as private events, a 40th and a 50th birthday party respectively. Both events are to be closed to the general public and attendance of up to 100 guests on each occasion is by invitation only.


2.    Grounds of Objection


There was one objection notice made against each of these TENs from a responsible authority, namely Havering’s Noise Specialist, Mr Marc Gasson, submitted on 12th February, 2013.


Under the Licensing Act 2003 as amended, the police and environmental health have three working days to lodge an objection to a TEN on the grounds relating to one or more of the four licensing objectives (The Prevention of Crime and Disorder, Public Safety, the Prevention of Public Nuisance and the Protection of Children from Harm).


3.    Details of Representations


Public Health: - Mr Gasson, the Havering Noise Specialist officer appeared and reiterated his written objection against the applications. He stated that:

·         Noise from loud music and raised voices of patrons at the venue is the subject of an on-going investigation by the Environmental Service.

·         An Abatement Notice in respect of Noise Nuisance was served on the owners of the premises dated 8th August 2011 and despite some sound attenuation works and management controls being put in place, this Service has continued to receive allegations that the noise from the premises is still an issue.

·         The vast majority of the complaints centre around noise from private functions held at the venue.

·         The case continues to be monitored by the Council’s Out-Of-Hours Noise Service.


Mr Gasson had spoken to Mr Parrett following the service of the Abatement Notice and works and measures had been put in place to resolve the issues. There were no longer any issues with sound from the rear of the premises but still problems with the area outside the front door which was designated as a smoking area. The licence prohibits any drinks being taken outside the premises after 23:00. Paul Jones confirmed that the area immediately outside the front of  ...  view the full decision text for item 1.


Licensing Act 2003

Notice of Decision



KC’s Bar,

155 Billet Lane,


RM11 1UR



Mr Thomas Callum Rowlatt,

14 Wallis Close,


RM11 1FY                                                                                                     


1.    Details of Application


KC’s Bar is located in Billet Lane on the outskirts of Hornchurch Town Centre. The vicinity surrounding the premises is a mixture of residential and commercial properties. Emerson Park railway station is in the immediate area.  KC’s bar operates under the authority of a premises licence.


The applicant submitted applications for two Temporary Event Notices (TENs) on 7th February 2013 in accordance with the provisions of section 100 of the Licensing Act 2003 (“the Act”).


The first application is for the provision of regulated entertainment, late night refreshment and the supply of alcohol on Saturday 2nd March 2013 between 01:00 and 02:00.


The second application is for the provision of regulated entertainment, late night refreshment and the supply of alcohol on Sunday 5th May 2013 into Monday, 6th May, from 23:00 and 01:00.


Both TENs are listed as private events, a 40th and a 50th birthday party respectively. Both events are to be closed to the general public and attendance of up to 100 guests on each occasion is by invitation only.


2.    Grounds of Objection


There was one objection notice made against each of these TENs from a responsible authority, namely Havering’s Noise Specialist, Mr Marc Gasson, submitted on 12th February, 2013.


Under the Licensing Act 2003 as amended, the police and environmental health have three working days to lodge an objection to a TEN on the grounds relating to one or more of the four licensing objectives (The Prevention of Crime and Disorder, Public Safety, the Prevention of Public Nuisance and the Protection of Children from Harm).


3.    Details of Representations


Public Health: - Mr Gasson, the Havering Noise Specialist officer appeared and reiterated his written objection against the applications. He stated that:

·         Noise from loud music and raised voices of patrons at the venue is the subject of an on-going investigation by the Environmental Service.

·         An Abatement Notice in respect of Noise Nuisance was served on the owners of the premises dated 8th August 2011 and despite some sound attenuation works and management controls being put in place, this Service has continued to receive allegations that the noise from the premises is still an issue.

·         The vast majority of the complaints centre around noise from private functions held at the venue.

·         The case continues to be monitored by the Council’s Out-Of-Hours Noise Service.


Mr Gasson had spoken to Mr Parrett following the service of the Abatement Notice and works and measures had been put in place to resolve the issues. There were no longer any issues with sound from the rear of the premises but still problems with the area outside the front door which was designated as a smoking area. The licence prohibits any drinks being taken outside the premises after 23:00. Paul Jones confirmed that the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.