Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall

Contact: Debbie Marlow tel: 01708 433091  e-mail:

No. Item



On behalf of the Chairman, there will be an announcement about the arrangements in case of fire or other events that might require the meeting room or building’s evacuation.


Through the Chairman, an announcement was made explaining the evacuation procedures in the event of an emergency.



Apologies for absence

(if any) - receive


Councillors Ray Morgon, David Durant and David Johnson were also in attendance.


There were no apologies for absence.


All decisions were agreed unanimously with no Member voting against.



Disclosures of Interest

Members are invited to disclose any interests in any of the items on the agenda at this point of the meeting. Members may still disclose an interest in an item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 221 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 18th January, 2017, and to authorise the Chairman to sign them.


The minutes of the meeting held on 18th January, 2017 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


The Council's Budget 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

At the time of publication Appendices E and L are not available due to a national technical issue in the case of Appendix E and unforeseen delay in the case of Appendix L.  These documents will be published by supplementary agenda as soon as they become available.

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Roger Ramsey presented the report to Cabinet detailing the Council’s Budget 2017/18.  Attention was drawn to two supplementary agendas and the reports therein deemed crucial for the budget setting process. Cabinet agreed to receive the late reports.


The report was the latest of three  ...  view the full minutes text for item 94.


The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget for 2017/2018 and HRA Major Works Capital Programme 2017/18 - 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Councillor Damian White presented the report to Cabinet detailing the HRA and HRA Major Works Capital Programme. It was noted that the proposed budget will allow the Borough to manage the Council’s Housing stock to a reasonable standard, maintain the existing stock and provide funding for a substantial new build  ...  view the full minutes text for item 95.


Treasury Management Strategy Statement, Prudential Indicators and Minimum Revenue Provision Statement for 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 357 KB


Consideration was given to the report detailing the Treasury Management Strategy Statement, Prudential Indicators and Minimum Revenue Provision Statement for 2017/18.

Cabinet noted the first Treasury Management Strategy Statement noting that other reports will follow (minimum of three per year).


The Council is required to manage a balanced budget, the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 96.