Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1-Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Victoria Freeman 01708 433862 Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS (if any) - receive Minutes: An aplogy for absdence was received from Councillor Martin Goode. |
DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS Members are invited to disclose any interest in any of the items on the agenda at this point of the meeting.
Members may still disclose any interest in any item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter.
Minutes: 5. INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY SERVICES - STAGE 2 EVALUATION. Councillor Ron Ower, Personal, Daughter works for one of tendering companies - in a department unrelated to the work under discussion..
EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC To consider whether the public should now be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that it is likely that, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, if members of the public were present during those items there would be disclosure to them of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972; and, if it is decided to exclude the public on those grounds, the Committee to resolve accordingly on the motion of the Chairman.
Minutes: The Committee resolved to exclude the public from the meeting during discussion of the following item on the grounds that if members of the public were present during that item, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government act 1972.
There were no members of the press or public present for the duration of the meeting. |
INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY SERVICES - STAGE 2 EVALUATION Additional documents: Minutes: As required under Regulations, the Committee received presentations from three shortlisted Investment Management Consultancy firms seeking to be appointed as Investment Management Consultant for the Pension Fund. Members scored each company’s presentation and asked questions of the presenting officers attending. Scoresheets were retained by Council officers in order to assist with the final appointment process.
That authority be delegated to the Council’s Chief Financial officer to award the Investment Management Consultant Services contract and in consultation with the Monitoring Officer to approve the final forms of contract and the entering into such agreements necessary to give effect to the appointment of an Investment Management Consultant for the Council’s Pension Fund. |