Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Taiwo Adeoye - 01708 433079 Email:
No. | Item |
Members may still disclose any interest in an item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter.
Minutes: No interest was disclosed at the meeting. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 30 July 2019, and to authorise the Chairman to sign them.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 30 July 2019 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
PROPOSED TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES IN PERCY ROAD, LINGLEY CRESCENT AND HAINAULT ROAD PDF 384 KB Report attached Additional documents: Minutes: With the permission of the Committee, Councillor Dilip Patel addressed Members giving full support for the scheme.
The Committee considered the report and following a debate RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, that the safety improvements detailed on the relevant drawings be implemented as follows:
a) a maximum 20mph speed zone incorporating Percy Road, Lingley Crescent and Hainault Road (with associated roundels) as shown on drawing in Appendix 1; b) a width restriction at the junction of Percy Road and Mawney Road as shown on drawing in Appendix 1
Members noted that that the estimated cost of implementing these proposals was £0.035m which includes design and consultation costs. These costs would be met through Local Implementation Plan (LIP) funding from Transport for London.
PROPOSED TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES IN DURY FALLS ESTATE PDF 423 KB Report attached Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the report and without debate RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, that safety improvements detailed on the relevant drawings be implemented as follows:
· A maximum 20mph zone in all seventeen estate roads within the Dury Falls Estate – Holme Road, Garden Avenue, Benets Road, Tiptree Close, Somerset Gardens, Hedingham Road, Dury falls Close, Berkeley Drive, Dunster Crescent, Lee Garden Avenue, Frimley Avenue, Berkeley Drive, Berkeley Close, Dunster Crescent, Falkirk Close, Caermavon Close, Carisbroke Close (with associated roundels) as shown on the drawing in Appendix 1; · 20 mph signage and markings to be laid within the zone.
Members noted that the estimated cost of implementing the proposals was £0.025m that includes feasibility design and consultation costs, which would be met by Transport for London allocated to the borough for Traffic Calming Measures in Dury Falls Estate Area for 2019/20(A3068). |
Minutes: The Committee considered the report and without debate RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, that the safety improvements detailed in the report and shown on the relevant drawings be implemented as follows:
(a) Hilldene Avenue outside property No: 36 Hilldene Avenue - Pedestrian refuge as shown drawing reference QS005/1;
(b) Hilldene Avenue / Chatteris Avenue / Edenhall Road Junctions - Zebra crossing - Mini roundabout at the Hilldene Avenue / Edenhall Road Junction as shown drawing reference QS005/1;
(c) Hilldene Avenue by Hilldene Close - Upgrading existing pelican crossing with speed table as shown on drawing reference QS005/2.
Members noted that the estimated costs of £0.070m would be met from the Transport for London’s (TfL) 2019/20 Local Implementation Plan allocation for Casualty Reduction.
PROPOSED TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES IN MEAD SCHOOL AREA - AMERSHAM ROAD AND HARLESDEN ROAD PDF 402 KB Report attached Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the report and without debate RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, that the safety improvements detailed in the report and shown on relevant the drawing be implemented as follows:
(a) A maximum of 20 mph speed zone in Amersham Road, Amersham Close, Harlesden Close, Waltham Close, and Harlesden walk with associated roundels as shown on the drawing in Appendix 1; (b) Raised speed tables with tactile paving on Amersham Road near the entrance to Mead primary School as shown on the drawing in Appendix 1; (c) 20mph speed zone signage on all the roads within the scheme area.
Members noted that the estimated cost of implementing the proposals was £0.040m; feasibility design and consultation costs, which would be met by Transport for London allocated to the borough for Traffic Calming Measures in Mead School Area for 2018/19. |
Minutes: The Committee considered the report and following clarification from officers of the estimated costs relating to speed table relocation RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment, following consultation with the Leader of the Council, that the safety improvements detailed in the report and shown on the relevant drawings be implemented as follows:
(a) Rainham Road east of Dunningford Close - Replacing existing pedestrian refuge with wider Pedestrian refuge; - Minor carriageway widening as shown on drawing reference QS004/1
(b) Rainham Road opposite to property No.275 Rainham Road - 30mph vehicle activated sign as shown on drawing reference QS004/2
(c) Rainham Road / Fyfield Road Junction - Mini roundabout - Pedestrian refuge with minor carriageway widening; - Relocation of speed table as shown on drawing reference QS004/3.
(d) Rainham Road outside property Nos: 9 and 11 Rainham Road - Pedestrian refuge as shown on drawing reference QS004/4.
Members noted that the estimated costs of £0.070m would be met from the Transport for London’s (“TfL”) 2019/20 Local Implementation Plan allocation for Casualty Reduction. |
TPC816 - ST ANDREWS AVENUE AREA PDF 2 MB Report attached Minutes: The report before the Committee recommended the introduction of a new Residents Permit Parking Area ‘Permit Parking Past in the St. Andrews Avenue area following a parking consultation.
Members noted that a statutory consultation was undertaken between 25 May 2018 and 15 June 2018.
Ward Councillors were consulted on 9 July 2018.
Following a debate and a motion to recommend rejection of the proposals the Committee RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, that the proposals to introduce a new Residents Permit Parking Area ‘Permit Parking Past this point’ be rejected.
TPC745 - GIDEA PARK REVIEW - STANLEY CLOSE PDF 638 KB Report attached Minutes: The Committee considered the report and without debate RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment following consultation with the Leader of the Council that:
(a) the proposals to introduce a new Residents Permit Parking Area ‘Permit Parking Past this point’ (operational Monday to Friday 8.30am – 6:30pm inclusive) in Stanley Close (as shown on the plan in appendix A of the report) proceed to formal consultation;
(b) if at the close of consultation no objections are received to the proposals at 1(a) above, the scheme proceeds to full implementation.
That it be noted that the estimated cost of the scheme, as set out in the report was £0.005m, which would be funded from the A2904 Controlled Parking Zone Reviews LIP 18-19 TFL. |