Agenda and draft minutes
Contact: Christine Elsasser - 01708 433675 Email:
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 30 November 2021 and authorise the Chairman to sign them.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 30 November 2021 were agreed as a correct record and were to be signed by the Chairman.
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Q3 Report and PowerPoint attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The report and presentation before members updated the Sub-Committee on the Quarter 3 2021/22 performance information.
Performance indicators had previously been selected by the Sub- Committee which were as follows:
· Improve air quality in the borough by reducing the level of NO2 · HMO licenses issued · HMOs enforced against Total Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued in month · Response rate for PCN Challenges and Representations Members were advised that the RAG rating was only available for one performance indicator (Response rate for PCN Challenges and Representations) and had been rated an Amber.
It was also to me noted that Improve air quality in the borough by reducing the level of NO2 would not be available until Quarter 4.
In terms of EV charging points, a funding application for EV charging points at Council car parks was successful. The Council was allocated £176,000 to install EV charging points at 12 council car parks. The procurement process to award the work to a contractor had started, with a timeframe for completion end of March 2022 and for the works to start in the new financial year. Another funding bid for on street EV charging points was submitted in December and the Council were currently awaiting the outcome.
With regards toHMO licence applications, they continue to be processed and issued as a priority although the current procedure to inspect every property prior to issuing a new licence had slowed the process. Enforcement operations remain limited which has led to very few enforcement cases this Quarter. It is intended that operations were to be stepped up in early 2022.
Within Penalty Charge Notices (PNCs), there was a significant increase in correspondence levels which resulted in an increase in response times.
Questions were raised around parking and EV charging and responses would be provided through a briefing by the Transport Planners who would also attend the next meeting.
The Sub-Committee noted the contents of the report and the presentation.
As this was the last meeting of the sub-committee the Chairman thanked the officers who have supported Members in carrying out their scrutiny responsibilities.