Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Richard Cursons 01708 432430  Email:


No. Item



Report attached


The report before Members detailed the performance information for quarter 4 (January to March 2021).


Members noted that most of quarter 4 was spent in lockdown due to the pandemic.


Officers advised that even though the police had a 90% target of I calls during the period, only 76.2% of calls had been responded to within the target time of 15 minutes.


With regards to other crimes such as burglary, robbery, domestic abuse and knife crime the figures had reduced from the previous year.


With regards to Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) at one stage there had been a 270% increase, however, following analysis it was ascertained that the majority of calls had been about Covid lockdown regulation breaches.


In response to a question from a Member relating to violence with injury and It’s  relationship with the night time economy, Officers advised that that during the period that the town centres had been closed there had been a fall violent crimes.


Members were advised that the street triage service, street pastors and extra police resources were again operational in the town centres.


Officers advised that a bid for extra funding for the Safer Streets campaign had been submitted with the result known at the end of August.


Officers also advised that the Street Link campaign was still in operation to help people identify rough sleepers in the town centres. Housing services also provided rough sleepers with support to accessing accommodation and Community Safety signposted people if they had mental health or substance misuse issues.


Members were also advised that policing resources in the town centres had remained static throughout the lockdown periods.


Officers confirmed that the Town Link radio was still in operation in Romford and Hornchurch town centres, businesses paid a fee to hire a radio which was linked in to the council’s CCTV so that they could notify each other of any problems in the area.


Members noted the contents of the report and agreed to continue to monitor the performance information going forward.










Verbal update to be given


Members received an update on the current situation regarding the Council’s CCTV provision.


Officers advised that the pandemic had meant a significant impact on the CCTV review.


Members were advised that officers were gathering evidence on the future siting of cameras and for a new control room as the current control room was being decanted from Mercury House.


Officers had been visiting other London boroughs to look at their control rooms and how they operated their systems.


Members were also advised that there was a global shortage of microchips due to the pandemic which meant officers were having to work closely with consultants to explore alternative options for CCTV cameras.


Officers advised that the council’s current cameras were analogue and the new set up would employ digital cameras which needed microchips.


Members noted that the current system would continue to be in use whilst the procurement was taking place to enable seamless coverage of the borough.


Officers advised that when the options were available then the Sub-Committee would be notified.


In response to a question relating to the £5 million budget set aside for the CCTV upgrade, officers advised that a large proportion of the funds would be used by converting from analogue to a digital system.


The council currently had 350 cameras at various sites, some were fixed and others were re-deployable cameras used to target specific sites that may be used for things like fly-tipping hotspots.


Members requested that a more detailed of the £5 million breakdown be given to them in the near future. Officers advised that sum set aside would include infrastructure, camera costs, new control centre and consultancy fees.


Officers advised that a draft strategy would be presented to Cabinet in the future.


Members were also advised that the council could not exceed the £5 million budget and that works would accord with that budget or less. Officers also advised that there was not an abundance of companies that offered a complete service but the council had secured a company that would provide a service from start to finish.


In relation to the quality of images captured Members were advised that the new digital cameras would be able to provide very high quality images.


Members agreed that an update report be submitted to the next meeting of the Sub-Committee.