Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Town Hall, Main Road, Romford
Contact: Richard Cursons - 01708 432430 Email:
No. | Item |
VIOLENCE REDUCTION ACTION PLAN UPDATE Report attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: The report before Members provided information on the Policing and Crime (MOPAC) as required by each local authority to produce a Violence Reduction Action Plan. The plan was refreshed annually and performance was reported quarterly to the Havering Community Safety Partnership.
The 7 themes around the Partnership were as follows: ·
Governance - provided
an oversight of the leadership and governance of violence locally,
detailing the senior leadership structure as well as collaboration
between Community Safety Partnership, Safeguarding Children and
Adults Boards and the Health and Wellbeing Board, to support a
public health approach to reduce violence.
Analysis and Enforcement - understanding of how analysis and local enforcement tactics
were used to disrupt violence locally, including the Strategic
Needs Assessment, monthly tasking meetings and using Information
Sharing to Tackle Violence (ISTV) and wider public health
data. ·
Reducing Access to Weapons
- how partners were working jointly to minimise
access including using Trading Standard initiatives and weapons
sweeps. ·
Safeguarding and Educating Young
people - the most detailed section within
the plan that contained actions that included focussing on reducing
exclusions, support for children in care and care leavers, working
with parents and carers and ensuring schools are safe and inclusive
spaces. ·
Working with Communities and Neighbourhoods to
Reduce Violence - ensured that local
delivery works closely with communities to reduce violence
including VCS.
Supporting Victims of Violence and
Vulnerability - ensured co-ordinated
referral and support to victims and those who were
vulnerable. · Positive Diversion from Violence - recognised that children and young people should be offered interventions which helped them before or to move away from criminality. The full Havering Violence Reduction Unit Action Plan was included as Appendix 1 in the report. It was agreed that there was dispute on some of the communication TCCGs and the discussion around this would be taken offline. Action Point: Officer Chris Stannett would contact Paul Travis to discuss.
The Sub-committee noted the contents of the report.
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS - QUARTER 2 (2021/2022) Report attached. Minutes: The report before Members detailed information on performance against the indicators previously requested by the Crime and Disorder Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee during Quarter 2 (July to September 2021).
Statistics were on page 55 of the report and Officers confirmed that residential burglaries decreased due to working from home trends.
Councillors queried the lower than average response times of 64-64% and Officers replied that this was down to availability of numbers of Officers, drivers etc. and a knock on effect that required finding the right balance going forward; an improvement in average response times were expected in the next quarter.
Officers commented that a rise in domestic abuse was to be seen as a positive statistic outcome because it meant that there was a growth in the reporting of incidences and confidence in the service. The non – domestic with injury statistics had dropped due to lockdown and these conflicts would inevitably be on the rise again.
The Sub-committee noted the contents of the report.
Report attached. Minutes: The report before Members provided a review of the performance of the Council Funded Police Team (HJTF).
Officers confirmed that the Havering Joint Task Force was one of the most productive operational units in East Area, especially given that it was made up of only 5 uniformed police officers.
There would be a review of the task force on an annual rolling basis, with promotion around the work that they do and it was to also be noted that the funding was received through the TTCG.
The Sub-committee noted the contents of the report.
UPDATE ON PROBATION UNIFICATION Presentation attached. Minutes: The report before Members provided details on the following: · An update on the unification of the probation service. · An opportunity to discuss how changes might impact the organisations, delivery and outcomes for people on probation. · Clarification of current status in Barking, Dagenham and Havering.
Officers confirmed that resources were being added to deal with specific group with complex needs (i.e. LGBTQ and veteran groups). The difficulty arises when outsourcing and around drug issues whereby people fall through the gaps as criminal justice cases don’t fit into a specific mould.
Challenges exist around the changing landscapes of criminality. The core service is back up and running but challenges around retaining staff remain. The service could be full fully functioning within 5 years if staff can be trained and retained. The core reasons for staff leaving is down to fiscal and workload reasons. Criminality is more complex and more violent than ever before.
The Sub-committee noted the contents of the report.