Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 2 - Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Victoria Freeman 01708 433862  Email:

No. Item



To approve as correct the minutes of the meetings held on 20 November 2018 and authorise the Chairman to sign them.


The minutes of the meeting of the Sub-Committee held on the 20 November 2018 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Additional documents:


The Sub-Committee received information on performance against indicators during Quarter 3 (October – December 2018).


The Sub-Committee received, and noted, the number of working days lost to aid abstractions from ring fenced roles and data on neighbourhood officers abstracted by rank and officers abstracted by aid, court and training, as detailed in the report.


Due to the difficulties in abstracting data on shifts where minimum staffing strength is met, Members agreed that the data should not be presented in future performance reports.


The following statistics were highlighted to the Sub-Committee:


·         For the week commencing 10 December 2018, Havering had seen an improvement in the number of I calls reaching the target time with a rate of 85.9%.  For the same period, Havering Domestic Abuse I calls had seen an increase in the number of calls reaching targets with a rate of 87.8% compared to the 84.2% reported for the week commencing 24 September 2018, an improvement of 3.6%.

·         Since September 2017, the rolling average of S grade calls met within an hour was 79.3%, against 79.2% for the BCU; and for Domestic Abuse S grades, this figure was 80%, against 79.4% for the BCU. 

·         One call had been made specifically regarding unauthorised incursions, which accounted for 0.1% of overall ASB calls.


A Member raised concern that by assigning a Dedicated Ward Officer (DWO) a particular task removed their focus from local aid issues, upon which it was agreed that an illustration of the types of activities undertaken by DWO’s would be circulated to Members.


The issue of Police raids on traveller sites was raised during discussion, upon which it was explained that raids were intelligence led and a debrief had been provided following the recent raids in Havering. 




That the contents of the report, be noted.



Additional documents:


The Sub-Committee received an overview of the Havering Community Safety Partnership Strategic Assessment, January 2019.


It was explained that the Council had a statutory duty under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 to produce an annually refreshed community safety plan.  In order to produce this plan, the Council was required to carry out an analysis of crime and disorder in the local area.


The contents of the assessment included performance and recent trends, Crime Harm Index, Community Safety Problems, safeguarding and vulnerabilities and suggested priorities and recommendations.


The assessment highlighted the following:


·      An increase in reporting and recording levels of serious youth violence, domestic abuse crime, hate crime and robbery.

·      Burglary had remained stable seeing only a 4.4% increase.

·      There had been a reduction in sexual offences, drug offences, theft and handling, and arson and criminal damage.

·      Romford Town Ward was the largest contributor to total notifiable crime in Havering, although there had been a reduction in crime in the town centre.


Those persons aged 20-40 years old were at greatest risk of victimisation from harmful and high risk problems. 25 and over were at greatest risk of household / home based acquisitive crimes.  Domestic abuse and sexual offences were more likely to be reported by females, whereas serious violence against the person and robbery were more likely to be reported by males.  Currency, laptop computers and jewellery were the most stolen items, with credit cards and currency accounting for 21% of all stolen property.  The most common type of motor vehicle stolen were saloon cars and vans.


Crime offending rates were above average for those aged 15-39, with the peak offending age being between 16-28.  For more serious violence and sexual offences, the predominant age range was 17-32, but for domestic abuse the predominant age range extended into the forties.  Males accounted for a total of 81% (suspected) offenders, ranging from 74% - 97% depending on the category of crime.  Categories of crime where offenders were most likely to know victims were sexual offences and domestic abuse.


Those young persons aged 15, 16 and 17, were the most frequent ages of youth offenders, accounting for combined 61% of all youth suspects.  In the previous 12 months there had been notable percentage rises in Violence Against the Person, Theft and Handling and Sexual Offences. 


The offending gang profile within the borough had changed from a historical single known gang operating within Havering, into various different collectives and associations. 


With regards to safeguarding and vulnerability issues, a working group was looking at daily sexual exploitation and sexual health in the borough; there had been an increase in reporting of modern day slavery and human trafficking to agencies, however these crime were not being reported to the police. 


Domestic Abuse levels continued to increase placing increased demand on agencies such as at the DV MARAC.  Support services available to victims of domestic violence included the Woman’s Support Group, refuges, drop in services, independent domestic violence advocates and a dedicated service for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.



Additional documents:


The Sub-Committee received a report that set out a brief background to the Modern Slavery Act 2015, outlined the duties it placed on local authorities and specified different types of modern day slavery.  The report provided a brief account of what was happening in Havering and the wider London context along with plans for next steps.


Members were taken through the presentation, and were advised that Hestia had supported 524 individuals of modern slavery in London in 2015, 624 in 2016 and 870 adults and 315 dependent children in 2017.  The Metropolitan Police’s Anti-Slavery Unit reported the number of suspected victims of modern slavery to have risen to 1,715 in 2017; a 70% increase compared to 2016.


In 2016, 46 individuals accessed Hestia’s services in Newham, 34 in the Barking and Dagenham, 31 in Redbridge and 8 in Havering.  There was an increase across all the East London Boroughs of individuals accessing the services.  The key area of concern for Havering related to young people being exploited into criminality and selling drugs.


A Modern Day Slavery working group had been established under the governance of the Safeguarding Boards, with its membership drawn from a wide range of council departments.  An infographic of referral pathways was being drawn up to include routes for Housing Services and Children and Adult Safeguarding teams, and this would inform external and internal referrers.


A corporate Modern Day Slavery Strategy and Policy would be developed and members req     uested an all member briefing once the strategy had been approved. 




That the Sub-Committee noted the report.