Agenda and minutes

Crime & Disorder Sub- Committee - Tuesday, 17th July, 2012 7.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 3A - Town Hall. View directions

Contact: James Goodwin 01708 432432  Email:

No. Item



To approve as correct the minutes of the meetings held on 8 Mat 2012 and authorise the Chairman to sign them.



The minutes of the meeting held on 8 May 2012 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



To consider whether or not the Committee wishes to establish a Topic group to review and scrutinise the Havering Community Safety Partnership’s work to tackle Domestic Violence and to determine if they wish to look at any particular element.



The Committee gave consideration to the establishment of a Topic Group to look at how the Council and its partners tackle the problem of Domestic Violence. Because Domestic Violence was such a broad ranging subject discussion ensued as to what parameters should be set for the Topic Group. The Committee discussed the issue of Domestic Violence against men, which the Committee felt was an area not usually picked up. Consideration was also given to the affect of Domestic Violence on children. If this approach was adopted the work could be undertaken jointly with the Children and Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Officers had spoken to the Domestic Violence Forum to obtain their views; they had suggested the following areas would benefit from scrutiny:

  • Impact on children;
  • Young people as victims of Domestic Violence and how Young People manage relationships; and
  • Impact of MARAC (on children of high risk cases).


Having discussed the various options the Committee agreed to establish a Domestic Violence Topic Group to:

1.                  review the level of services delivered locally in respect of the effects of Domestic Violence on Young People and Children both as victims, witnesses and/or perpetrators;

2.                  look at what steps the Partnership are taking to tackle the problem in the future (work of the Troubled Families Team);

3.                  identify good practice in other boroughs;

4.                  make recommendations to the Administration on areas which could be improved, if appropriate; and

5.                  look at the scope of Domestic Violence locally against male victims



To receive an oral report on the visit to Romford Town Centre on the evening of 1st June 2012.



Members provided feedback from their visit to Romford Town Centre on the evening of 1st June 2012. They had found the visit informative and made mention of the work of the Street Pastors and Taxi Marshals. Officers had demonstrated the drug itemiser and the committee were informed this was owned by the Council, but utilised by the Police, especially the Licensing Officer. However, evidence from an itemiser had not been used in London for the purposes of prosecution.


During the visit members had been shown the new ID scanner purchased by Kosho. This machine was linked to the Sugar Hut in Brentwood allowing the two clubs to share information. Members could see the clear advance in all clubs/bars in Romford Town Centre and Hornchurch Town Centre investing in similar equipment. This would almost certainly be of benefit to the prevention of crime & disorder in the Town Centres.


Following the success of the visits it was agreed that two further visits be arranged:

  1. To Romford Town Centre commencing at midnight to observe what happens when the bars and clubs close; and
  2. To Hornchurch Town Centre on either a Friday or Saturday night.



  1. No place for Racism in the Metropolitan Police;


  1. Crime Statistics 2011/12 and 2012/13;


  1. Metropolitan Police changes


a)            No place for Racism in the Metropolitan Police.


The Borough Commander advised the Committee that the incident which had given rise to the report had occurred in Newham and was being dealt with by New Scotland Yard. There was no direct impact on Havering.


Investigations were on-going and he had nothing further to report.


b)            Crime statistics 2011/12 and 2012/13.


The Borough Commander supplied details of how the borough had performed against its targets last year, and how it was performing this year against the new targets. Public confidence in policing had increased by 10% over the last two years, but satisfaction had dropped to 80%. The Committee was informed there was little difference between non-coloured and Ethnic Minorities.


Detection rates in the borough were good with 1 in 4 robberies being detected and the perpetrator being brought to justice. Similarly with residential burglary there was a 21% detection rate which was the 4th Highest in London.


c)             Metropolitan Police changes.


The Committee were informed that there was no intention to take more resources from Havering to cover for the G4S failure to secure adequate numbers of staff for the Olympics. The Policing action plan for London was in place and locally we had been able to secure an extra 60 officers for the borough.


The Borough Commander advised that the plans for the introduction of the new model for policing in London had been delayed and he now expected these would be introduced in the autumn. He would report back when he had further information.


The Committee noted the reports from the Borough Commander.



To receive an oral report on the Chairman’s attendance at the Modernising Justice Seminar held on 14th June 2012.



The Chairman reported orally on his attendance at the Modernising Justice seminar held on 14th June, 2012. He and an officer had attended the seminar and between them attended 4 of the workshops. The seminar had been looking at how technology could be used to improve the justice system. Whilst much of the conference was aimed at practitioners rather than scrutineers there was much to learn at the conference.


Advances in the use of cloud based servers could both improve accessibility and sharing whilst at the same time promoting greater security. This could lead to both savings and efficiency. This was being promoted as a way of sharing information and files between the police, crown prosecution service, the courts and defence lawyers.


Councillor Dervish had attended a workshop which demonstrated the use of an electronic tag to monitor an offenders alcohol levels. The tag took a blood sample every half hour. The tag was being used successful in the United States of America. The manufacturers were looking to run a pilot in London and the Mayor had expressed an interest. This would be part of an offenders rehabilitation following a conviction for drunk driving.


The Committee were of the opinion that this was not something they would wish to see piloted in Havering.


The Borough Commander informed the committee that Havering Police had been one of the pilots for introducing the electronic sharing of files across the Criminal Justice system and this had been successful. He expected all boroughs to be implementing the system soon.


The Committee noted the report.




A draft work programme for the committee had been circulated with the agenda. After discussion and consideration the following work plan was agreed:


Meeting 1

(18 October 2012)

Meeting 2

(7 November 2012

Meeting 3

(5 February 2013)

Meeting 4

(11 April 2013)

Meeting 5

(21 May 2013)

HCSP Expenditure

Protection of Older People

HCSP Expenditure

Report from Police on burglary

HCSP Expenditure

Crime up date post Olympics

IOM Presentation from London Probation Trust

Youth Offending team update

Christmas crime update

Annual report

Post Olympic update from LFEPA




Report from CCG (Provisional)


The Committee agreed that the Work Plan would be a working document and subject to regular review.