Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Havering Town Hall, Main Road, Romford

Contact: Taiwo Adeoye - 01708 433079  Email:


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There were no disclosures of interest.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 407 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 19 December 2024 and to authorise the Chairman to sign them.


The minutes of the meeting held on 19 December 2024 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



P0887.24 - 67-71 VICTORIA ROAD, ROMFORD (ST ALBANS) pdf icon PDF 817 KB

Report attached.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report that sought permission for demolition of the existing buildings and the redevelopment of the site to provide a mix of residential units (Use Class C3), including access works, car and cycle parking, refuse storage and amenity space.


The application proposal detailed the following to redevelop the site providing new dwellings comprising two separate blocks;

·         To the front of the site facing Victoria Road, a block of flats, three storey high, comprising 6 x 2 bed dwelling.

·         The area between the blocks incorporates communal amenity space. There is also communal amenity space to the rear of the proposed rear block backing onto the railway embankment.

·         A terrace of three storey buildings, to the rear, comprising 1 x 2 bed house and 2 x 3 bed houses

·          Each of the proposed terrace houses would benefit from rear garden. The proposed flat block would include balconies and terraces.

·         Refuse and recycling and cycle storage would be provided to the front part of the site, along the boundary with the adjoining building. 

·         The proposal would include one disabled parking space, with vehicular access from Victoria Road through the ground floor (under-croft) of the proposed front block.

·         Provision of 18 secure cycle parking spaces for residents including space for large cycles and additional visitor parking for 2 cycles;

·         The proposed buildings would incorporate Sustainable design features through provision of green roof, Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDs) and roof-top PV panels and Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs).


A Councillor call-in has been received which accords with the Committee consideration criteria.


The application had been called–in by a Ward Councillor. With its agreement Councillor Judith Holt addressed the Committee stating that objection to the proposed scheme.


Following discussion and consideration Members of the Committee resolved to grant planning permission subject to conditions detailed in the report. 


The vote for the application was tied 3 votes in favour and 3 votes against. The approval for the application was granted on the Chair’s casting vote.



P1456.23 - 42 DYMOKE ROAD, HORNCHURCH (ST ALBANS) pdf icon PDF 484 KB

Report attached.


The Committee considered a report that sought for the partial demolition of the existing commercial building and the conversion/alteration of the retained building to form two self-contained dwellings and associated amenity space. The dwellings would feature a pitched roof, rear dormer windows and shared rear projection.


The application had been called–in by a Ward Councillor. With its agreement Councillor Judith Holt addressed the Committee stating that objection to the proposed scheme.


Following discussion and consideration Members of the Committee resolved to grant planning permission subject to conditions detailed in the report.