Agenda, decisions and minutes

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MINUTES pdf icon PDF 298 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 13 February 2020 and to authorise the Chairman to sign them.


The minutes of the meeting held on 13 February 2020 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


The minutes of the meeting held on 13 February 2020 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


P1881.19 - 68 BURLINGTON AVENUE pdf icon PDF 265 KB


Members considered the report noting that it was an application by a member of the Council’s staff.


It was RESOLVED that PLANNING PERMISSION BE GRANTED subject to the conditions set out in the report.


Members considered the report noting that it was an application by a member of the Council’s staff.


It was RESOLVED that PLANNING PERMISSION BE GRANTED subject to the conditions set out in the report.



Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report and RESOLVED


(a)  to authorise the stopping up and diversion of Public Footpath 260 (current route of the Footpath was shown zebra hatched on the Plan, proposed diversion route of the Footpath was shown shaded grey on the Plan) in accordance with the procedure set out in sections 257, 259 and Schedule 14 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, subject to: 

·        the grant and lawful implementation of planning permission application reference P0751.19;

·        payment, by the applicant, of all costs associated with the stopping up and diversion;

·        any direction by the Secretary of State


on the following basis:


if no objections were received or any objections received were withdrawn, then the stopping up and diversion order would be confirmed by officers;


if objections were received from a local authority or National Park Authority (and were not withdrawn), or other objections were received (and not withdrawn) and the Secretary of State decides that an inquiry was necessary, the Council shouldl cause a local inquiry to be held.


(b)  to delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Environment to do anything necessary and incidental to facilitate the process of stopping up and diverting the Footpath pursuant to section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.



The Committee considered the report and RESOLVED


(a)  to authorise the stopping up and diversion of Public Footpath 260 (current route of the Footpath was shown zebra hatched on the Plan, proposed diversion route of the Footpath was shown shaded grey on the Plan) in accordance with the procedure set out in sections 257, 259 and Schedule 14 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, subject to: 

·        the grant and lawful implementation of planning permission application reference P0751.19;

·        payment, by the applicant, of all costs associated with the stopping up and diversion;

·        any direction by the Secretary of State


on the following basis:


if no objections were received or any objections received were withdrawn, then the stopping up and diversion order would be confirmed by officers;


if objections were received from a local authority or National Park Authority (and were not withdrawn), or other objections were received (and not withdrawn) and the Secretary of State decides that an inquiry was necessary, the Council shouldl cause a local inquiry to be held.


(b)  to delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Environment to do anything necessary and incidental to facilitate the process of stopping up and diverting the Footpath pursuant to section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.




Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report and RESOLVED


(a)  to authorise the stopping up of the highway land at New Road Rainham shown zebra hatched on the Plan, in accordance with the procedure set out in section 252 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,

subject to: 

·        the lawful implementation of planning permission application reference P1241.17;

·        payment, by the applicant, of all costs associated with the stopping up;

·        any direction by the Mayor of London


on the following basis:


if no objections were received (or any objections received were withdrawn), or the Mayor of London decided a local inquiry was unnecessary, then the stopping up order would be confirmed by officers;


if objections were received from a local authority, statutory undertaker or gas transporter (and were not withdrawn), or other objections were received (and not withdrawn) and the Mayor of London decided that an inquiry was necessary, the Council should cause a local inquiry to be held.


(b)  to delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Environment to do anything necessary and incidental to facilitate the process of stopping up the highway pursuant to section 247 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.




The Committee considered the report and RESOLVED


(a)  to authorise the stopping up of the highway land at New Road Rainham shown zebra hatched on the Plan, in accordance with the procedure set out in section 252 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,

subject to: 

·        the lawful implementation of planning permission application reference P1241.17;

·        payment, by the applicant, of all costs associated with the stopping up;

·        any direction by the Mayor of London


on the following basis:


if no objections were received (or any objections received were withdrawn), or the Mayor of London decided a local inquiry was unnecessary, then the stopping up order would be confirmed by officers;


if objections were received from a local authority, statutory undertaker or gas transporter (and were not withdrawn), or other objections were received (and not withdrawn) and the Mayor of London decided that an inquiry was necessary, the Council should cause a local inquiry to be held.


(b)  to delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Environment to do anything necessary and incidental to facilitate the process of stopping up the highway pursuant to section 247 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.