Agenda and minutes

ADDITIONAL MEETING, Planning Committee - Tuesday, 30th April, 2013 7.30 pm

Venue: Havering Town Hall, Main Road, Romford

Contact: Richard Cursons (01708 432430)  E-mail:

No. Item




The report before members detailed an application which related to a proposed new public leisure development, including a swimming pool and ice rink, on a site located in Western Road, Romford. The proposals were a culmination of long term ambitions to re-introduce a swimming pool and public leisure facilities back into the centre of Romford. The proposals had been made possible through a land swap arrangement involving other land owned by the Council at Rom Valley Way, which currently housed the existing Romford Ice Rink. The Rom Valley Way site was now subject of a separate planning application, reported separately on the agenda, for a new Morrisons food store and residential development. Whilst both applications were separate there was a strong degree of linkage between the proposals, such that each would be considered with regard to the other.


The application had been through all of the statutory consultation processes, including consultation with the Greater London Authority (GLA) and these consultees were satisfied that the proposed provision of a new leisure facility on the site was entirely acceptable in principle.  A wide range of planning issues, including factors such as design, layout, parking and cycling provision, environmental factors and impact on amenity had been considered, as set out in the report. Detailed consideration had also been given to other factors, such as continuity of ice rink provision and public realm improvements in Western Road which were linked with consideration of the proposals.


Staff were satisfied, having regard to all material factors, that the proposals were acceptable in principle and it was recommended that planning permission be granted, subject to no contrary direction from the Mayor for London and no call in from the Secretary of State under the notification procedures, the prior completion of a legal agreement with the GLA to secure Heads of Terms set out below and further subject to conditions as set out in the report.


The following updates were provided by officers:-


Officers referred to paragraph 7.3.4 of the report to correct any misapprehension. It was anticipated that the provision of a replacement leisure facility would take up to two years but it could be longer period depending on contractual position and other contingencies.

Officers referred to paragraph 7.4.12 of the report and confirmed that no further comments were received from GLA in respect of revised design.

Officers referred to paragraph 7.9.1 of the report, the reference to Planning Obligations SPD and replaced with reference to the Crossrail SPD which was adopted in April 2013. It was confirmed that this correction does not affect the fact that this development is not liable under the Crossrail SPD.

With its agreement Councillors Andrew Curtin, Jeffrey Tucker and Michael Deon Burton addressed the Committee.


Councillor Burton commented that he welcomed the re-introduction of a swimming pool back into Romford town centre and also stated that sport was an important part of everyday life. Councillor Burton was asked to confine his observations to planning issues related to the proposal  ...  view the full minutes text for item 209.





This application before members was for the partial demolition of Chaucer House and Hexagon House, together with the provision of new fire escapes and relocation of air handling plants and reconfiguration of the car park. The works were required to be undertaken in order to enable the construction of a proposed new leisure centre on the car park adjacent to Chaucer House (application P1492.12). The proposal was considered to be acceptable in all material respects and it was recommended that planning permission be granted.


Members sought clarification on the proportion of the office space in Chaucer House and Hexagon House which was currently vacant. The information was not to hand. Members also sought clarification on the procedure for notification of the Mayor for London and the Secretary of State. The process was explained.


The Committee considered the report and without debate RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions as set out in the report.





This application before members related to a proposed development on the site of the existing Romford Ice Rink in Rom Valley Way. The proposal was a hybrid application, consisting of a full application for a new supermarket and petrol filling station and an outline application for a residential development of up to 71 units. The proposals had been made possible through a land transaction, which enabled the Council to separately pursue the redevelopment of a site in Western Road to provide a new public leisure facility, including a swimming pool and an ice rink.  Whilst both applications were separate there was a strong degree of linkage between the proposals, such that each had to be considered with regard to the other.


The application had been through all of the statutory consultation processes, including consultation with the Mayor’s office and Staff are satisfied that the proposed development is acceptable in principle, although this was predicated on ensuring delivery of a leisure facility to replace that being lost from the application site i.e. securing a replacement for the existing ice rink. There was a need for a legal agreement to ensure the delivery of the leisure element. A sequential test approach had been applied to the acceptability of providing a new retail supermarket outside of the existing town centre, in line with the National Planning Policy Framework, and the location of the proposed development was considered to be justified and appropriate.


Consideration had been given to a wide range of planning issues, including factors such as design, layout, parking, access issues, relationship with neighbouring land uses and environmental factors.  Detailed consideration had also been given to the loss of the existing ice rink and the consequent impact on the current users of the facility.


Staff were satisfied, having regard to all material factors, that the proposals were acceptable in principle and it was recommended that planning permission be granted, subject to no contrary direction from the Mayor for London or call in from the Secretary of State under the referral procedures, the prior completion of a legal agreement and conditions.


The following updates were given by officers:-


           The financial contribution for highways and transportation related improvements within the vicinity of Queens Hospital was confirmed by the applicant as £30,000;


           Conditions 32 and 33 will be amended to refer to parameters plan number SK-101;


           Paragraph 7.4.8 of the report which suggests the likely period of up to two years between closure of the ice rink and re-provision could be longer depending on contractual position;


           Paragraph 7.5.4 of the report addresses the issue of the request for an additional lane. Further representation were received from interested parties which were addressed by officers;


           CIL liability which is referred to at paragraph 7.10.5 of the report is not finally determined and officers advised that this did not preclude Members from reaching a decision this evening.  The value of the Mayoral CIL and that for Crossrail are calculations that can be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 211.




During the discussion of the reports the Committee RESOLVED to suspend Committee Procedure Rule 8 in order to complete the consideration of the remaining business of the agenda.