Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall
Contact: Anthony Clements tel: 01708 433065 Email:
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence (if any).
Decision: Received from Councillors Philippa Crowder, Jackie McArdle, Paul McGeary and Damian White. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Philippa Crowder, Jackie McArdle, Paul McGeary and Damian White. |
DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS Members are invited to disclose any interest in any of the items on the agenda at this point of the meeting.
Members may still disclose any interest in an item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter.
Decision: All Members mentioned in motions etc on the agenda with regards to a position that attracts a Special Responsibility Allowance disclosed a personal interest. Minutes: The following interests were disclosed:
Agenda item 9. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Bryan Vincent, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
Agenda item 9. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor David Taylor, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
Agenda item 9. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Gerry O'Sullivan, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
Agenda item 9. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Jason Frost, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
Agenda item 9. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Julie Wilkes, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
Agenda item 9. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Laurance Garrard, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
Agenda item 9. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Mandy Anderson, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
Agenda item 9. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Natasha Summers, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
Agenda item 9. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Patricia Brown, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
Agenda item 9. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Ray Morgon, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
Agenda item 9. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Stephanie Nunn, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE OUTGOING MAYOR, BY THE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL OR BY THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE Minutes: The Mayor thanked supporters of his charities – PTSD 999 and the Mardyke Community Centre. The Mayor also thanked Members for their good behaviour during meetings. |
(a) To elect the Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2023/24
(b) To receive notice of the appointment of Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2023/24.
Motion on behalf of the Havering Residents Association Group
That Councillor Stephanie Nunn be elected to the office of Mayor for the municipal year 2023/24.
Decision: Councillor Stephanie Nunn ELECTED as Mayor for the municipal year 2023/24, without division.
Appointment of Councillor Pat Brown as Deputy Mayor noted. Minutes: Motion on behalf of the Havering Residents Association Group
That Councillor Stephanie Nunn be elected to the office of Mayor for the municipal year 2023/24.
The motion on behalf of the Havering Residents Association Group was AGREED without division and Councillor Stephanie Nunn was therefore ELECTED as Mayor for the municipal year 2023/24.
Councillor Stephanie Nunn, having made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Mayor as required by the Local Government Act 1972, then took the Chair and thanked the Council for the honour bestowed upon them.
Councillor Nunn expressed the thanks of the Council to the outgoing Mayor – Councillor Trevor McKeever for his services during 2022/23. Councillor McKeever suitably replied.
The Mayor indicated that the Mayoral Consort for the year would be Councillor Barry Mugglestone.
DEPUTY MAYOR Minutes: In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972, the Mayor signified in writing her appointment of Councillor Pat Brown as Deputy Mayor for the coming year and to carry out the duties of the Mayor in case of the Mayor’s illness or absence.
Councillor Brown made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office accordingly. The Mayor indicated the Deputy Mayor’s consort for the year would be Jeff Stafford. |
To sign as a true record the minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 22 March 2023 (attached).
Decision: Minutes of the meeting of Council held on 22 March AGREED as a correct record, without division. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 22 March 2023 were before the Council for approval. The minutes were AGREED as a correct record, without division.
That the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 22 March 2023 be agreed as a correct record. |
ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE INCOMING MAYOR Minutes: The Mayor congratulated Councillors Robert Benham and Joshua Chapman who had both recently had children born.
The Mayor announced that her Chaplain for the year would be Reverend Amanda Keighley of St Nicholas Church, Elm Park.
The Mayor’s principal charity would be First Step and the first fundraising event would be held on 30 June at the RAF Heritage Centre, Hornchurch. |
APPOINTING THE COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL AND THE SCHEME OF DELEGATION PDF 319 KB Note: The deadline for receipt of amendments is midnight, Monday 22 May 2023.
To consider a report of the Chief Executive on Appointing the Committees of the Council and the Scheme of Delegation (attached). Decision: Report AGREED without division. Minutes: A report of the Chief Executive gave details of the appointment of the Committees of the Council and advised on political balance issues and the scheme of delegation.
The report was AGREED without division and it was RESOLVED:
(1) That, so far as necessary to enable any changes proposed and agreed during this meeting to be carried in to effect, Council Procedure Rule 20.2 (proposals to amend the Constitution to be referred to Governance Committee without discussion) be suspended. (2) That, subject to the Council’s consideration of any motion or amendment to this report relating to changes in the Committee structure, the Committees listed in Appendix 1 of the report be appointed for the 2023/24 Municipal Year and that: (a) As required by statute, two voting co-optees representing the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church and three parent governor co-optees selected in accordance with the appropriate Regulations, be appointed to the People Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee. (b) The other non-elected member “appointments” and invitations to attend shown in the Appendix (and particularly its annexes) be confirmed.
(3) Those Committees be appointed with: (a) the membership sizes and (b) the political balance indicated in Appendix 2 of the report.
(4) That the delegation of non-executive functions (as defined by the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 (amended) to officers be agreed as set out in the Council’s Constitution.
(5) To agree that all officers with delegated powers have power to further delegate those powers to other officers under s.101 of the Local Government Act 1972 or as provided for by any other legislation and may agree a scheme of delegation to officers for their service areas.
APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES PDF 253 KB To consider motions concerning appointing Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen (attached).
Additional documents: Decision: Members were appointed by Council to positions as follows:
Sub-Committee of the Governance Committee:
Minutes: Motion on behalf of the Havering Residents Association Group
Sub-Committee of the Governance Committee:
Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group
Sub-Committee of the Governance Committee:
Motion on behalf of the Labour Group
Sub-Committee of the Governance Committee:
The appointments were AGREED without division and it was therefore RESOLVED that the following appointments be made:
Sub-Committee of the Governance Committee:
APPOINTMENT OF THE MEMBER CHAMPIONS PDF 103 KB To consider motions regarding the appointment of the Member Champions (attached).
Additional documents:
Decision: Members were appointed by Council to positions as follows:
Minutes: Motion on behalf of the Havering Residents Association Group
That the following be appointed Champions as indicated:
For the Armed Forces – Barry Mugglestone
For Equality and Diversity –
For the Historic Environment –
For the Over 50’s –
For the Voluntary Sector Compact –
For Young People –
Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group
That the following be appointed Champions as indicated:
For the Armed Forces –
For Equality and Diversity –
For the Historic Environment –
For the Over 50’s –
For the Voluntary Sector Compact – David Taylor
For Young People –
Motion on behalf of the Labour Group
That the following be appointed Champions as indicated:
For the Armed Forces –
For Equality and Diversity – Katharine Tumilty
For the Historic Environment –
For the Over 50’s – Mandy Anderson
For the Voluntary Sector Compact –
For Young People – Frankie Walker
Amendment on behalf of the Havering Residents Association Group
(Amendment shown in bold text)
That the following be appointed Champions as indicated:
For the Armed Forces – Barry Mugglestone
For Equality and Diversity –
For the Historic Environment –
For the Over 50’s –
For the Voluntary Sector Compact – Jackie McArdle
For Young People –
The following positions were appointed without division:
A statement that the Conservative Group no longer wished to contest this position was noted by Council.
The following Member Champion was elected following a vote:
Member Champion for the Voluntary Sector Compact
Councillor Jackie McArdle was elected as Member Champion for the Voluntary Sector Compact by 29 votes to 3 with 18 abstentions/non-votes.
That Members be appointed by Council to positions as follows:
APPOINTMENT TO OUTSIDE ORGANISATIONS AND OTHER BODIES PDF 194 KB To consider motions regarding appointments to the Local Government Assembly (attached).
Additional documents: Decision: The following Members were ELECTED as members of the Local Government Assembly, without division:
Councillor Ray Morgon Councillor Gillian Ford Councillor Keith Darvill Councillor Michael White Minutes: A report of the Governance Committee asked Council to confirm Member representatives and voting arrangements for the Local Government Assembly.
Motion on behalf of the Havering Residents Association Group
That the following Members be nominated for the Local Government Association:
Councillor Ray Morgon
Councillor Keith Darvill
Councillor Gillian Ford
Councillor Michael White
The report and motion were was AGREED without division and it was RESOLVED:
1. That the following Members be ELECTED as members of the Local Government Assembly:
Councillor Ray Morgon Councillor Gillian Ford Councillor Keith Darvill Councillor Michael White
2. That the existing arrangements of all 5 votes in the General Assembly being cast by the Leader should continue. |
STATEMENT BY THE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL To receive a statement by the Leader of the Council. Minutes: A statement by the Leader of the Council detailed the challenging environment facing Havering. Issues such as post-covid recovery and the borough’s changing demographics were positive but these were being affected by challenges such as a lack of support from Central Government, rising inflation and the cost of living crisis. More positive news had been the Council’s continuing investment in Section 92 police officers, CCTV and street lighting.
The Leader thanked a number of local groups as well as the wider community for their support to residents affected by the Wennington fires.
Priorities for the coming year included the Council moving to its new Target Operating model and efforts to secure approval for the new station at Beam Park. Work relating to the Lower Thames crossing and the new data centre would continue and the Leader shared concerns expressed about the expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone.
The Leader also congratulated Councillor Prince on his recent election as Leader of the Conservative Group.