Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall
Contact: Anthony Clements tel: 01708 433065 Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies have been received from Councillor David Godwin,
To receive any other apologies for absence.
Decision: Apologies were received from Councillors John Crowder, Philippa Crowder, Brian Eagling, David Godwin and Damian White. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors John Crowder, Philippa Crowder, Brian Eagling, David Godwin and Damian White. |
To sign as a true record the minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 13 July 2022 (attached).
Decision: Agreed as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2022 were before the Council.
The minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2022 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor. |
DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS Members are invited to disclose any interest in any of the items on the agenda at this point of the meeting.
Members may still disclose any interest in an item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter.
Decision: None. Minutes: There were no disclosures of interest. |
ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE MAYOR, BY THE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL OR BY THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE To receive announcements (if any). Minutes: Tributes were paid to former Councillor Eamonn Mahon who had sadly passed away recently.
The Mayor gave details of his forthcoming Civic Service and his charity function at Queen’s Theatre. Details were also given of the forthcoming 775th anniversary events in Romford Market.
The Leader of the Council thanked the emergency services, Council staff and the Havering Voluntary Centre for their response to the recent Wennington fires.
PETITIONS Notice of intention to present a petition has been received from Councillors Christine Vickery and Matthew Stanton.
Decision: Received from Councillor Vickery re a request for resurfacing in Amery Gardens and from Councillor Stanton re the introduction of road safety measures in Christchurch Avenue. Minutes: Petitions were received from Councillor Vickery re a request for resurfacing in Amery Gardens and from Councillor Stanton re the introduction of road safety measures in Christchurch Avenue. |
ANNUAL TREASURY MANAGEMENT REPORT 2021/22 PDF 680 KB NOTE: The deadline for amendments to reports published with the final agenda is midnight, Monday 5 September 2022.
Report attached.
Decision: Report AGREED without division. Minutes: A report of Audit Committee summarised progress in delivering the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy Statement in 2021/22. The report was presented to Council as required under the Treasury Management code of the Chartered Institute for Public Finance and Accountancy.
The report was AGREED without division and it was RESOLVED:
That the Annual Treasury Management Report 2021/22 be noted. |
REVIEW OF THE COUNCIL'S CONSTITUTION PDF 98 KB Report of Governance Committee attached. Additional documents:
Decision: Report AGREED without division. Minutes: A report of the Governance Committee detailed a number of proposed changes to the Constitution. Some of these, as shown in appendix 2 of the report, required the approval of full Council.
The report was AGREED without division and it was RESOLVED:
That the proposed changes to the Constitution as shown in appendix to of the report be agreed. |
APPOINTMENTS TO OUTSIDE BODIES - STANDING ADVISORY COUNCIL ON RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PDF 98 KB Report attached. Additional documents: Decision: Councillors Ruck, Taylor and Tumilty appointed as Member representatives, without division. Minutes: Councillors Ruck, Taylor and Tumilty were appointed as Member representatives on the Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education, without division. |
Attached. Additional documents: Decision: 15 questions asked and responded to. Minutes: Fifteen questions were asked and responded to at the meeting. A summary, including of the supplementary questions and answers given is attached as appendix 1 to the minutes. |
Amendment by the East Havering Residents Group NOT CARRIED by 31 votes to 18 with 0 abstentions; amendment by the Havering Residents Association Group AGREED by 31 votes to 18 with 0 abstentions and AGREED as substantive motion by 31 votes to 18 with 0 abstentions.
Amendment by the Havering Residents Association Group AGREED by 31 votes to 18 with 0 abstentions and AGREED as substantive motion without division.
Amendment by the Havering Residents Association Group AGREED by 31 votes to 16 with 2 abstentions and AGREED as substantive motion, without division.
Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group This Council acknowledges the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and calls on the administration to commit to maintaining the 1 hr free parking period for on-street parking as introduced during the pandemic. Amendment on behalf of the East Havering Residents’ Group To remove the words ‘as introduced during the pandemic’ and add the words ‘and will ensure that the 20% discount and incentive for the RingGo App users is maintained’. For clarity, the amended motion would read as follows: This Council acknowledges the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and calls on the administration to commit to maintaining the 1 hr free parking period for on-street parking and will ensure that the 20% Discount and incentive for the RingGo App users is maintained.
Amendment on behalf of the Havering Residents Association Group
Council notes that this Administration acknowledges the impact of the current high rate of inflation and the impact that this is having on the budgets of residents, businesses and a variety of other organisations, including Local Authorities, and will be carrying out a comprehensive review of its parking facilities and charges in this new post pandemic environment and with next year’s budget in mind.
Following debate, the amendment by the East Havering Residents Group was NOT CARRIED by 31 votes to 18 with 0 abstentions (see division 1); the amendment by the Havering Residents Association Group was AGREED by 31 votes to 18 with 0 abstentions (see division 2) and AGREED as the substantive motion by 31 votes to 18 with 0 abstentions (see division 3).
Council notes that this Administration acknowledges the impact of the current high rate of inflation and the impact that this is having on the budgets of residents, businesses and a variety of other organisations, including Local Authorities, and will be carrying out a comprehensive review of its parking facilities and charges in this new post pandemic environment and with next year’s budget in mind.
CASHLESS SOCIETY Minutes: Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group Given the increasing rise of cashlessness, and the dangers of digital exclusion, Havering Council commits to protecting and promoting access to cash including ensuring cash payments are accepted for all council provided services. Amendment on behalf of the Havering Residents Association Group
Council notes that this Administration will ensure that during its modernisation of how this Council operates, it will ensure that any proposed change has a full Equalities Impact Assessment.
Following debate, the amendment by the Havering Residents Association Group was AGREED by 31 votes to 18 with 0 abstentions (see division 4) and AGREED as the substantive motion, without division.
Council notes that this Administration will ensure that during its modernisation of how this Council operates, it will ensure that any proposed change has a full Equalities Impact Assessment.
COUNCIL TAX SUPPORT Minutes: Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group
Following the receipt of £684,900 in government funding for the Energy Rebate Scheme, Havering Council will revisit the recent decision to cap support at £150 per home and to provide 24,056 homes with a £17 payment. Instead ensuring that Havering’s poorest homes receive a greater level of financial support. Council therefore calls on Cabinet agrees to review the rebate system going forward to ensure that the poorest and most vulnerable members of Havering are provided with the greatest level of financial assistance.
Amendment on behalf of the Havering Residents Association Group
Council notes that should the new Government provide a new Energy Rebate Discretionary Scheme, this Administration will continue to consider the most practical and cost efficient way of ensuring that payments are made in the most fair and equitable way possible.
The amendment by the Havering Residents Association Group was AGREED by 31 votes to 16 with 2 abstentions (see division 5) and AGREED as the substantive motion, without division.
Council notes that should the new Government provide a new Energy Rebate Discretionary Scheme, this Administration will continue to consider the most practical and cost efficient way of ensuring that payments are made in the most fair and equitable way possible.
Minutes: The record of voting decisions is attached as appendix 2 to these minutes. |