Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Havering Town Hall
Contact: Anthony Clements tel: 01708 433065 Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence (if any).
Decision: Received from Councillors Durant, Durdin, Lawal, Miller, Nunn, Sutton and Vickery. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Durant, Durdin, Lawal, Miller, Nunn, Sutton and Vickery. |
To sign as a true record the minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 2 March 2022 (attached).
Decision: Agreed as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of Council held on 2 March 2022 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor. |
DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS Members are invited to disclose any interest in any of the items on the agenda at this point of the meeting.
Members may still disclose any interest in an item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter.
Decision: Personal interests disclosed by Councillors Darvill and Wilikins as they live in the local area. Minutes: There were no disclosures of interests. |
ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE MAYOR, BY THE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL OR BY THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE To receive announcements (if any). Minutes: A presentation was made to three long-standing Members – Councillors Denis O’Flynn, Ron Ower and Roger Ramsey who not be standing at the forthcoming election. Tributes were paid from all sides of the Chamber.
The Mayor had recently attended events to mark the Bangladesh National Day and also celebrations held by the Havering Community. The Mayor also congratulated Councillor Jason Frost on his recently obtaining a PHD in history.
The Leader of the Council had recently attended, with the Mayor, the opening of a Covid memorial in Hornchurch Country Park. The Leader also reaffirmed the Council’s support to the people of Ukraine. The Leader also updated on a number of areas including support available to residents for the cost of living increase, the recent Havering Small Business Awards and lobbying to secure a new station at Beam Park. |
PETITIONS Notice of intention to present a petition has been received from Councillors Viddy Persaud, John Tyler, Keith Darvill, Paul McGeary and Graham Williamson.
To receive any other petition presented pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 23. Decision: Received from Councillor Persaud re the introduction of alternative traffic calming measures in Rush Green Road, from CouncillorTyler re traffic issues in Mawney Road and planning breaches in the Mawney Road area, from Councillor Darvill re a speed limit introduction in Masefield Crescent and village green status for the Dovers Farm Estate, from Councillor McGeary re the condition of roads and pavements in Harold Hill and from Councillor Williamson re the Community Infrastructure Levy. Minutes: Petitions were received from Councillor Persaud re the introduction of alternative traffic calming measures in Rush Green Road, from CouncillorTyler re traffic issues in Mawney Road and planning breaches in the Mawney Road area, from Councillor Darvill re a speed limit introduction in Masefield Crescent and village green status for the Dovers Farm Estate, from Councillor McGeary re the condition of roads and pavements in Harold Hill and from Councillor Williamson re the Community Infrastructure Levy. |
PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2022/23 PDF 128 KB NOTE: The deadline for amendments to reports published with the final agenda is midnight, Monday, 21 March 2022.
Report attached. Additional documents:
Decision: Report AGREED without division. Minutes: A report of the Chief Executive presented the Council’s Pay Policy 2022/23. This was required by law to be approved by a meeting of full Council.
The report was AGREED without division and it was RESOLVED:
That the Pay Policy Statement 2022/23 is approved. |
MEETINGS SCHEDULE 2022/2023 PDF 125 KB Report attached. Decision: Report AGREED without division. Minutes: A report of the Chief Executive presented a schedule of meetings of Council for 2022/23.
The report was AGREED without division and it was RESOLVED:
1. That the dates of meetings for municipal year 2022/23 be fixed and, on a provisional basis, for the balance of 2023. 2. That changes to the date of meetings of Council be determined by the Mayor, following consultation with Group Leaders. |
EXEMPTIONS TO THE CALL-IN PROCESS PDF 236 KB Report attached. Decision: Report AGREED without division. Minutes: A report of the Chief Executive presented a summary of key decisions to which an exemption from call-in had been granted. This was in accordance with paragraph 18e of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules.
The report was AGREED without division and it was RESOLVED:
That the report be noted. |
Attached. Additional documents: Decision: 15 questions asked and responded to. Minutes: Fifteen questions were asked and responded to at the meeting. A summary, including of the supplementary questions asked and answers given, is attached as appendix 1 to these minutes. |
Amendment by the Conservative Group AGREED by 24 votes to 12 with 10 abstentions and AGREED as substantive motion without division.
Amendment by the Conservative Group AGREED by 30 votes to 15 with 0 abstentions and AGREED as substantive motion without division.
Amendment by Conservative Group AGREED by 22 votes to 14 with 9 abstentions and AGREED as substantive motion without division.
Amendment by Conservative Group AGREED by 24 votes to 16 with 5 abstentions and AGREED as substantive motion without division.
Minutes: Motion on behalf of the Residents’ Group
In light of the growing level of concern about crimes taking place in our local neighbourhoods, this Council calls upon this Administration to ensure that the regular abstraction of Safer Neighbourhood Team Officers, contrary to the Tri-Borough policing agreement agreed by the previous Administration, stops and that they ensure that the promised new CCTV network is delivered without delay.
Amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group
This Council welcomes the steps taken by the administration in supporting the police across Havering, which include the funding of the section 92 Police Officers team, and funding of a new CCTV network; it also calls upon the mayor of London to adequately resource the police within Havering.
Following debate, the amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group was AGREED by 24 votes to 12 with 11 abstentions (see division 1) and AGREED as the substantive motion, without division.
This Council welcomes the steps taken by the administration in supporting the police across Havering, which include the funding of the section 92 Police Officers team, and funding of a new CCTV network; it also calls upon the mayor of London to adequately resource the police within Havering.
REPAIR OF HIGHWAYS AND FOOTPATHS Minutes: Motion on behalf of the Labour Group
This Council recognises the poor (and in many cases dangerous) condition of many of the Boroughs highways and footpaths and calls upon the Executive to review the process of assessment of such poor conditions with the aim of ensuring prompt repairs in order to reduce personal injuries and damage to vehicles.
Amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group
This Council welcomes the steps taken by the administration in bringing forward over £45 million investment in the borough’s roads and pavements over the last four years; and calls for a review of the long term funding requirements of the network to be prepared.
Following debate, the amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group was AGREED by 30 votes to 15 with 2 abstentions (see division 2) and AGREED as the substantive motion without division.
This Council welcomes the steps taken by the administration in bringing forward over £45 million investment in the borough’s roads and pavements over the last four years; and calls for a review of the long term funding requirements of the network to be prepared.
TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES IN UPMINSTER Minutes: Motion on behalf of the Upminster and Cranham Residents Associations Group
In 2019 the three Upminster Councillors met with Council Officers on several occasions, regarding the use of further traffic calming measures in several roads in the area as well as parking restrictions. This was linked to the introduction of the School Streets' Scheme. We also asked, on a number of occasions, that proposals should be put before the Highways' Advisory Committee. Following a lack of progression, we put forward a motion, that this matter be discussed at Full Council in March 2021. A report was presented to the June 2021 Highways' Advisory Committee Meeting but following this Meeting there was no progression. With the above in mind, this Council calls on the Lead Member to arrange for a report to be presented to Highways Advisory Committee on possible further traffic calming measures in the following roads; Gaynes Park Road, Park Drive, Argyle Gardens, Howard Road and St.Mary's Lane, including the introduction of parking restrictions to reduce congestion in adjoining roads to the Branfil School Streets' Scheme.
Amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group
This Council welcomes the Highways Advisory Committee as an essential public forum for discussion of highway related schemes in fulfilling our democracy engagement with residents; Council requests that a report is prepared and submitted to the next available HAC on possible traffic measures in Gaynes Park Road, Park Drive, Argyle Gardens, Howard Road and St. Mary's Lane, including the introduction of parking restrictions to reduce congestion in adjoining roads to the Branfil School Streets' Scheme.
The amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group was AGREED by 24 votes to 16 with 7 abstentions and AGREED as the substantive motion, without division.
This Council welcomes the Highways Advisory Committee as an essential public forum for discussion of highway related schemes in fulfilling our democracy engagement with residents; Council requests that a report is prepared and submitted to the next available HAC on possible traffic measures in Gaynes Park Road, Park Drive, Argyle Gardens, Howard Road and St. Mary's Lane, including the introduction of parking restrictions to reduce congestion in adjoining roads to the Branfil School Streets' Scheme.
RECYCLING TARGETS Minutes: Motion on behalf of the Upminster and Cranham Residents Associations Group
With reference to the 'Formal Adoption of East London Joint Resources and Waste Strategy' recently agreed by Cabinet, and the 45% minimum performance and 50% aspiration by 2030 for household recycling in Havering, Council calls on the new Administration following the May 2022 elections to conduct a review of these unambitious targets, to establish whether more can be done to increase recycling above these levels and help protect our environment.
Amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group
This Council notes that Havering has the highest level of recycling across the East London Waste Authority area, and welcomes the East London Joint Resources and Waste Strategy as a joint strategy to improve recycling rates across the borough; it also calls upon for the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee to review the strategy and bring forward recommendations to Cabinet.
The amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group was AGREED by 22 votes to 14 with 11 abstentions (see division 3) and AGREED as the substantive motion, without division.
This Council notes that Havering has the highest level of recycling across the East London Waste Authority area, and welcomes the East London Joint Resources and Waste Strategy as a joint strategy to improve recycling rates across the borough; it also calls upon for the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee to review the strategy and bring forward recommendations to Cabinet.
Minutes: The record of voting decisions is attached as appendix 2 to these minutes. |