Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Havering Town Hall
Contact: Anthony Clements tel: 01708 433065 Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence (if any).
Decision: Received from Councillors David Durant, Sally Miller and Matt Sutton. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors David Durant, Sally Miller and Matt Sutton. |
To sign as a true record the minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 27 April 2021 (attached).
Decision: Clarification of voting noted for Councillor Matt Sutton (vote 2) and Carol Smith (vote 6). Minutes otherwise agreed as a correct record. Minutes: A clarification of voting was noted for Councillor Matt Sutton (vote 2) and Carol Smith (vote 6) that both Members had voted with the Administration on these occasions. The minutes were otherwise agreed as a correct record, without division. |
DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS Members are invited to disclose any interest in any of the items on the agenda at this point of the meeting.
Members may still disclose any interest in an item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter.
Decision: Personal interest declared in agenda item 12D by Councillors Michael Deon Burton and Damian White as Councillors’ properties were impacted by cladding. Minutes: 12. MOTIONS FOR DEBATE (MOTION 12D) Councillor Damian White, Personal, Councillor's property has been impacted by cladding.
12. MOTIONS FOR DEBATE (MOTION 12D) Councillor Michael Deon Burton, Personal, Councillor's property has been impacted by cladding.
ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE MAYOR, BY THE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL OR BY THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE To receive announcements (if any). Minutes: A minute’s silence was held in memory of former Councillor Del Smith. Tributes were paid to Councillor Smith by a number of Members.
Congratulations were paid to local residents who had recently celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary.
The Leader of the Council updated on the successful vaccine rollout in Havering and on the Council’s commitment to be net carbon zero by 2040. 60,000 free swimming sessions had been offered to local school children and in excess of £30m funding had recently been awarded to improve Council housing. Work was ongoing on the Council’s financial strategy and in-year budget measures were being developed in order to mitigate any potential overspend. |
PETITIONS Notice of intention to present a petition has been received from Councillors Judith Holt and Keith Darvill.
To receive any other petition presented pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 23. Decision: Received from Councillor Holt re traffic calming measures in Hornchurch and from Councillor Darvill re flooding in Torrington Road, Harold Hill. Minutes: Petitions were received from Councillor Holt re traffic calming measures in Hornchurch and from Councillor Darvill re flooding in Torrington Road, Harold Hill. |
ADOPTION OF THE STATEMENT OF LICENSING POLICY 2021-2026 Note: The deadline for receipt of amendments to reports published with the final agenda is midnight, Friday 27 August.
To consider a report of Cabinet on Adoption of the Statement of Licensing Policy 2021 – 2026 (attached). Additional documents:
Decision: Report agreed without division. Minutes: A report of Cabinet (attached) proposing the adoption of a new Statement of Licensing Policy 2021-2026 as required under Section 5 of the Licensing Act 2003. This followed a 12 week consultation on the policy that ran between August and November 2020.
The report was AGREED without division and it was RESOLVED:
That the Council adopt the Statement of Licensing Policy 2021-2026 as shown in the report to Council.
CONSIDERATION OF A REPORT OF A TOPIC GROUP - COVID-19 PANDEMIC COMMAND RESPONSE To consider a report of Cabinet on the Covid-19 Pandemic Command Response Topic Group (attached). Additional documents:
Decision: Report agreed without division. Minutes: A report of the Covid-19 Pandemic Command Response Topic Group had been referred by Cabinet to Council for endorsement. The topic group report made a number of recommendations in areas such as Member training and the introduction of regular All Member Briefings in the case of future emergency events.
The report was AGREED without division and it was RESOLVED:
That Council endorses the adoption by Cabinet of the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Board – Pandemic Command Response Topic Group.
POLLING DISTRICT AND POLLING PLACES REVIEW To consider a report of the Governance Committee on the Polling District and Polling Places Review (attached, subject to approval by Governance Committee). Additional documents:
Decision: Report agreed without division. Minutes: A report of Governance Committee gave proposals arising from a review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations carried out following a review of Ward boundaries in Havering undertaken by the Local Government Boundary Commission.
The report was AGREED without division and it was RESOLVED:
· That Council endorse the changes to the polling places and polling districts as set out in Appendix 5 and 6 of the report. This is subject to any further Polling Station amendments to be made by the Chief Executive following the issues and concerns raised at Governance Committee by Councillor Goode. · Noted that the Parliamentary Boundary Review consultation is currently taking place based on Havering’s existing wards.
For information a summary of the issues raised by Councillor Goode is shown below:
Further to our discussions at Wednesday’s Governance Committee meeting. May I please refer you to my raised questions that related to the suggested Polling Station review that has been allocated to the residents of Harold Wood who actually live on the North side of the A12.
As pointed out these residents will be expected to cross the very busy dual carriageway on the A12 to be able to attend the Polling Station that has been allocated for them. As pointed out and for the reasons that I explained this location is unacceptable, and feel that these residents are not being considered fairly. These residents should be allowed to attend the Polling Station at the Mead Primary School, which is the Polling Station, not only closer to their residence, but safer to travel to and one that they have been used to attending in previous elections.
This matter has already been highlighted by my fellow Ward Councillors and their comments are detailed and included in the report. However, it was agreed at the Governance Committee meeting that this matter would be re-considered for further amendment to be made to the report.
The suggestion is that for our residents that are impacted by the Boundary changes, will still be able to attend the polling station at the Mead Primary School G53-HU instead of the Methodist Church, in Gubbins Lane HW1-HU This facility would mean that the Mead Primary School would have to accommodate residents from both the Gooshays Ward and the residents that are impacted from the Harold Wood Ward.
As requested please see below the following roads that are impacted : Alverstoke, Barnsley, Camborne Avenue, Camborne Terrace, Camborne Way, Gooshays Drive (Front Part), Harris Close, Holt, Melksham Close, Melksham Drive, Melksham Gardens, Melksham Green, Pearcy Close, St Ives Close, St Neots, Wednesbury, Wednesbury Gardens and Wednesbury Green.
It was agreed by the Governance Committee that these matters would be looked at again by the Chief Executive, and would be subject to possible further amendments by the Chief Executive.
Decision: Procedural motion that all annual reports be noted only NOT AGREED by 26 votes to 22.
All annual reports accepted without division. Minutes: A procedural motion that all annual reports be noted only was NOT AGREED by 27 votes to 23 with 1 abstention (see division 1).
All annual reports were accepted without division. |
Additional documents: Decision: Fifteen questions submitted and answered at the meeting. Minutes: Fifteen questions were submitted and answered at the meeting. Answers to all questions as well as summaries of supplementary questions asked and answers given are shown at appendix 1 to these minutes. |
Amendment by Conservative Group CARRIED by 25 votes to 23 with 1 abstention and AGREED as substantive motion by 26 votes to 23 with 2 abstentions.
Amendment by Conservative Group CARRIED by 28 votes to 21 with 2 abstentions and AGREED as substantive motion by 28 votes to 23 with 0 abstentions.
Amendment by Conservative Group CARRIED by 28 votes to 18 with 5 abstentions and AGREED as substantive motion without division.
Amendment by Conservative Group CARRIED by 26 votes to 24 with 1 abstention and AGREED as substantive motion by 27 votes to 23 with 1 abstention.
Amendment by Conservative Group CARRIED by 37 votes to 7 with 7 abstentions and AGREED as substantive motion without division.
Amendment by Conservative Group CARRIED by 26 votes to 25 with 0 abstentions and AGREED as substantive motion by 26 votes to 24 with 1 abstention. Minutes: A factual clarification by the Upminster and Cranham Residents Associations’ Group regarding the date of the Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting to which a report should be brought, was AGREED without division.
Motion on behalf of the Upminster and Cranham Residents Associations’ Group
In several council departments there are currently significant staffing shortages, apparently primarily caused by high numbers of employees leaving the council. These shortages have in turn led to high volumes of work for the remaining staff in departments such as Highways, where there is a stated wait (as of May 2021) of around nine weeks to repair major potholes, and Planning Enforcement, where there is a backlog of over 750 open enforcement cases. This Council calls upon the Administration to prepare a report for the November Overview and Scrutiny Board identifying the reasons why so many staff have left and the measures it intends to take to remedy these shortages. Amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group
1. Amend the first sentence as follows: “While staff turnover at Havering is below the London average, in several council departments there are currently temporary staffing shortages.” 2. Amend the third sentence as follows: “This Council calls upon the Head of Paid Service to provide members with a briefing on the staffing position in Highways and Planning Enforcement and the action plans in place for both services.” 3. Add the following text: In addition, this Council notes that Havering Council is committed to being an employer of choice – an organisation that attracts, develops and retains talented public servants who share our vision and passion for Havering. The council seeks to be an ever-more curious, collaborative, anti-discriminatory and tech-savvy organisation, which develops its workforce in new ways to meet and solve problems for the benefit of local residents. This ethos is written through the council’s new internal identity – Choose Havering. The council is investing in people and in new technology, making sure that everyone who works for Havering can access the training, tools and support they need to be successful in their career and deliver high-quality, efficient services to local residents. The council recognises colleagues who have chosen to leave the organisation by thanking them for their service in our internal communications. Line managers are asked to carry out exit interviews to learn from leavers’ experience and knowledge transfer is part of each leaver’s notice period.
For clarity, the amended motion would read as follows While staff turnover at Havering is below the London average, in several council departments there are currently temporary staffing shortages. These shortages have in turn led to high volumes of work for the remaining staff in departments such as Highways, where there is a stated wait (as of May 2021) of around nine weeks to repair major potholes, and Planning Enforcement, where there is a backlog of over 750 open enforcement cases. This Council calls upon the Head of Paid Service to provide Members with a briefing on the ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
FLYTIPPING Minutes: Motion on behalf of the Independent Residents’ Group
Council calls on the Executive to seek a full explanation from the Local Government Minister for the epidemic of fly tipping and proposed measures to tackle this costly blight on the environment.
Amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group
This Council welcomes the measures taken by the Administration to combat flyipping across Havering and calls for a report to be prepared for submission to Cabinet outlining further planned action.
The amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group was AGREED by 28 votes to 21 with 2 abstentions (see division 4) and AGREED as the substantive motion by 28 votes to 23 with 0 abstentions (see division 5).
This Council welcomes the measures taken by the Administration to combat flyipping across Havering and calls for a report to be prepared for submission to Cabinet outlining further planned action.
WINDOWLESS BATHROOMS Minutes: Motion on behalf of the Independent Residents’ Group Council calls on the Executive to arrange a Members’ briefing about Housing Department plans to progress windowless bathrooms in the Council/Wates joint partnership developments.
Amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group
This Council congratulates the Administration for its focus on design quality within the Council’s Joint Venture schemes and welcomes the measures taken to provide a new generation of Council homes to provide homes for local residents and contribute towards ending homelessness.
The amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group was AGREED by 28 votes to 18 with 5 abstentions (see division 6) and AGREED as the substantive motion without division.
This Council congratulates the Administration for its focus on design quality within the Council’s Joint Venture schemes and welcomes the measures taken to provide a new generation of Council homes to provide homes for local residents and contribute towards ending homelessness.
CLADDING SCANDAL IMPACT OF HIGH RISE FLATS Minutes: Motion on behalf of the Labour Group
This Council is concerned at the ongoing adverse impact on leaseholders and tenants arising from the cladding scandal following the Grenfell Tower disaster in June 2017 and calls upon the Government to lead an urgent national effort to fix the spiralling cladding and building safety crises.
Amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group
This Council welcomes the steps taken by the Government so far in supporting leaseholders who are dealing with ongoing building safety challenges and calls for an All Members’ Briefing to be held to outline the current position within Havering.
The amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group was AGREED by 26 votes to 24 with 1 abstention (see division 7) and AGREED as the substantive motion by 27 votes to 23 with 1 abstention (see division 8).
This Council welcomes the steps taken by the Government so far in supporting leaseholders who are dealing with ongoing building safety challenges and calls for an All Members’ Briefing to be held to outline the current position within Havering.
RSPCA CAMPAIGN OPPOSING PETS FOR PRIZES Minutes: Motion on behalf of the Labour Group
This Council:
- is concerned about the number of cases reported to the RSPCA each year, regarding pets given as prizes via fairgrounds, social media and other channels in England and notes the issue predominantly concerns goldfish. - is concerned for the welfare of those animals that are being given as prizes. - recognises that many cases of pets being as prizes may go unreported each year. - supports a move to ban the giving of live animals as prizes, in any form, on Havering Council land.
This Council agrees to:
- ban outright the giving of live animals as prizes, in any form, on Havering Council land - write to the UK Government, urging an outright ban on the giving of live animals as prizes on both public and private land.
Amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group
After ‘this Council agrees to’ replace the remaining wording with the ‘reconfirm its ban on giving live animals as prizes’.
For clarity, the second section of the motion would read:
This Council agrees to reconfirm its ban on giving live animals as prizes.
The amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group was AGREED by 37 votes to 7 with 7 abstentions (see division 9) and AGREED as the substantive motion without division.
This Council:
- is concerned about the number of cases reported to the RSPCA each year, regarding pets given as prizes via fairgrounds, social media and other channels in England and notes the issue predominantly concerns goldfish. - is concerned for the welfare of those animals that are being given as prizes.
- recognises that many cases of pets being as prizes may go unreported each year. - supports a move to ban the giving of live animals as prizes, in any form, on Havering Council land.
This Council agrees to:
agrees to reconfirm its ban on giving live animals as prizes.
HONORARY FREEDOM OF THE BOROUGH Minutes: Motion on behalf of the Residents’ Group and Councillor Wallace
Council agrees that awards of Honorary Freedom of the Borough should be made for Councillors with more than 25 years’ service.
Amendment on behalf of Conservative Group
This Council agrees that the Honorary Freedom of the Borough should be awarded to individuals that have provided 25 years of elected service to any part of Havering; in accordance with the agreed protocol on the award of Honorary Freedom of the Borough, this Council calls for a meeting of Group Leaders to bring forward recommendations of individuals who have provided such service to the next meeting of Annual Council.
The amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group was AGREED by 27 votes to 24 with 0 abstentions (see division 10) and AGREED as the substantive motion by 27 votes to 23 with 1 abstention (see division 11).
This Council agrees that the Honorary Freedom of the Borough should be awarded to individuals that have provided 25 years of elected service to any part of Havering; in accordance with the agreed protocol on the award of Honorary Freedom of the Borough, this Council calls for a meeting of Group Leaders to bring forward recommendations of individuals who have provided such service to the next meeting of Annual Council.
Minutes: The record of voting decisions is attached as appendix 2 to these minutes. |