Agenda, decisions and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall
Contact: Anthony Clements tel: 01708 433065 Email:
No. | Item |
DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS Members are invited to disclose any interest in any of the items on the agenda at this point of the meeting.
Members may still disclose any interest in an item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter.
Decision: None. Minutes: There were no disclosures of interest. |
ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE MAYOR, BY THE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL OR BY THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE To receive announcements (if any). Minutes: The Leader of the Council paid tribute to Mr Dennis Brewin, the Head of Catering at the Council who had sadly passed away recently. |
BOUNDARY COMMISSION REVIEW, PART 2 (WARDING PATTERNS) PDF 211 KB Note: The deadline for amendments is midnight, Monday 2 March 2020.
To consider a report of the Governance Committee on Boundary Commission Review, Part 2 (Warding Patterns) – attached. Additional documents:
Decision: Procedural motion on behalf of Upminster and Cranham Residents Associations’ Group that a revision to the Group’s amendment be accepted for debate CARRIED by 50 votes to 0.
Procedural motion on behalf of Independent Residents’ Group that the Group’s amendment be dealt with as two separate amendments NOT CARRIED by 33 votes to 17.
Amendment on behalf of Independent Residents’ Group NOT CARRIED by 28 votes to 11.
Amendment on behalf of Upminster and Cranham Residents Associations’ Group NOT CARRIED by 28 votes to 17.
Amendment on behalf of Labour Group NOT CARRIED by 31 votes to 13.
Deemed motion on behalf of Administration CARRIED by 36 votes to 14. Minutes: A report of the Governance Committee asked Council to agree its preferred option to be submitted to the review of Havering’s local government electoral arrangements that was currently being undertaken by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England. The Committee had considered a number of options and had recommended to Council Option 4A as shown attached to these minutes.
Councillor Ramsey raised a point of clarification on the minutes of the meeting of the Governance Committee held on 20 February 2020 which were included within the papers for the Council meeting. It was noted that he did not say that Heaton and Pettits wards were far apart politically; he had in fact said that the wards concerned were far apart geographically.
Deemed motion on behalf of the Administration
That the report be adopted and its recommendations carried into effect.
Amendment on behalf of the Independent Residents’ Group
This Council agrees with Option 4A but rejects the proposal to divide the existing Rainham and Wennington ward into two, to create a one member ward north of New Road (A1306) and a two member ward south of New Road (replaced with a 3 Member ward known as ‘Rainham & Wennington) because it appears the proposal is made for partisan political advantage contrary to Boundary Commission criteria, and because:-
• There is no special reason for a one member ward in this area, as its clearly part of Rainham and the ward has existed since the LB Havering was formed in 1964 and all residents consider themselves as living in Rainham, with the River Ingrebourne acting as a natural border. • The social and cultural connections between both sides of New Road are strong. For example, all residents consider Rainham Village Conservation Area and buildings a part of their heritage and attend Christmas and May Fayre’s organised by council supported Rainham Association for Village Events. • The dissecting New Road is easily crossed, meaning it’s a porous soft border rather than a hard border. • The main connecting road is Upminster Road North and South which is a busy bus and pedestrian route through a traffic light crossing. • Residents north of New Road use Tesco Extra in Rainham Village and the High Street in the south side for most of their local convenience shopping as there is only a few small shops on the north side. • There are three primary schools and a secondary school attended by children throughout the ward. • The north side contains about 45% of the population, so well above the 33% for an equal division of the ward. Therefore to equalise numbers Option 4A proposes dividing the north side between residents East and West of Upminster Road North, but this undermines the logic behind creating a separate ward north of New Road. How can the northern side be deemed a distinct area and then divided in an arbitrary way, with part of it remaining part of the south side? • One member wards should be the exception ... view the full minutes text for item 64. |
Decision: Report AGREED without division. Minutes: The Mayor had used his legal powers as Chairman of the meeting to accept two late reports onto the agenda as urgent items (agenda items 6 and 7). The Mayor advised the meeting that the reason for this decision was that he had been guided by reasons of prudence and diligence in order to speedily facilitate the Council business, which was the right way to go.
A report by the Chief Executive sought to address a recent change in the make-up of the Council and the effect on allocation of committee seats caused by caused by Councillor Perry ceasing to be a member of the Conservative Group and becoming an independent member of the Council.
The report was AGREED without division and it was RESOLVED:
That Council the seat allocation for political balance as set out in appendix 3 to these minutes be agreed.
Decision: Councillor Sally Miller ELECTED as Chairman of Crime and Disorder Sub-Committee by 28 votes to 17 for Councillor John Tyler and 5 for Councillor Tele Lawal.
Councillor Sally Miller ELECTED as Vice-Chairman of the Licensing Committee by 28 votes to 15 for Councillor Paul Middleton and 7 for Councillor Linda Van den Hende. Minutes: A report of the Chief Executive of the Chief Executive requested that, following the resignation of Councillor Perry, nominations be received for the vacant positions of Chairman of the Crime and Disorder Sub-Committee and Vice-Chairman of the Licensing Committee.
The following nominations were received for the position of Chairman of the Crime and Disorder Sub-Committee:
On behalf of the Conservative Group – Councillor Sally Miller On behalf of the Upminster and Cranham Residents Associations’ Group – Councillor John Tyler On behalf of the Labour Group – Councillor Tele Lawal
Councillor Sally Miller was ELECTED as Chairman of Crime and Disorder Sub-Committee by 28 votes to 17 for Councillor John Tyler and 5 for Councillor Tele Lawal (see division 7).
The following nominations were received for the position of Vice-Chair of Licensing Committee:
On behalf of the Conservative Group – Councillor Sally Miller On behalf of the Residents Group – Councillor Paul Middleton On behalf of the Upminster and Cranham Residents Associations’ Group – Councillor Linda Van den Hende
Councillor Sally Miller was ELECTED as Vice-Chairman of the Licensing Committee by 28 votes to 15 for Councillor Paul Middleton and 7 for Councillor Linda Van den Hende (see division 8). |
Minutes: The record of voting decisions is attached as appendix 4 to these minutes. |