Agenda and minutes
Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Anthony Clements tel: 01708 433065 Email:
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence (if any).
Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. Councillor Tony Durdin was absent from the meeting. |
DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS Members are invited to disclose any interest in any of the items on the agenda at this point of the meeting.
Members may still disclose any interest in an item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter.
Minutes: 10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Brian Eagling, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Carol Smith, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Christine Smith, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Christine Vickery, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Ciaran White, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Darren Wise, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Dilip Patel, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor John Crowder, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor John Mylod, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibilty Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Judith Holt, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Maggie Themistocli, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Martin Goode, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Matt Sutton, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Michael Deon Burton, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Michael White, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Nisha Patel, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Philippa Crowder, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Ray Best, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Robby Misir, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Sally Miller BCAc, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
10. APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Timothy Ryan, Personal, Nominated for a position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance.
PROTOCOL ON THE OPERATION OF THE ANNUAL COUNCIL MEETING DURING THE COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS Attached. Minutes: The protocol on the operation of the Annual Council meeting during the Covid-19 restrictions was noted by Council. |
ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE OUTGOING MAYOR, BY THE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL OR BY THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE To receive announcements (if any). Minutes: A minute’s silence was held in in memory of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. Tributes were read out from the local Members of Parliament and also paid from all sides of the Chamber.
The outgoing Mayor wished good luck to Hornchurch Football Club who would shortly be playing in the final of the FA Trophy at Wembley Stadium. |
MAYORALTY 2021/22 (a) To elect the Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2021/22.
(b) To receive notice of the appointment of the Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the municipal year 2021/22.
Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group
That Councillor John Mylod be elected to the office of Mayor for the municipal year 2021/22. Minutes:
Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group
That Councillor John Mylod be elected to the office of Mayor for the municipal year 2021 - 2022.
The motion on behalf of the Conservative Group was AGREED by 36 votes to 0 with 17 abstentions (see division 1).
That Councillor John Mylod be elected to the office of Mayor for the municipal year 2021 - 2022.
The Mayor indicated that the Mayoress for the year would be former Councillor Pat Mylod.
DEPUTY MAYOR Minutes: In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972, the Mayor signified his appointment of Councillor Christine Vickery as Deputy Mayor for the coming year and to carry out the duties of the Mayor in case of the Mayor’s illness or absence.
Councillor Vickery made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office accordingly. The Mayor indicated that the Deputy Mayor’s consort for the year would be Mr Thomas Vickery. |
To agree as a true record the minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 24 March 2021 (attached).
Minutes: The minutes of the Council meeting held on 24 March 2021 were before the Council for approval. Follow up information requested to two Council questions raised would be supplied to Members outside of the meeting.
The minutes were agreed as a correct record and it was RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 24 March 2021 be agreed as a correct record. |
ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE INCOMING MAYOR Minutes: The incoming Mayor thanked Council for giving him the opportunity to serve again as Mayor for the municipal year and undertook to serve the people of Havering to the best of his ability.
The Mayor announced that Father Dominic Howarth, Parish Priest, St Edwards’s Catholic Church, Romford would serve as his Official Chaplain for the forthcoming municipal year. |
APPOINTING THE COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL AND THE SCHEME OF DELEGATION To consider a report of the Chief Executive regarding appointing the Committees of the Council and the Scheme of Delegation (attached). Minutes: A report of the Chief Executive asked Council to agree the Council’s Committee Structure as well as agree the section of the Scheme of Delegation which was within the remit of full Council.
A procedural motion to suspend Council Procedure Rule 10.13 (a) was NOT AGREED by 36 votes to 9 with 8 abstentions (see division 2)
The report was AGREED by 31 voted to 2 with 19 abstentions (see division 3) and it was RESOLVED:
(1) That, so far as necessary to enable any changes proposed and agreed during this meeting to be carried in to effect, Council Procedure Rule 20.2 (proposals to amend the Constitution to be referred to Governance Committee without discussion) be suspended. (2) That, subject to the Council’s consideration of any motion or amendment to this report relating to changes in the Committee structure, the Committees listed in Appendix 1be appointed for the 2021/22 Municipal Year and that: (a) As required by statute, two voting co-optees representing the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church and three parent governor co-optees selected in accordance with the appropriate Regulations, be appointed to the Children & Learning Services Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee. (b) The other non-elected member “appointments” and invitations to attend shown in the Appendix (and particularly its annexes) be confirmed.
(3) Those Committees be appointed with: (a) the membership sizes and (b) the political balance indicated in Appendix 2 of the report.
(4) That the delegation of non-executive functions (as defined by the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 (amended) to officers be agreed as set out in the Council’s Constitution.
(5) To agree that all officers with delegated powers have power to further delegate those powers to other officers under s.101 of the Local Government Act 1972 or as provided for by any other legislation and may agree a scheme of delegation to officers for their service areas.
APPOINTING THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES To consider motions regarding appointing the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Committees (attached).
Additional documents: Minutes: A procedural motion that uncontested nominations at agenda items 10 and 11 be dealt with via single block votes was AGREED by 32 votes to 4 with 17 abstentions (see division 4).
Members were appointed by Council to as follows:
Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group
Sub-Committee of the Governance Committee:
Motion on behalf of the North Havering Residents’ Association Group
Sub-Committee of the Governance Committee:
Motion on behalf of the Labour Group
Sub-Committee of the Governance Committee:
The following appointments were AGREED by 31 votes to 2 with 20 abstentions (see division 5).
APPOINTMENT OF THE MEMBER CHAMPIONS To consider motions regarding the appointment of the Member Champions (attached).
Additional documents: Minutes: Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group
That the following be appointed Champions as indicated:
For the Armed Forces –
For Equality and Diversity – Robby Misir
For the Historic Environment – Judith Holt
For the Over 50’s – Christine Smith
For the Voluntary Sector Compact – Christine Vickery
For Young People – Ciaran White
Motion on behalf of the Labour Group
That the following be appointed Champions as indicated:
For the Armed Forces – Denis O’Flynn
For Equality and Diversity –
For the Historic Environment –
For the Over 50’s –
For the Voluntary Sector Compact –
For Young People –
The following appointments were AGREED by 32 votes to 1 with 20 abstentions (see division 8).
STATEMENT BY THE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL To receive a statement by the Leader of the Council. Minutes: The Leader of the Council stated that he was proud of the Council’s response to the pandemic. This had included initiatives such as the Winter Support Grant, Havering Helps Scheme and the Living in Havering e-mail bulletin.
Vaccine support had been led by the Council’s Directors of Public Health and Adult Services and Council staff had given a great deal of Covid-secure advice to businesses. Fifty Covid marshalls had also been recruited.
Councillor Dilip Patel would be appointed as Assistant Cabinet Member for business recovery and the Council’s leisure centred were also reopening, with a new leisure centre scheduled to open in Rainham in 2022.
Free parking would continue to be available for ‘NHS heroes’ and moves to electrify the Council’s vehicle fleet would include the provision of electric vehicle charging points across the borough.
A memorial garden would be established to remember the 922 Havering residents who had lost their lives to Covid-19. |
Minutes: The record of voting decisions is attached as appendix 1 to these minutes. |