Issue - meetings

Town Centres and Parking

Meeting: 17/04/2013 - Cabinet (Item 59)

59 Keeping town centres vibrant by reducing on street parking charges and maintaining turnover of visitors pdf icon PDF 286 KB

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Cabinet AGREED:


1)     To harmonise the parking charge for 0-2 hours on street pay and display across the borough with the 2 hour off street parking charge in the Council’s outlying car parks and also where parking fees are payable in Parks across the borough, the charge for which shall be 20 pence. Outlying car parks being all those outside of the Romford area and listed at appendix 1 of the Cabinet report.


2)     To extend the current maximum stay on street pay and display to 3 hours and introducing a 50p charge for 2-3 hours parking  which is in harmony with the 2 - 3 hour charge made in outlying car parks and in those Parks where a parking charge is payable. Outlying car parks being all those outside of the Romford area and listed at appendix 1 of the Cabinet report.


3)     The amendment of all outlying on street Pay & Display parking tariffs as set out in the Parking Management Strategy agreed by Cabinet on the 16 May 2007 and the associated provisions agreed by the Regulatory Services Committee on the 13 December 2007.


4)     To the initial one off set up cost of equipment conversion and signage one ward at a time over a period of four (4) weeks.



Councillor Barry Tebbutt, Cabinet Member for Environment, introduced the report


The report before Cabinet set out an opportunity to harmonise the current zero to two hour ‘On Street’ Pay & Display car parking tariffs borough wide, with all outlying Car Parks tariffs at 20p.


The report also sought to extend the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 59