Issue - meetings
Outline Proposals to address Early Years, Primary, Secondary and SEND rising rolls – Update to Phase 5 expansion Programme
Meeting: 22/01/2025 - Cabinet (Item 39)
Additional documents:
- 9.1 EXEMPT Appendix A - Financial costings for Updated Phase 5 , View reasons restricted (39/2)
- 9.2 Appendix B - Cabinet Report EHIA-Dec 2024, item 39 PDF 957 KB
1 Agreed
1.1 An increase in Early Years and Childcare Places including
1.1.1 Approval of the spend of the £566,841 childcare capital expansion funding grant as set out at para 2.4 of the Report.
1.2 An increase in Primary Places including implementation of:
1.2.1 The establishment of one-off bulge classes as an interim measure to increase primary places between 2024/25 and 2027/28.
1.2.2 The permanent 1FE expansion of a primary school in the Romford planning area.
1.3 An increase in Secondary Places including implementation of:
1.3.1 One-off bulge classes as an interim measure to increase secondary places to meet demand
1.3.2 1 FE permanent expansion at one secondary school in the Central planning area in 2026/27
1.4 To increasing SEND Places
1.4.1 Primary SEND places
· Approved SEND Units to be implemented for primary children at the following schools:
School name |
Number of places |
SEND need type |
Due to open |
Harrow Lodge Primary School |
12 |
Communication and Interaction (C&I) |
2026/27 |
Harold Wood Primary School |
12 |
Communication and Interaction (C&I) |
2026/27 |
· To expand the existing SEND provision at RJ Mitchell Primary School from 21 to 40 places.
1.4.2 Secondary SEND places
Supported the implementation of temporary accommodation to provide SEND unit places at Royal Liberty School from January 2025 - 12 places for pupils (11-16 years) with Communication and Interaction needs.
Approved that the SEND Unit to be implemented for secondary pupils at the following school:
School name |
Number of places |
SEND need type |
Due to open |
The Brittons Academy |
20 |
Communication and Interaction (C&I) |
2026/27 |
1.4.3 Special Schools
Agreed the funding to be transferred to Lime Trust in order to increase the capacity at Lime Academy Forest Approach so that the school can increase their pupil numbers from 120 to 150.
END Capital Grant Programme
Agreed to establish a SEND capital grants programme allowing schools and settings to apply for part of the fund that could be used to make adaptations to their building in order to promote better outcomes for children and young people with SEND.
1.4.4 School Houses
Agreed that the net-capital receipts from the sale of the school houses at Scotts Primary School and Newtons Primary School be included in the capital programme to deliver the respective school improvement projects.
1.5 Increasing Alternative Provision (AP) Places
1.5.1 Agreed to implement a primary AP provision, to operate from the site of and to be run by Olive AP Academy Havering.
2 Delegated the power for Phase 5 of the Expansion Programme to the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People
· To take further decisions regarding the implementation of these projects and the approval of which schools/early years/childcare settings should be expanded including any amendments to the proposals above, such as a decision not to proceed or to expand a different school/early years/childcare setting, in the light of developing circumstances or the results of consultation (subject to the appropriate statutory processes).
· To approve the Executive decision to award the contract to construct and design the new special ... view the full decision text for item 39
Report: Outline Proposals to address Early Years, Primary, Secondary and SEND rising rolls – To implement Phase 5 expansion Programme
Presented by: Councillor Oscar Ford, Cabinet Member for Children & Young People
1. The report seeks Cabinet’s approval of the projects and associated capital funding to implement Phase 5 of ... view the full minutes text for item 39